Soon enough everyone gathered around their respective teachers. The children were then directed to follow their respective sensei inside, and while the Uchiha trio made sure they didn't step too far away from each other, they were the only ones here they were comfortable with being around. They both merged with their fellow classmates, and followed the chunin into the classroom.
The class walked into a big room with bench-like seating, the wall opposite of them made entirely of glass. Letting in natural light.
Some of the kids ooed, some girls commented on how pretty it looked. "Good morning class, my name is Ibuki-sensei. This will be our classroom," Ibuki said, taking the forms from the kids one-by-one. "over here is where your lunches will go." he said as he stepped over to the cubbyhole. He showed them where ninja tools and many other materials were, then led them out of the room.
He brought them outside, to a back portion of the Academy. This was where they would have class outside some days, there were posts, practice dummies, and targets put up. He broke down what exactly they would be practicing out here, like their taijutsu and throwing abilities.
"During this year, we will touch a little on chakra." Ibuki started, crossing his arms. "After that, we will be practicing the basics of taijutsu. As well as building your strength and knowledge."
"Basically, stuff that we know already?" Kaname whispered to Illumi and Fugaku, who nodded. From what he was hearing, the three of them wouldn't be learning anything new.
"I see that my class is big." he said, as his eyes swept over all of the children. "Things might sound like they're easy and simple right now, but from here on they will only get harder as the years go on. This is no game, being a ninja isn't 'fun'. I'm sure a lot of you thought so, but you're utterly wrong."
"The life of a shinobi is a demanding one, it isn't some huge party. You need to learn discipline and take your training as seriously as humanly possible, if not ... then you don't belong here. Believe me when I say that, when it comes high time for you all to graduate, the numbers in this class won't be even half this large."
There was silence, with the exception of a few murmurs. Ibuki smirked. "Now, while I'm on the subject of graduation, I suppose I should inform you. The graduation exam is given every two years, starting with the one that will be held at the end of this year. In case of any early graduates."
"Should you take it and fail," he shrugged. "well then there's always next time. It is, however, only optional. So I assume any of you would only take it with the full intention of passing." he explained. "Now, if you'll please follow me, I'll show you the rest of the Academy."
After the tour of the school was complete, The class had been very eager to get their training started. But, to they're disappointment, class wasn't actually starting today; but tomorrow. And before they could actually begin learning anything, all the other children had to unlock their chakra coils.
School that day was decent. Illumi saw the Hyuga Twins, Minato and the rest of Konoha's 12 parent's, even some civilians like Sakura's father and etc. But what shocked him the most was seeing Nawaki Senju. Tsunade's little brother, he was also in the same class and from what Illumi could sense, he started training prior before coming to the academy like most clan kids there.
—— —— —— —— ——
After a couple of weeks into the school year, and practicing all through class time, the civilian kids were now able to use their chakra. When Ibuki found out Illumi, Kaname and Fugaku's along with the rest of the clan kids' coils were already unlocked, he moved them onto the leaf exercise. Only to find out the three could keep the leaf secure to their forehead without a problem, it was impressive.
The work they gave was very simple, the Uchiha trio all aced their tests and given assignments when it came to this. Easily managing their way to the top of the classes leaderboards. Of course these types of accolades brought the attention of 'fangirls'.
Their words were "Illumi is super cute and his kimono style is so original from most Uchiha, his personality is so cold yet so mysterious and on top of that he's the most talented here," "Fugaku, the Uchiha clan's, clan heads son. Being strong and at the top of the class is what we like the most about him," "Kaname, Uchiha Kagami's son, he's very intelligent, smart and caring. If he didn't carry the looks, we would've never guessed he was an Uchiha."
There were other people who ranked high in the class but these three were higher of course for example, Minato Namikaze, Nawaki Senju, (who also had fangirls) Hyuga twins, Mikoto Uchiha, Shikaku Nara and Shibi Aburame. Everyone else including the rest of canon's parents did alright but nothing worth mentioning some even struggled.
'During the weeks Kaname made friends with Minato, Shikaku, Inochi, and Choza. He really hit it off with Minato though, they would discuss Jutsus, signature moves, fighting styles in which they found out they both were speed types. Fugaku was being arrogant of course but spoke when spoken to so he got along with everyone just fine. I on the other hand didn't make any friends but I was friendly and social with Minato, Shibi Aburame and the Hyuga twins. I usually talked about ninja related stuff with Minato sense, he loved talking about it and I didn't mind, with Shibi we discussed bugs. I one time told him how cool I thought they were and he would be super nice and talkative towards me ever since. The Hyuga twins were relatable with me, we surprisingly had a lot in common with one another. With Nawaki it was really competitive, like a meant to be rivalry. He competed with everything I did even to answer certain questions. We were competitive and at the same time he respected me, he didn't earn my respect though, but I was fond of his character and he was a part of my clan.'
Illumi found the academy boring.
To be honest there wasn't much he was learning from the academy, he was mostly there for the experience.
He found myself secluded inside the library, consuming all the knowledge it had to offer.
Illumi learned about many things. The history of Shinobi, the geography of the world… All of the things Kishimoto wasn't able to expand upon, he learned. It added so much depth to the world he thought he already knew.
At first, Fugaku and Kaname found it strange, but it ended up rubbing off on them as well. Slowly, they began using their free time in the library with Illumi.
Before they knew, they were already reading books meant for graduating classes. The teachers that saw them refused to believe that they were just five.
The Uchiha trio's classmates all started to view them as geniuses. Some envied, the girls fell for them, while competing for their attention.
{A/N: Also guys drop some names we could refer to for Illumi, Fugaku and Kaname besides 'Uchiha trio'.}
Illumi didn't mind the attention, he knew with popularity came with advantages and disadvantages, he accepted his predicament as an adult-minded individual should. They, on the other hand, really enjoyed the attention from the girls. Fugaku talked to them to feel superior, while Kaname did so because he liked being the center of attention.
Ever since he was born Illumi and Fugaku had taken most of the spotlight. Knowing that there was a group of girls who liked him more than they liked his cousins made him feel better, increasing his confidence.
During theory classes, Illumi made sure he listened carefully. He had a notepad where he wrote down everything he learned, for good measure.
Illumi learned Konoha was currently undergoing a war recovery period along with many other villages.
'True balance' has been reconciled in the shinobi world with the deaths of Hashirama, Madara and Tobirama. Not to mention the 'even' distribution of the tailed beasts.
Konohagakure's relationship with Kumogakure was hanging by a thread as they're missing-nin were responsible for the death of Konoha's second Hokage.
From his previous life, Illumi remembered that Tobirama died from the Kinkaku and Ginkaku force. They somehow also managed to along with after killing the second hokage, a couple of years later killing the Raikage making 'A' the third.
Apart from theory, Illumi advanced a lot as a shinobi. Fujime had taught him a lot. Throughout the three in taijutsu, Illumi was a brute with excellent strength and danced elegantly with proper form, flexibility and technique with stamina for days. Kaname had natural quick reflexes and speed, a natural born speedster, so when it came to taijutsu he would try to tire you out and use his speed to his advantage. Fugaku was strong with an almost textbook-like technique, he copied the Uchiha style while being proficient with it, like he used it for years.
Just out of one day being curious, using his information on the shadow clone jutsu, he decided to try to master it. After plenty of struggles he got it down to the point he used it with one hand-sign like naruto and at most, while having spare chakra left for a fight he could use 8.
With this one, he was very cautious because this was a forbidden technique, it's nature led it to be classified as 'Use at your own risk' type of technique.
But this of course failed when his cousins caught him with it and blackmailed him to teach them it. He didn't mind as long as they didn't use it until absolutely necessary, after all it was forbidden.
The next class year passed. They were now two months into the new school year as you could see Illumi in the library briefly touching on 'beginner Fuinjutsu for dummies' when he was suddenly interrupted by Fugaku along with an excited Kaname.
"Illumi! Today is the day of the annual first-year's ninjutsu competition! We're meant to participate, and the top three gets to choose a selected ninjutsu while the number one gets something in addition to a selected jutsu as long as it's within the Sandaime's capability…"
Hearing the news, Illumi was pumped! There was no one who could even outdo him in ninjutsu in the academy so number spot was his all he had to do was secure his spot and give the Hokage a demand from his shinobi wish-list, even if he wasn't fond of him that didn't mean the Hokage had to know of that.
"Well if you three don't mind, I'll definitely be getting that number one spot just to let you know."
Whew! that chapter was draining. School started for me this Monday and I’ve been busy ever since it’s 2 am and I’ve just finished this almost 2k word chapter for you all. Btw the childhood arc will not be super dark and gloomy, just an realistic heads up. We’re almost done with it anyway.
If you have any ideas what I could do for a schedule (I’m free on weekends) to release for you guys and what’s best for you let me know! Also thanks for 50k views, love you all.