
Naruto: An SI's Story!

Waking up and taking over the identity of a 5-year-old kid was not ideal. Especially considering that I don't actually remember dying, I didn't really have a choice in the matter, but it doesn't really change the choice I would make. Growing up a Uchiha in the aftermath of Kyubbi's rampage was hard. Surrounded by whispers and a ticking time clock, the choice to explore the wonders of chakra as it flowed through my body wasn't hard. The only thing I hope is that I will not end up in the footnotes of another war. ...or an unknown casualty of the Uchiha Massacre. Expectation: -Uchiha Self Insert! -AU! Changes to canon events will soon follow, considering MC's interactions with the world. - The start of most of the story would be set before the events of canon!

FictionWriter96 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Understanding the Basics!

{Konoha Hospital, Konohagakure}


[Chakra control: F->F+]

[Chakra Control: F+->E-]


'Huh, A letter grade depiction.' I thought as I looked at the screen. I focused once again and looked at my right hand. It took a little bit of time before, once again, I was able to eject the chakra from my hand. The difficulty and resistance I faced were quite similar to what I had faced moments ago.

'It's the same. This screen tells me how good my chakra control is for now, but it doesn't help me improve it instantly...' I frowned. This was a little more difficult than I thought it would be, being an avid reader of web novels. I understand the concept of the system or, for the more accurate part, the gamer-like powers. While there was a certain appeal of seeing your own strength listed out, the allure of powering up because of the dumping points in stats and power leveling was the main point.

'Status,' I thought, and the screen did appear, although several expected compartments were missing.




[Name: Kohaku Uchiha]

[Chakra: 80/90 {F+}]

[Chakra Regen: 5.5 Chakra/min {D}]

[Chakra Control: 10.11%{ E-}]



[Strength: 8 {F+}]

[Speed: 6 {F}]

[Dexterity: 7 {F+}]

[Vitality: 9 {F+}]



[Reflexes: 9 {F+}]

[Processing Power: 34 {D-}]

[Memory: 21 {E}]

[Vision: 10{F+}]


[Status Effects:]

[Bruised Calf: -15% to Speed or other movement techniques.]

[Scarred Lungs: -50% to All Physical stats]



I stared at the expansive list in front of me. I was expecting just letters and numbers to be on here, but there were several discrepancies. First, the absence of health or Hit points was alarming. This simple change made any and all injuries more life-threatening. Second, I was expecting just letters to denote my stats, but having both the grading system and the numbers itself was confusing.

Third, the stats listed were weird. Strength and other physical stats made sense to me, but the addition of mental stats, although they made my stats more complete, they were not stuff that I was used to. For example, the memory stat and the significance of that number were not lost to me. I was 21 years old before this weird transmigration incident, working my way through a degree in engineering. 

'Does this mean that the memory stat would only increase by 1 point each year? Then, isn't it useless for it to be listed? Or is it related to something else?' I thought. If that were the case, would I be happy that the stat is already at 21 and that I have at least a 16-point advantage over my peers?

'Plus, looking at all the mental stats, I can conclude that although the Physical stats shown in this window are from the original inhabitant of this body, the mental stats are my own. Should I be offended by the fact that my Reflexes and Vision are rated F? I was pretty good in competitive shooters... I think.' 

Finally, my vision rested on the last two status effects. My leg was numb, so I couldn't feel it much, but I could tell my breathing was labored. The doctor's use of medical Ninjutsu helped somewhat, but the uncomfortable sensations, although dulled, were still there.

I thought about dismissing the window in front of me and closed my eyes for a bit. Meditating and even just lying still was not one of my strong suits, so I once again focused on my chakra. Now that I had some measure of control over one of the tenketsu in my right hand, I focused on doing the same from my left.

It was easier comparatively, but it still took me a while to sense the same tenketsu on the opposite hand. After sensing it, controlling it came easy. Within a couple of seconds, I was able to open the gate once again, allowing chakra to leave my body. After a while, I stopped and opened my eyes; with a thought, my status screen once again appeared, and I looked at the changes.


[Chakra: 76/90 {F+}]

[Chakra Regen: 5.5 Chakra/min {D}]

[Chakra Control: 10.23%{ E-}]


'Chakra Control increased by 0.1%, and I was able to regenerate around 6 chakras while wasting 10 chakras in the process. If the increase is because I was able to get a sense of the Tenketsu situated in both of my hands, then I should be able to increase my chakra control quite quickly. I just need to follow my chakra, locate the tenketsu all around my body and then 'open' them.' I thought. I looked at the closed door and then at the empty bedside table beside me.

Even if I'm a little thankful that I don't have parents in this world, they would be able to notice my change in behavior. Being stuck in bed with no one waiting for me to get better was kind of depressing. 

'Not that I have the luxury to laze around and waste this precious time.' I thought as I closed my eyes once again. The knowledge of the monsters out there and my own expiration date made me want to speed up as fast as possible. It would surely take a while for me to be able to heal and be discharged, so instead of wasting time and getting bored, I should focus on Chakra control.

After hyping myself up, I focused once again on the Tenketsu in the center of my right hand; I had already noticed that I was better able to sense that than my entire chakra network. Deciding to start my exploration from there, I once again focused on a small portion of the chakra that was traveling through it.

After a couple of minutes, I was able to sense it; another Tenketsu was situated at the end of my index finger.

'This is going to take a while...'




{2 Days Later}

{Konoha Hospital, Konohagakure}


[Chakra: 5/123 {E-}]

[Chakra Regen: 5.5 Chakra/min {D}]

[Chakra Control: 14.52%{ E-}]



"Are you ready to go home, Kohaku-kun," the Matron spoke. I looked at her and nodded. 

"Hai," I spoke.

Listening and speaking were very different things. After getting Kohaku's memories, my brain automatically translated what the other person was saying, but out of instinct, I thought and spoke in English. 

I had to consciously keep myself in check and speak in Japanese whenever either the Matron of the orphanage or the Iryo-nin came to visit me the past two days. Focusing on chakra control had been productive, if not exhaustive. It was an easy way to pass my time, though I quickly realized that just exploring all Tenketsu in my body to get a quick boost to chakra control would not be possible.

"Good, let's go," Himiko-san said, and I shifted. My foot still felt a little numb as I put my weight on it. According to Makoto-san, it would take another couple of days for my injuries to heal, as he has mainly focused on my lungs. Now that I don't need immediate care, I could go back home.

As I took a few steps toward the door, my eyes strayed out of the window. The Hokage mountain, with 4 faces etched onto it, stood proud. The smoke and fire that had covered the Hidden Leaf were gone, even though I could see plenty of construction going on.

"Let's go, Kohaku-kun," the Matron once again spoke, getting my attention. I gave her a nod before I continued following her out of the door. 

It's been two days since I've been confined to the same room. The hallway was not exactly impressive, as the repetitive pattern of doors covered the whole floor. As soon as we left the room, a couple of nurses were already hurrying into it, likely to clean it and make space for another patient.

The walk was long as I realized how much slower I was. The system fixed my motor function, so it didn't feel weird to move, but my normal gait made it so I was walking very slowly. Still, the matron didn't complain, likely because of my foot. 

The atmosphere of the hospital was heavy. Almost everyone had a sad frown permanently etched onto their faces. Red eyes, red nose, and low sniffles filled the void as everyone grieved in different corners. 

The matron likely realized that I was looking around, but she waited until we were out of the hospital and were walking toward the Uchiha Clan compound before she spoke, "A lot of people lost their loved ones, that's why everyone's crying."

I mutely nodded at her. Her eyes were filled with concern, but she managed to swallow her words and sighed. Her eyes turned back to the village, and she looked around as I put my plan into action.

"Ano," I struggled before I started speaking slowly. Can I enroll in the academy?" 

My words likely caught her off guard as she looked at me, "I want to be strong." 

A simple sentence did the trick, and she nodded, "Of course, Kohaku-kun. I'll talk to Fugaku-sama."

I nodded before looking around at the grieving village. 

'Konoha would likely go into defense mode soon. With so many casualties, they would need to fill their ranks with more shinobi to stop a war. This is the perfect time to get training as soon as possible. Otherwise, I don't know when the clan would dispense resources to train the orphans...'



AN - Prologue Complete, Academy Arc incoming!

Also, you can consider the system an Augmented Reality aid that keeps track of Kohaku's stats and skills. The only other help it will give is to let him know how strong anyone he is looking at is.