
Naruto: Alternative Sasuke Is Way Too Overpowered!

During the Chūnin Exam, a live broadcast showcased the contrasting lives of two Uchiha Sasukes to the ninja world. Sasuke from the original world: Tricked by Uchiha Itachi, deceived by Uchiha Obito, manipulated by successive Hokages, and kept in ignorance. His strength enhanced by the paths laid out by Uchiha Itachi and the Sage of Six Paths. Saved the ninja world by sealing Kaguya, only to leave Konoha in solitude. With just one daughter, the Uchiha lineage teeters on the brink of extinction. Sasuke from the Parallel World: Engaged in critical thinking and investigation to uncover the truth, resolving to defeat all adversaries. Independently increased his power, acquiring the Sage Mode, Rinnegan and Tailed Beast Power by himself. United the ninja world through unmatched strength, vanquished the Ōtsutsuki, ushered in true peace.

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Chapter 76

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Chapter 76: Eyes Open Mangekyō! Special Pupil Technique

Nara Shikamaru: "So the key point is the Anbu."

Kiba: "I don't understand it well. Can anyone explain it to me?"

Aburame Shino: "Simply put, the Anbu of the village have always been monitoring the Uchiha clan. It would be impossible for the Uchiha genocide to happen without the Anbu knowing, since they are constantly watching the clan."

And the Anbu report directly to the Hokage.

Since a large number of Uchiha were massacred, the Anbu monitoring them must have been aware. If it had nothing to do with the Third Hokage, then the Anbu would have reported to the Hokage.

Moreover, the Third Hokage should have been able to reach the Uchiha clan quickly and save at least a few people.

But in reality, Uchiha Itachi slaughtered the Uchiha in Konoha Village.

Therefore, the assumption that the Uchiha genocide has nothing to do with the Third Hokage cannot stand.

Thinking of this, a chill runs through all the Konoha Shinobi!

The Uchiha clan was exterminated, and the Hokage knew about it as it was happening.

What kind of conspiracy lies behind this?

Uchiha Sasuke: "I don't understand at all. What role did Uchiha Itachi play in this?"

Hatake Kakashi: "Sasuke, the problem is no longer just Uchiha Itachi. If the Anbu knew, then the Hokage knew, which means this was a planned massacre within Konoha Village!"

Orochimaru: "Uchiha Itachi was just the knife used for the deed, and the one to take the blame afterwards."

Orochimaru laughed to himself.

Uchiha Itachi, with the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan, was manipulated by Konoha's upper echelon to wipe out the Uchiha clan and then had the blame cast upon him.

Onoki: "Sarutobi, I'm convinced, you Konoha folks played hard!"

The Uchiha were made to kill their own, and then take the blame!

And Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Hokage, came out clean afterward.

Plus, the threat of a coup by the Uchiha family vanished, stabilizing his power even more.

Fourth Raikage: "I don't understand why they all had to be killed. Isn't the Sharingan of the Uchiha useful? Shouldn't some have been spared to continue the bloodline? Now there's only Uchiha Sasuke left!"

Senju Hashirama: "Monkey! Come out and explain. Is this the truth about the Uchiha genocide?"

This time, it's the First Hokage who is enraged!

From the beginning, the Uchiha massacre had always saddened him.

He saw the Uchiha as fellow villagers, not enemies.

But now, he discovered that the Uchiha clan was wiped out with the knowledge, perhaps even with the consent, of the Hokage of Konoha!

As a Hokage, to send a killer after his own comrades—is outrageous!

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Shodai, the Uchiha clan was plotting a coup for a while, and some wanted to use the power of the Nine Tails to execute it."

Without a better explanation, the blame falls on the Uchiha family.

However, in the chat room, the First Hokage was fuming with anger.

Senju Hashirama: "Monkey, so you admit it? You allowed the Uchiha clan to be exterminated?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Shodai, if the Uchiha used the Nine Tails for a coup, Konoha would be destroyed!"

Senju Hashirama: "You be quiet! As the Hokage, letting the situation get to this point is your fault!"

Senju Tobirama: "Even if the Uchiha did want a coup, it wouldn't justify killing everyone, right? What about the elders, children, and non-ninjas; did they all have to die?"

He couldn't bear it any longer.

Even if hostile to the Uchiha, they were still a power within Konoha.

Surely not all of them deserved death!

Ohnoki: "Sarutobi, you might be cowardly towards Cloud Shinobi, but you're merciless with your own people. And you did it very cleanly."

Fourth Raikage: "The Third Hokage was probably afraid that another Uchiha Madara might arise in the future, affecting the power of the Sarutobi clan."

Uchiha Madara: "Bah! Don't lump me with that group of trash! Uchiha Fugaku, you were the head of the Uchiha clan, right?"

Uchiha Fugaku: "Yes, Madara-senpai."

Uchiha Madara: "Get away! Don't come near me! Didn't the Uchiha clan plan a coup? Why didn't you deal with the Anbu first? You call that a coup attempt?"

Every move was under surveillance, and still, they dared to stage a coup. It's laughable!

Uchiha Fugaku: "If we had forcefully pushed the Anbu away, conflicts with the village would have erupted immediately."

Uchiha Madara: "How did you become the patriarch? You should either lie down and be honest or prepare for a coup immediately. How can you be so slow right under others' noses? Did you go to a rally to discuss a coup d'état?"

Uchiha Fugaku: "There have always been many voices in the clan against the coup..."

Uchiha Madara: "Are you just dragging your feet and muddling through until everyone finishes playing together?"

Uchiha Fugaku remained silent.

Uchiha Madara: "Are you out of your mind? The Anbu's surveillance may have started to find out who was behind the Nine Tails Rebellion, but it has turned into monitoring you, worried about your coup d'état! Don't you even understand that?"

Uchiha Fugaku said nothing.

Uchiha Madara: "Also, you had the chance to save at least a few more Uchihas, but why did only your two sons survive in the end? As the patriarch, you did something outrageous, didn't you?"

Uchiha Fugaku was silent again.

After learning about Itachi's choice on the night of the genocide, he went straight home and abandoned any resistance. As a result, all the other Uchiha were slaughtered. Of course, he wasn't able to admit such a thing.

Uchiha Madara: "You let that disciple of Senju Tobirama fool Uchiha Itachi and then kill the other Uchihas. What kind of trash are you all? Do you even deserve the Uchiha surname? You have disgraced the Uchiha name!"

He didn't care much about the Uchihas who chose to stay in Konoha, but now he found the Uchiha genocide in Konoha too ridiculous! It's one thing for the Uchiha to be exterminated, but not in such a shameful way! It would have been more honorable to be wiped out fighting Konoha's senior management than to fall as they did.

Senju Hashirama: "Madara, calm down. It's not worth getting so angry with these younger ones."

Senju Tobirama: "I agree with Uchiha Madara for once. Uchiha Fugaku, you really are a useless patriarch!"

Uchiha Fugaku was still silent.

Uchiha Sasuke thought to himself that although it was his father being scolded, what they said made sense, and he seemed to agree. What his father had done was indeed too much.

The scene transitioned as Sasuke got the clue he wanted from Kakashi. His emotions were boiling over, and his eyes were restless with burgeoning power.

The Third Hokage needed to maintain control, and the Anbu had been monitoring the Uchiha clan. It all revolved around power struggles.

Finally, with the Anbu watching, the Uchiha massacre happened, and Uchiha Itachi was responsible for carrying it out.

Sasuke had suspected the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, since he was nine years old and saw the encroachment on Uchiha clan land. Now, it was just a matter of confirming his suspicions.

Sasuke's anger, hatred, and desire for revenge were surging as his Sharingan spun faster and evolved, changing its pattern to the Mangekyō with a six-pointed star.

Senju Tobirama noted that the Mangekyō Sharingan was still present.

Uchiha Madara urged for action against the shame of the Uchiha extermination.

Various characters voiced their anticipation of Sarutobi's impending doom, while Sarutobi Hiruzen himself was without words, feeling his heart turn cold.

Kakashi had just opened a Mangekyō, and now Sasuke had awakened his own pair. Both sought revenge on Sarutobi Hiruzen, who remained unaware in another world.

Sasuke felt his chakra nearly double as he touched his eye sockets, realizing he had a special pupil technique. The "insight" ability of his left eye could gain insight into the truth, obtain information, analyze spells, and even the principles of Bloodline. The "copy" technique of his right eye could copy the content of the insights and analyses from his left eye to himself.

Uchiha Madara found the pupil techniques strange, as they did not seem to be directly usable in battle, but he admitted that they must feel good. Senju Tobirama reflected on how these abilities corresponded to the individual's characteristics, noting that Sasuke's Sharingan was the eye of the soul. Sasuke had always sought the truth and strength, and thus, his "insight" technique was fitting.

Ohnoki was envious of the special technique of the Mangekyō Sharingan, while Orochimaru felt envious of such a powerful blood ability. He was even drooling at the thought of analyzing the limit of Bloodline succession.