
Naruto: Alternative Sasuke Is Way Too Overpowered!

During the Chūnin Exam, a live broadcast showcased the contrasting lives of two Uchiha Sasukes to the ninja world. Sasuke from the original world: Tricked by Uchiha Itachi, deceived by Uchiha Obito, manipulated by successive Hokages, and kept in ignorance. His strength enhanced by the paths laid out by Uchiha Itachi and the Sage of Six Paths. Saved the ninja world by sealing Kaguya, only to leave Konoha in solitude. With just one daughter, the Uchiha lineage teeters on the brink of extinction. Sasuke from the Parallel World: Engaged in critical thinking and investigation to uncover the truth, resolving to defeat all adversaries. Independently increased his power, acquiring the Sage Mode, Rinnegan and Tailed Beast Power by himself. United the ninja world through unmatched strength, vanquished the Ōtsutsuki, ushered in true peace.

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Chapter 112

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Chapter 112 Confused Obito Reveals His Identity As Soon As He Joins the Chat Room

A group of people fell into confusion. The masked man who appeared underground at Nanga Shrine should be the one behind the Nine Tails Rebellion. He is the one who slaughtered the Uchiha clan with Uchiha Itachi. Namikaze Minato's words also confirm this. But who is the person Deidara is talking about? Who is that masked man?

Ohnoki: "Deidara? Where did you go?! Do you know that masked man?"

Terumi Mei: "Wait, if I remember correctly, that masked man should be from the Akatsuki organization. But Tsuchikage's disciple knowing this person, what does this mean?"

Fourth Raikage: "Laughing to death! Onogi, did your disciple also join the Akatsuki organization? You often hire the Akatsuki organization. Don't you even know their members?"


Oh no! The relationship between him and the Akatsuki organization is purely business. They are an organization of traitors and ninjas. Every time they complete a task, it's over. How can they report to him who completed the task?

Deidara: "Tobi? Are you in the chat room? If you are, come out and talk back!"

Impossible! Absolutely impossible! How could that idiot Tobi be behind the Nine Tails Rebellion?

The Red Sand Scorpion: "Deidara, if you continue to be so outspoken, the leader will definitely kill you."

Deidara: "So is that on the screen really Tobi?" He was almost dying of curiosity!

Chiyo: "Scorpion? Did you get mixed up with Onoki's disciples?"

Red Sand Scorpion: "No comment, mother-in-law."

Jiraiya: "According to the clues I have traced, when Orochimaru joined the Akatsuki organization, he often haunted the Red Sand Scorpion for a period of time."

Orochimaru: "Jiraiya, you are really persistent."

Fourth Raikage: "It means that the Red Sand Scorpion should also belong to Akatsuki's organization. But looking at the relationship between the Red Sand Scorpion and Deidara... Haha, Ohnoki, your disciples certainly joined the Akatsuki organization."

Laugh to death! Perhaps some of the tasks Ohnoki paid Akatsuki to complete were done by his runaway disciple!


Deidara, the brat!

Namikaze Minato: "There are so many traitors in that Akatsuki organization..."

To count, Konoha sent Uchiha Itachi undercover with his teammate Hoshigaki Kisame. Sand Shinobi's grandson Chiyo Elder, Red Sand Scorpion, Rock Shinobi Third Tsuchikage's disciple Deidara. There is also the former S-class rebel Kakuzu of Takigakure, plus the masked man calling himself Uchiha Madara! That's six people already! Everyone can be said to be extremely dangerous!

Fourth Raikage: "There are so many dangerous traitors gathered. God knows what they want to do!"

Jiraiya: "This Akatsuki organization must have special goals. I really don't know who established this organization!"

"Relax, I have no malice towards you," the masked man walked towards the stele leisurely and said with a light smile. "Uchiha Sasuke, with your Mangekyō Sharingan, you can't understand the last paragraph, right?"

Sasuke was on guard, and the Kusanagi sword was aimed at the masked man in front of him. Sharingan had evolved to the form of Mangekyō, ready for battle.

"...You mean, you can understand the last paragraph?" Sasuke's eyes moved slightly, and he said slowly.

"Of course. Speaking of which, I haven't seen this stele for decades," the masked man reached out and rubbed the stone tablet twice, with a look of nostalgia.

"Hmm..." Sasuke laughed outright.

Before, he learned from Danzo that the masked man claimed to be Uchiha Madara. And now, this guy talking like this seemed to be leading him to think he is Uchiha Madara! But for Sasuke, speaking like this makes it less likely that he is Uchiha Madara!

"If he is really Uchiha Madara, he can just take off his mask and reveal his identity!" 

"But the other party chooses to say such words to guide!" 

"That can only mean that the other party is not Uchiha Madara."

The masked man didn't speak anymore. Sasuke also kept silent. There was a period of silence in the basement. 

Suddenly, Sasuke spoke:

"Are you thinking now: why didn't I ask who you are?" 

"You should still be thinking, you said the word 'decades' on purpose. I should be guessing that you are Uchiha Madara now, but I think it is impossible. I should be very puzzled." 

"Is it this way?"

The masked man on the opposite side was silent.

Uchiha Obito: 

"Damn it! 

Uchiha Sasuke, why don't you follow the routine!"

Hatake Kakashi: 

"From this point of view, the masked man should be pretending to be Uchiha Madara... Tsk, what a pity, he was crushed by Sasuke's IQ. It seems that the masked man's IQ is not high." 

Uchiha Obito: 

"Kakashi, be careful what you say!"

Senju Hashirama: 

"The voice is indeed Madara's voice, but it should not be Madara himself. At least the hair is wrong."

Uchiha Madara: 

".....It's not me, but can't I get a haircut?"

Senju Tobirama: 

"Wait, no! That masked man still has a problem! How did he imitate Uchiha Madara's voice?! He heard Uchiha Madara speak?"

In the Underworld, Pure Land, Shimura Danzō nodded secretly. 

He was bluffed by the name of Uchiha Madara by the opponent. One of the important reasons is the sound! 

As a disciple of Second Hokage, Danzo also met the real Uchiha Madara. 

The masked man's voice is the same as Uchiha Madara's voice in Danzo's memory!


"Indeed! The voice of the masked man is exactly the same as the voice of Uchiha Madara in my impression!" 

Generally speaking, if you want to imitate another person's voice, you must at least hear that person's voice!

Namikaze Minato: 

"In that case, that masked guy should still be related to Uchiha Madara! Who could it be? Has the Uchiha clan ever followed an old man from Uchiha Madara?"

Uchiha Obito: 


Uchiha Madara: 

"Cunning brat!

Really can't work!

Pretend to be his identity, and deliberately imitate his voice!

As a result, Senju Tobirama has noticed something is wrong now."

"You seem to be doubting my identity," the masked man said in a deep voice.

Sasuke felt that this guy was trying to cover up his previous embarrassment. However, because the other party is wearing a mask, he can't see the guy's expression.

"If you want to prove that you are Uchiha Madara, first explain the last paragraph to me," Sasuke said bluntly. 

He feels that this scene looks familiar now! 

At the beginning, in order to investigate the truth of Uchiha's genocide, he once pretended to be similar to Uchiha Madara, and used the Konoha's White Fang incident to lure Mr. Kakashi. 

At this moment, it's just like that moment! 

This masked man took the initiative to contact him. It seems that he intends to use the content of the inscription to lure him to do something! 

If that's the case, then you don't need to be polite! Quickly read the inscription for me!

The corner of the masked man's mouth twitched slightly. The situation is wrong! Is it reversed! 

Originally, according to his thinking, the current situation should be that Uchiha Sasuke begged him to tell him the content of the inscription. Why is Uchiha Sasuke acting like he has something to ask for! 

"Huh..." The masked man took a deep breath, calmed down, and said, "Uchiha Sasuke, do you want to see your parents and clan members again?" 

"Do you want to get back your past life?! Get back to your childhood life before the Uchiha genocide?" 

"The last paragraph of the inscription hides the opportunity to create the beautiful world you want!" 

The masked man felt very confident about this!