
Naruto: All knowing

The eye that allow you to see everything and the eye that allow you to control everything. So this is the power of a God.

LiN · Anime & Comics
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The eye of Mimir

After walking for like six hours, sparks of hope finally appeared on the face of the young Uchiha boy.

"Huh? Is that...." He was shocked.

He was not expecting to see an apple tree that had apples on it in the forest.

He was not expecting to find any food on his way to that cave.

He thought that the lack of food and living beings around this place was because of the location that it was in.

As in a place that was close to the cave where those snakes lived.

He walked towards the apple tree and started to pick up a few apples that were on the ground.

He was so happy that his eyes started to tear up.

The apples were real things.

They weren't like a mirage that was created by his eyes because of his intense hunger.

He knew he could get apples that were in better condition if he decided to collect them directly from the tree but he was too tired and had no energy left to even think about climbing the tree.

"Hopefully it's not poisoned." He said as he took a bite out of the apple.

Then the information about how the apple fell to the ground suddenly appeared in his mind.

It seems like the apples fell to the ground because several hours ago a few ravens tried to feast on some apples that were on the tree.

The ravens tried to collect the apples that were on the tree and a few apples fell to the ground because of their efforts.

"What the hell was that? Why am I wondering about how the apples fell to the ground?" Kakoto asked himself.

He just thought that his mind was wandering around aimlessly while he was eating.

He didn't notice that his left mangekyou sharingan ability was the reason why that information entered into his mind.

Of course, it was not a full activation as his eyes didn't change their colour and shape.

Plus he also didn't feel any pain either in his eyes or his body.

It was just a partial activation of his left eye's power.

The power to see and break down everything that he sees or experiences down to the subatomic level as long as he is curious about it.

Even in its one tomoe sharingan state, the eyes let you see chakra and its nature in its purest form.

This was the reason why he was able to see small chakra particles in the air that were around other living beings who were able to produce chakra.

This is also the reason why he was able to understand how Izanagi works and gained the knowledge to recreate it to some extent.

And sensed the danger that was approaching him before they reached him which ultimately saved his life while he was trying to flee from Konoha.

At its full potential, the eye can even allow you to understand how some kekkei genkai or hidden techniques work just by observing it.

Not only that, the eye allows you to see things from your blindside, in a dark area with no light source, or things that can be picked up by your other six senses even if you don't have a vision for it.

The ultimate eye for a scholar or any ninja who pursues knowledge.

However, to unleash the full potential of the eye you have to use it while it is in its mangekyou sharingan state.

The backlash that one receives when one uses their mangekyou sharingan ability is still present whenever you try to use the eye at its peak state.

This means that as powerful as the eye is, it cannot be overused as you can still go blind.

Even then the water-toned version of the eye (its non-ms state) that does not risk any sort of blindness is still something that other ninjas, scholars or scientists would kill for.

Surprisingly as powerful as the left eye is, the small fraction of power from the right eye is still superior to the full potential of the left eye.

"It's too sweet." He said as he slowly ate the apples.

He was so hungry that he ate the whole apple without even leaving the stern and seeds.

After all, beggars can't be choosers.

After eating about seven to eight apples Kakoto was finally full.

"I should take some with me so that I can eat them whenever I get hungry again. I am not sure I will ever find something like this on my way to that cave." Kakoto said.

I should find something to put these in. He thought as he gathered like 20 apples.

He then looked around to see if there was anything that he could use to carry the apples.

But there was no luck. The only things that he was able to find were just sticks and stones.

And it was not like he could create some sort of clone that he would be able to use to carry the apples around or create a dimension or subspace where he could store the apples and access them at any time.

"Haa." He sighed.

He finally gave up the idea of bringing a large amount of apples along with him as he was not able to find anything that could be used to carry a large amount of them conveniently.

He just put like two of them into his pocket.

"I should keep going." He said as he stood up and kept walking aimlessly hoping to find a cave where the sage of the snake lived.


Funnily enough, although he kept walking for like nine more hours he didn't feel any hunger anymore.

What is more surprising is that during these hours it seems like his body didn't make any waste and all the food that he ate was fully converted into nutrients as he was still full of energy and didn't feel tired.

It was despite him walking more quickly compared to his normal pace which requires more energy than usual.

It was like his body was maximizing all the functions that it was able to perform at the top level.

Just a reminder. This novel have an overpowered tag.

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