
Naruto : Alexithymia

After the genjutsu cast by Sasuke, Sakura felt something break and lost within herself, including her feelings for him, now she will have to deal with the consequences while Sasuke faces the remorse, at the same time they all face a new threat.

Imu_D_Boss · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter no.5

Naruto tensed up, that sounded like the Sakura-chan he knew and as he didn't want any problems, he lay down as she asked, facing the window.

"While I attend to... Sasuke... "kun"... I'll take him for other tests."

"Like the ones for those prosthetics that grandma said she would make us?"

"Yes, but stop talking Naruto, until the time I told you passes."


"Ugh... what part of don't talk did you not understand?"

Naruto tensed up and shut up once and for all.

Meanwhile, Sakura, mentally preparing for what was to come, turned towards the Uchiha's bed.

He still had his gaze fixed on the ceiling, but feeling watched he turned towards the kunoichi.

Sakura tensed up.

"Please, you can turn like Naruto, facing... "facing whatever, just not me" the wall."

The Uchiha obeyed without making a fuss. Sakura took advantage to get closer, but even though he wasn't looking at her, he still caused intense fear in her.

However, she mustered up the courage and in the few minutes she had left, she quickly checked him. Unlike the Uzumaki, the Uchiha had a worse wound and as he didn't have the kyuubi's chakra, it was obvious that it would take a long time to heal and it would be a slow and painful recovery.

"Give him something for the pain, Sakura-chan... he's been complaining, but he doesn't tell you because according to him he doesn't want to bother."

"Naruto!" Sakura scolded him when she heard him.

Without even looking, she could tell that her friend had stretched in his place; while the other remained obedient with his gaze away from her.

"If it hurts him, it's because he brought it upon himself" - she thought, feeling a sudden anger inside her, which she could almost imagine as a dim red light that intensified, but suddenly turned into a sad blue and then disappeared.

She stopped feeling again.

"I'm going to take you for an exam." - she said, with her face shadowed by emptiness. "Can you walk?"

The Uchiha nodded once without moving from his position, waiting for the next instruction.

Sakura, who was watching the blond, didn't realize when the Uchiha stood up in front of her, waiting for the next instruction, which made her very nervous, as she remembered that horrible genjutsu and the pain it caused.

"Calm down, calm down, stupid..."

"Walking, this way." - she indicated without daring to look at him, while fighting with herself inside.

Sasuke only gave her a sidelong glance and walked, anchored to his IV towards where she had indicated.

The road to the surgery room seemed like an eternity for the medical ninja, whose stomach was the one that most felt the stress she was accumulating and threatened to come out in a stream of vomit.

"Calm down, calm down... nothing will happen."

"Through here, come in."

With false kindness, she invited her companion to enter the room where she had to carry out her mission.

Before entering, Uchiha saw the sign on the room that said "surgery area". Strange? Maybe for some people, but for him who was so perceptive, he could get an idea of why he was there.

When he entered, following his team mate, he saw that there was a gurney and above it one of those lamps that doctors used during operations.

"Please lie down. I will go get some things."

He nodded obediently, and without questioning anything he did what was asked of him.

With her back turned, Sakura approached the table of tools where she found the tool her teacher had told her about, which was nothing more than a kind of blindfold that had a seal in the center, as well as a pair of syringes and the aforementioned straitjacket that Shizune had complained about.

With the sedative she had requested, she filled one of the syringes with the appropriate amount to sleep him for at least a few hours, and once ready she approached him, both with the syringe and the blindfold.

Sasuke's gaze was now lost in the light of the lamp despite the brightness it emitted, but when he felt his companion approach, he couldn't help but turn towards her, acutely noticing the startle it caused in her, and that confirmed something he had been suspecting, something he had caused in her.

"What do you see?" — Sakura froze with the syringe in her right hand and the blindfold discreetly rolled up in her left. —"Why do you see me like this?"

Sasuke had the same expression on his face as he did that day in the Valley of the End, an expression that to anyone would seem to be a mixture of sadness and guilt; but for Sakura it was the opposite, she felt that at any moment that man would get up from the bed, to intimidate her against the wall and threaten her with his own syringe or one of the many scalpels that were kept in that room.


"You're really annoying"

— "He noticed, he'll kill me" —thought the scared doctor, reminiscing about that horrifying incident and feeling that she was very close to suffering a nervous collapse; however...

—Just do what you have to do. —said the Uchiha, turning his gaze away from her, to lose sight of some point on the wall.


Was he showing her compassion? Was it some kind of trap? Was he mocking her?

Many questions, no answers unless she approached and found out.

With her legs trembling, she approached a prudent distance with her tools.

Sasuke no longer looked at her or spoke to her.

— "Idiot" —

Thought the kunoichi grinding her teeth, feeling inside her an unexpected anger that, in her imagination was like an intense red light that resembled and seemed to burn like the fire itself, and with the syringe in hand she imagined plunging it into his arm once and for all while screaming for him to be quiet; but, when she took his arm, the red light turned blue and that made her feel terrible about herself for having those kind of thoughts, until a second later the blue light also disappeared and she was back in the void.

The fear, anger, sadness and even stomach pain disappeared.

At that moment, taking only a cotton swab with a little alcohol, she gently cleaned a area of Uchiha's arm before continuing with the injection, which she applied with great care.

The effect on Sasuke was almost immediate and he fell unconscious from the sedative.

Having him completely disabled, Sakura just checked his vital signs and even his eyes, when she confirmed that he was in perfect condition, she proceeded to put the seal on his eyes and then continue with the straightjacket.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Sasuke Uchiha was ready to be transported.

"Thank you very much, Sakura-san," said one of the jounin escorts.

At that moment, the doctor seemed to awaken from some kind of stupor, and when she realized what was happening, she saw a team of jounins taking Sasuke away from the hospital.

Again, a wave of emotions came to her. She felt regret, guilt, but at the same time joy, and above all freedom.

It was all so confusing that she almost wanted to cry with anger and happiness, she didn't understand why she felt so many contradictory things.

She couldn't take it anymore, she had to leave, she went for her things and left the hospital without reporting or saying goodbye to anyone, she felt that her stomach and head would explode at any moment and she didn't want anyone to see her, she didn't want anyone to feel sorry for her.

Before she knew it, she was in front of her apartment, where upon entering the first thing she did was run to the bathroom to expel everything that was bothering her body at that moment in the form of vomit.