
Naruto: Aizen Sōsūke in Naruto World

Nārutō: Aizen Sōsūke in Nārutō World ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aizen Sōsūke, Once stood at the peak of Shinigami World, Once dominated the Hollow World. Inexplicably traveled to the Naruto World and started everything from the beginning. See how Aizen will become stronger in this world and dominated this world.

Kazuma_trash · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 17 Performance

Following the order of Kurenai, including Kurenai, the five figures instantly dived into the forest and disappeared.

This forest is full of vegetation and shaded by trees, making it an excellent place for camouflage. It is for this reason that Kurenai has set the meeting place for the eighth class here.

She wants to pass this forest to let the students experience the difficulties of their survival and test their teamwork.

From among a hidden bush, the graceful figure of Kurenai hides in it flawlessly. She glanced over several corners around her and smiled: "As a ninja, concealment and hiding are the most basic skills, It seems that everyone is doing very well."

As a Jōnin, Kurenai's perception ability surpasses ordinary people. She has sensed the hidden positions of the four students.

"I don't know what way you will come up with to snatch the bell." Kurenai smiled, and the white teeth shone brightly in the sun.

On the other side, on a big tree that seems to be surrounded by someone, Aburame Shino cleverly uses leaves to cover himself, which looks flawless. He calmly observed the surrounding terrain, trying to find a perfect place to wait for the opportunity to attack Kurenai.

"I don't know what actions those three will take, I just hope that Inuzuka will not be impulsive, and easily expose his position. In that case, hiding also loses its meaning."

Aburame Shino's gaze passed through the sunglasses, staring straight ahead. He vaguely felt that Kurenai was hiding there.

Among the waist high grass, a figure lay quietly on the ground, lurking like a hound, it was Inuzuka. His sensitive nose sniffed the scents on the ground from time to time, as if he wanted to use the scents on the ground to known the exact position of Kurenai.

"Not far, I can feel Kurenai-sensei is in the small forest in front of me."

Inuzuka's eyes were fiery and hot, and his body crawled forward, moving towards the front silently. As a ninja of the Inuzuka clan, his sense of smell, hearing and vision are much better than ordinary people. Therefore, Inuzuka decided that Kurenai sensei must be in front.

Sure enough, shortly after Inuzuka was lurking, the Kurenai figure appeared!

Her beautiful eyes were constantly sweeping around, her eyes were loose, and she looked defenseless.

"Ha, Kurenai-sensei really relaxed his vigilance."

Inuzuka didn't immediately make a move, but continued to lurch. He was waiting for an excellent opportunity. As the evening time approaching slowly, his body move slightly, ready to go like a hound.

Just as Kurenai was about to step into this small forest, Inuzuka's teeth moved.

He kicked his feet and threw it out in the air. At the same time, his hands quickly formed seals and used Clone Technique. In an instant, the three Inuzuka rushed toward the Kurenai from three different directions.

"Huh? It's hidden so deeply."

The Kirenai blushed and panicked, as if she hadn't expected that Inuzuka would suddenly appear. However, when the three figures were about to pounce on her, a sly smile appeared on Kurenai's face.


Three Inuzuka's teeth pressed onto Kurenai's body, and two of them disappeared at the same time. That is just an ordinary Clone Technique, they are only images not entities.

"Hehe, I finally caught you, Kurenai-sensei."

Inuzuka's face showed a triumphant smile. However, what he never expected was that Kurenai's figure disappeared along with his clone.

"What! This is Shadow Clone?"

Inuzuka's teeth were dusty, and he immediately realized that he had been deceived. When he tried to escape, he was kicked by a slender smooth leg, and the whole person flew upside down like a cannonball, hanging on the tree embarrassingly.

"Boy, you are too naive."

The real Kurenai came out of the woods. She looked at the Inuzuka tooth hanging on the tree and shook her head slightly.

At this time, not far from here. Aburame Shino said regretfully: "Sure enough, he failed, Inuzuka was too impulsive. With the strength of Kurenai-sensei, how could she show his flaws."

He remained motionless and continued to hide like an insect. Aburame Shino believes that only by calmly waiting for an opportunity can he get the bell.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and the fallen leaves on the tree began to fall. A sound of someone suddenly sounded in Aburame Shino's ear: "Are you here to watch the scenery?"

Aburame Shino's face changed in shock, he turned around hurriedly, but saw a arm flicking heavily on his forehead. This force made his body fly upside down and fell into the bushes embarrassingly.

Kurenai patted his head relaxedly, and said lazily, "Boy, although your hiding method is correct, there are too many flaws."

At the other end of the forest, Aizen and Hinata lie in ambush here. When Inuzuka and Aburame Shino revealed their location one after another, they were easily cleaned up by Kurenai. Hinata's heart was also flustered, through Byakugan, she sensed that a huge Chakra was approaching her rapidly, and it seemed that she had locked her coordinates a long time ago.

"Kurenai-sensei is really too strong. It is really hard to get a bell from her hand."

Hinata was downcast, she was not confident about her strength, she could only sigh helplessly. Hinata's eyes swept back from time to time, and Aizen was hiding there.

Inuzuka and Aburame Shino failed one after another. Only the two of them did not reveal their location easily.

Aizen sits cross-legged under a big tree. He turned his back to the tree, so no one could see his expression clearly.

"Shadow Clone Technique? Only those three little brats can be fooled for this kind of trick."

A sneer appeared at the corner of Aizen's mouth. Although Kurenai is quite strong, but this kind of strength is still not in the eyes of Aizen. His eyes were covered with a layer of light blue, and he had already seen through all the disguise.

"It's just that, since they those two are already failed and hinata too in some time, of course I will also pretend to be fail." Aizen raised his lips slightly and smiled wickedly. He will continue to pretend until he perfectly fits into the big family of Konoha.


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