
Naruto: Aizen Sōsūke in Naruto World

Nārutō: Aizen Sōsūke in Nārutō World ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aizen Sōsūke, Once stood at the peak of Shinigami World, Once dominated the Hollow World. Inexplicably traveled to the Naruto World and started everything from the beginning. See how Aizen will become stronger in this world and dominated this world.

Kazuma_trash · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 15 Introduction and clone technique !!!

With smooth long hair, clear eyes, smooth skin, and slender figure, She easily exudes endless charm.

There was a beautiful shadow in the eyes of the Aizen. Kurenai, the ninja exuding the beauty and endless charm, is slowly walking towards them. Her black curly smooth hair was blowing in the wind, casually draped on the shoulders. The pair of red pupils are as eye-catching as red crystals, which adds a bit of charm to the Kurenai like evening sunset.

"Oh, kids, I didn't expect you to come so early." A gentle smile appeared on Kurenai's beautiful face, especially her eyes, which seemed to exude infinite charm, which made people couldn't help but be intoxicated.

"Hey, you are our sensei." Inuzuka looked excited and couldn't wait to start the assessment. He was very active by nature, and he was really aggrieved after waiting for such a long time.

"It turned out to be a woman, but as long as she has the strength, it makes no difference." Aburame Shino lifted the sunglasses and looked at Kurenai deeply, without much expression, still expressionless.

Only Hinata's gaze was watching Kurenai tightly, because the red color gave her a beautiful feeling. Especially the kind of mature feminine charm that makes Hinata longing for a girlish heart.

Hinata's face flushed, and she greeted Kurenai shyly, without much words, looking straight and silently watching from the side.

Unlike the three of them, Aizen is the most enthusiastic person. With a gentle smile on his face, he respectfully stepped forward to greet Kurenai. From beginning to end, his attitude was very humble, and his face was always filled with a sincere and friendly smile.

"Hello sensei, I am Aizen Sōsuke, and I will also be your student in the future. I hope you can give me more advice in the future." Aizen's enthusiastic self-introduction and sincere appearance made Kurenai especially valued.

"A very impulsive kid, a calm and mysterious facial kid, a shy girl, and a passionate teenager."

Kurenai's gaze swept over Inuzukaya, Aburame Shino, and Aizen one by one, and then said, "How do you say it, you guys feel very strange. Four kinds of people with completely different personalities will be divided into a group."

"But it's not a big deal. From now on, the four of you will be in the same team. You must adapt to each other's personalities so that you can form an excellent team. This is what I hope you can achieve." Kurenai is serious. Looking at the four people, a power that only Jōnin possesses quietly spread.

"Then, let me introduce myself first. My name is Kurenai Yuhi, and I am a newly promoted Jōnin from Konoha Village, and I am also your instructor. From now on, I will lead your team 8 on missions." The seriousness on Kurenai's face was swept away, replaced by that kind of gentle smile, as bright as the sun, warming people's hearts. Although her character is stern and naked, she has a very friendly attitude towards students.

"Kurenai-sensei, hello, my name is Inuzuka Kiba, a member of the Inuzuka clan."

"I am Aburame Shino, a member of the Aburame clan."

"My name is Hyūga Hinata and I am the eldest daughter of the Hyuga family."

Inuzuka, Aburame Shino, and Hinata introduced themselves one after another, and took the initiative to show their favor to Kurenai. They have a good impression of this beautiful female instructor, so they are happy to get close to his teacher.

"Well, very good. But to get back to the point, I heard that your graduation test this year is Clone Technique. Then, I will test you again."

Kurenai coughed slightly, and solemnly said: "Each of you demonstrates the Clone Technique once, let me see your strength."

"Ha, Kurenai-senei, is this your assessment? It's too simple." Inuzukaya laughed confidently. Before Kurenai gave his order, his hands were imprinted with Clone Technique. With a bang, another Inuzuka clone appeared beside him after a white mist passed.

"What an impulsive kid! However, your Clone Technique is perfect, you passed the test." Kurenai frowned slightly, and then smiled admiringly at Inuzukatoga.

"Then, let me demonstrate too." Aburame Shino came to Kurenai and performed the clone technique Jutsu simply and neatly, which was also praised by Kurenai.

"Kurenai-sensei, let me try it too." Hinata's voice was gentle and delicate. She lowered her head slightly and came in front of everyone, performed a Clone Technique, and finally passed the test as well.

"Aizen, you are the only one left. I hope you are just as good them." Kurenai smiled at Aizen and motioned for him to move forward.

Aizen's face showed hesitation, he paused for a moment, and walked in front of everyone.

However, Aizen's speed of knot printing is not as proficient as the other three, and his technique is a bit rusty. Although he successfully used the Clone Technique, the effect was not satisfactory. The clone looked a little weak, obviously, this was because of the initial mastery of Clone Technique and his unskilledness.

"Aizen, you can only use Clone Technique reluctantly, and you have to work harder." Kurenai didn't blame Aizen, but instead encouraged him. Because she knew that Aizen, as a beginner, was able to master Clone Technique within three days and was already very good.

Aizen touched her head awkwardly, and sighed: "I see, sensei. I will continue to work hard to narrow the gap with my team member as soon as possible."

"Well, this kind of attitude is very good. However, I am here to remind you. Don't think that you can pass the assessment if you can use the clone Jutsu. it just the foreplay, the next is the highlight."

Kurenai took out three bells from her arms and said slyly, "Did you see? I have three bells in my hand. Your task is very simple. It is to grab these three bells from my hands. However, I want to remind you, there are four of you."

Kurenai paused for a moment, and said in a low tone, "This means that the person who does not get the bell will lose the qualification to become a Genin!"


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