
Naruto: Aizen`s Ascension

Juha Bach faced defeat while trying to create a new world order. Some time passed, Soul society`s tranquility didn’t last for long - it evaporated as soon as the notorious mastermind, Aizen Sosuke, decided to enter the stage again! Surprisingly, this very man, when Juha Bach`s power was paralyzed by Ishida Uryu`s silver arrow, managed to acquire certain esoteric knowledge about how some hidden aspects of reality truly operated. This was not just a mere coincidence, as one might expect it at first glance, but the indirect influence of the otherworldly being, who with zest was ready to accept Aizen Sosuke as his fellow conspirator. Being reincarnated in the Naruto world during the warring states period, Aizen Sosuke together with his partner in crime are ready to make their grand plan come into being, which is not as trivial as - become the strongest, achieve immortality or simply conquer the world to prove self-existences right and worth. “Grasping power of destiny in one’s own hands … forging unique path by making first steps on the road of uncertainty … eating wings of inevitability, granting oneself the power to vaporize the blinding arrogance… ready to be emptied, only unknown creativity to be granted, shall journey of consciousness be experienced to the deepest joy intensity.”-Dante to Aizen before reincarnation. **Disclaimers** All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s).

Zero8master · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

The first blacksmithing.

A cold wind blew, Aizen`s green hair fluttered. His eyes had some glowing effect.

'This state of consciousness, this perception of reality that I am experiencing now …. Is truly fabulous! 'with that remark in his mind he poured a new portion of tea into his wooden cup.

'gulp' slowly tea`s special effect kicked in, the different fragments of memories become more organized and thought process gradually transformed to more crystal-clear state.

' I should deeply engrave this surreal feeling into my comprehension field until it disappears, for it will be a great help for my reincarnation technique readjustments '

Ebon just closed his eyes and tried as much as possible to encode this feeling with mystical symbols, that Dante gave him before, in his subconsciousness.

Not long after surreal perception of reality disappeared.

Aizen took a sip of tea and opened eyes that had some mystical light reflection in them.

An intense contemplation process of various life events took place.

' Hehe….. as Dante mentioned, some large-scale war is going on now between different countries.

Fortunately, as of now, no signs are indicating any threat to my life. The family that I was born into, the way I was nurtured, this peaceful environment in this wartime, and opportunities that I can see, all of this should be self-Luck management`s effect, I assume?!'

Ebon, like a philosopher of ancient Greek, put his hand to his chin.

'All of these are just some very superficial evaluations, as time passes effect of fortune power will be more apparent!

My self-luck management system is indeed universal, but it does not mean that it will have the same influential power in different worlds! I have employed my luck system in a different world before the reincarnation, hence its influence was reduced, otherwise, I reckon, my body would have some special talent!

Alright! for now, I should slowly think of a plan!

I need to gather as much information about this world`s power system as possible, to make it more convenient, I need to gain some high social status and, in this country, blacksmithing is one of the possible ways.'

Aizen`s eyes reflected a mysterious glow while his thoughts jumped and collided with each other.

'blacksmithing talent competition in a year and two months? Truly handy!'

Ebon took another sip of the tea.

'According to the information that I currently have in my possession, there are two major levels in blacksmithing. The first one, traditional artisans that forge different weapons using normal ways. The second category is so-called chakra forging masters that utilize chakra to create different weapons, the latter type is not common, since it requires a high chakra control level and different forging techniques that are kept secret, also, as reality shows, these very techniques are difficult to understand and master.'

Hot invigorating tea extended the refreshing sensations to the whole body, the perception of the environment became more enriching.

'Speaking of chakra …' Aizen closed his eyes and tried to get a more deep feeling of his inner power. A faint warm sensation, that spread to the whole body, was perceived by Ebon 'I have heard from Kajin that, chakra has two components to it – spiritual and physical energy. I have a premonition that because of the reincarnation technique suitability problem, in this life I will have a natural bottleneck for chakra amount that I could possess and power of techniques that would rely more on the spiritual aspect of chakra.

Thanks to the meditative training that Kajin exposed me to, since a young age, I can easily enter quite a deep meditative trance, apparently, it is very helpful for my chakra control skill, unfortunately, I can only maintain a high-level chakra control state for a short span of time, because the quantity of my mental power is limited by the seal that is placed on my soul.

Quantity of spiritual energy may be limited but not the quality and thanks to that I can create much more potent chakra!

(For those who do not know, chakra potency is a qualitative characteristic of chakra! While it's amount-quantitative!.)

I have a feeling that my meditation talent should be attributed to my intrinsic true-self spirit quality, which is transcendental to time and space. From the said above, it is evident that I should mostly focus on physique tempering or in other words physical energy empowerment training.'

Ebon stood up and walked toward the dressing room. After undressing and exposing the upper half of his body, Aizen carefully looked at his young body in the bronze mirror, after some careful inspection he nodded in approval.

'from a young age I had no shortage of numerous varieties of healthy, nutritious food, especially vegetables and some good quality body strengthening medical herbs, not only that but the meat was cooked and served in a special way that eliminated some unhealthy elements to it and made digestion way easier for my young body. My main actives up till this point of my life were: fishing; weapon forging observational process while Kajin`s students actively listened and engaged in blacksmithing; chakra control exercise via leaf sticking; reading some books that contained some basic knowledge about Iron country – Yakuza family sure is wealthy to some extent at least; basic archery lessons from Kajin; some basic physical training '

Ebon clenched his fist slightly - biceps, triceps, wrist extensors and flexors had some significant amount of muscle mass to them for the 6-year-old body, of course, it was not some massive abnormality but careful eye would definitely catch the embodiment of strong foundational potential.

A brief moment later, Aizen clad in light green kimono grabbed the gifted small hammer and headed to the forging room, on a way he met Kajin Yakuza, who had a strange look on his face as if he saw a new picture of reality and curiosity grabbed his mind.

'Hmm, has Ebon entered an altered state of consciousness or what? It feels like something has changed about him…hmm'

Kajin with a hint of amusement and interest recited his inner thoughts:

"heh, you are permitted to use any number of low-quality materials for creation that are placed in red boxes, as for materials stored in blue and green cases, for now, I would like you to avoid using them – no need to be extravagant. Only come to me if your question has been meditated for quite some time and the answer refuses to be birthed in your head, only in that case may I act as a bridge between that experience-granting question of yours and that nebulous answer! Please, may you enjoy your creativity! "

"I certainly am planning to do exactly that! Uncle, also I wish to finish the compulsory military education class in advance! "- made known his request Ebon in a relaxed manner.

Kajin slightly raised his dark green eyebrows.

"Hmm, so you wish to experience some intense studying and training in a compulsory military education class and simultaneously practice forging? You, indeed, pick things up pretty quickly but still why don't you postpone one of your activities for time being, you know, if you chase two rabbits, you will not catch either one. Just perform quite well in the blacksmithing talent competition and you may attain some special privileges "

Ebon smiled a little and replied in a firm tone: "Giving it a try is not so bothersome. It never is late to give up unnecessary activity later! "

Kajin mulled things over a little and voiced his opinion: "All alright, be mindful of your decisions. Remember to respect your limits! "

With that being said, Kajin went away at a slow pace.

inside forging room.

Sparks flew like comets in a different direction.

The ringing of a hammer sounded every now and then.

Aizen`s eyes sparkled bright enough to light up the night sky.

With every meticulous hammer strike, the red-hot dagger was slowly taking the desired shape.

forging anvil was like an extension of his inner world, hardy tool was used quite skillfully, even though this was his first real-time forging attempt.

Different blacksmithing memories appeared in Ebon`s head, the intensity of these very memories was quite powerful, powerful enough to directly materialize in this world through his elegant body movements. it was like a physical body somehow managed to directly enter the forging experience dimension by using memories as a time-space bridge and first-hand tasted blacksmithing experience.

'tack' 'tack' tack' – the sound of metal shaping via hardy tool was dancing in the room.

Dagger`s cross guard was finished and connected to the handle.

'Now it is time for some dagger quenching but before that to maximize the balance between flexibility and strength …" Aizen took some special clay-like substance and applied it evenly on the dagger`s spine- a necessary procedure to make different parts of blade cool down at different speeds. The one that cools down slower has more flexibility properties, the latter ensures that the blade will not be too brittle.

Aizen prioritized a little bit more pliability as a quality for the dagger in this case and thus elegantly dipped the scorching dagger in a special oil instead of water for quenching.

'fooshh' – a little steam came into being.

'Not bad for the first try, now tempering and polishing-the only procedures that are left. Also, some sheath is a must too, as I remember there was some high-quality robust leather and wood somewhere …'

Aizen stroked his chin while intently, with interest, contemplating dagger`s cooldown process…


Kajin was sitting on the second floor before the window and peacefully drinking tea.

For some reason, memories of Ebon`s birth time popped up in his tranquil mind.

Flashback starts!

Outside of the wooden house, the moon was slowly approaching the sun, ready to embrace it …

"uaaaa"-child`s cry sounded.

One of the doctors came to see Kajin with a heavy expression.

Kajin frowned, already guessing that things are not progressing in the desired direction.

"if there is some unorthodox way, why not give it a try?" -mildly suggested Kajin.

The physician just shook his head slowly "mother`s vitality is already fading away! No matter what herb, if it is not some heavenly treasure, the results are inevitable. For a few minutes, she can still preserve her consciousness …"

A hint of grief flashed in Kajin`s eyes 'heavenly treasure-how can it be so easy to obtain! Even if it was possible, time would still be not enough…so it seems, my dear brother, your wife will be joining you soon… '

Kajin opened the door and saw a child wrapped in a special towel, placed right next to the mother`s side, whose eyes were calmly staring at the child.

A brief moment later, a weak voice of mother came "Name …Ebon"

"Ebon? Is that a name of a child?!"-muttered slowly Kajin.

Suddenly darkness descended, a solar eclipse took place!

"En?" a strange light flashed in somewhat surprised Kajin`s eyes, suddenly he glanced at the window.

'What an interesting coincidence manifested into being …name given by sharpened intuition before death?'

Kajin stroke his beard slowly:" Ebony and sun eclipse… there is some saying, eclipse symbolically is a time of rapid change, internally and externally. It means something is coming to an end in order to make room for something new to emerge…however change is not always apparent and peaceful, some use the color black as a symbol of unknown …"

Flashback ends!

'sip'-some fresh tea entered Kajin`s taste buds.

'Why all of a sudden this memory? Could this be due to a mysterious impression that Ebon had made on me earlier? Seems like some creative force has engulfed him for time being …heh interesting …"

After some time passed.

The forging room opened.

'tap','tap'-slowly Aizen walked out with drops of perspiration on his face.

Kajin suddenly appeared from the nearby room while holding an oil lamp in his hand, his face full of curiosity.

Ebon simply nodded and extended his hand, holding a black leather dagger sheath, with a wooden interior.

"Hmm…you even have finished sheath in such a short period of time? Not bad…"

Kajin gracefully took it and for a brief moment examined it with a keen eye.

The dagger was unsheathed, the oil lamp`s light reflection was quite clear on the black dagger`s surface, apparently, polishing was not done half-assed.

suddenly a wooden plank flew into the air in slow motion.

"First, there is stabbing" Kajin stabbed the plank, smoothly making a hole in it, and then drew the dagger back out, looking over the blade afterward with a nod.

A second wooden plank appeared.

"Second, there is slashing." The man hefted the dagger overhead and brought it down through the second plank, splitting it in half easily.

After that, Kajin placed a metal orb.

"And lastly, we must look at its resilience." The same action was repeated on the dark orb, and the blade rebounded with a clang.

The man held the dagger aloft, looking up at its edge. The collision with the metal orb had dulled the edge a bit, but the structure of the blade was still very much whole.

"It pierces, cuts, and can weather an impact…keep up the good work and continue listening to your inner feelings"-mildly said Kajin, his satisfaction was deeply hidden.

Aizen just nodded 'cheap with compliments, to avoid obvious ego inflation.'

"How many leaves can you stick to your body, as of now, Ebon?"-suddenly Kajin inquired.

"About ten, as of now"-reply came in a relaxed manner.

Kajin mulled a little and stated with a hint of encouragement: "tomorrow I will show you a different chakra control exercise"

Ebon smiled and his face expressed mild anticipation "well, I am looking forward to it! I will be off to bath then"

With that said, Aizen calmly and gracefully walked away, while an image of a hot, refreshing bath flashed in his mind.

p.s check out new cool rap about Aizen -(AIZEN RAP | "Welcome to the Dungeon" | RUSTAGE ft. DizzyEight & McGwire [BLEACH])

lyrics :

Verse 1 Rustage

Fourty six, dripping with blood of the orifice

You think a god, then you thought of this

I leave em shh, they gonna calling this

They got no

You can not step to me, I'll leave em burn like an effogy

Double on nothing like jeopardy

Cause when I kill it, bitch, that shit is staying in my memory

Verse 2 DizzyEight

I'm in a whole different pedigree, y'all really wanna get ahead of me, Zuigetsu, you can't get ahead of me

I never thought, but you know that is cracked when I spit that is in for me

I'm never taking you serious, you my inferiеnce, talking on me, that's hilarious

I'll put an end to your linе like a period

Verse 3 Rustage

I'll put an end to your line like a period, ha

Mess with the hazy delirious, ha

Damn, I'm superior

Verse 4 DizzyEight

Spirit pressure, you can't track that, you don't know what happen, you can't clap back

I flip the eyes like, sympathy, no cause like Blackjack

Y'all will never catch me lacking, I

Chorus McGwire & Rustage

Yeah, I'm gone pride shit, today's my day

Y'all gone standing, get out my way

Welcome to the dungeon [uh, welcome to the dungeon], join your stay

Prepare to be hunted [count your days], y'all should pray

Welcome to the dungeon [welcome to the dungeon], it's my domain

Verse 5 DizzyEight

Y'all really thought I was blind

Really my vision is something divine

Thought I was out of my mind

But that sort of

I'd rather be Hollow than follow your king

You'd rather be sheep and that couldn't be me

You stuck in the prison, I'd rather be free

Then you serve to the someone that's lesser than me

Verse 6 Rustage

Face-face-facing my blade and it's already too late

Bow down on the god of the new age

Two face, I'm a center of the food chain

I don't need a Bankai, bitch, to remove waist

Broken, keep it a lot, I got goons that be spoken

I got that dragon, my Kido is poem

I leave em broken

If they shit like I move in the Trojan

Verse 7 DizzyEight

I am the king, I am the one, step up to me, I already won

Did none for succeed, you facing the fee cause I'll reach a score before I begun

Verse 8 Rustage

Espada, got that team Hispanic

When we drop on the scene they are seem to vanish

I'm a boss, what you mean cause I lead the panic

Got the beam to Baptists, when I clean I banish

Like they need attention

They not even living in the same dimesnsion

Chorus McGwire & Rustage

Yeah, I'm gone pride shit, today's my day

Y'all gone standing, get out my way

Welcome to the dungeon [uh, welcome to the dungeon], join your stay

Prepare to be hunted [count your days], y'all should pray

Welcome to the dungeon [welcome to the dungeon], it's my domain