
Naruto: Absolute Chakra

David was a normal man before a freak acident by a God removed him from the world he knows and loved. The God gave him a second chance in the world of his favorite anime, The Naruto Universe The God gave him a skill...... Complete Chakra Control

Daoist60ZUVY · Anime & Comics
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Growing Up

It been a fun life growing up.

It has been 4 years since I was reincarnated. I was born into a middle class family with the name Ryuga Kenshin. Since my family was middle class, we didn't have that much financial problems in our household.

My dad, who is the head instructor at the academy, supported my dreams of becoming a powerful ninja. To prove that, He bought me the first ever training katana. Even though it was wooden, it gave me a way to get ahead of the competition and get strong fast.

Speaking about my father,Isagi Kenshin, he is a pretty strong fellow. He ranks as one of the top jonins in the village. He has high expectations for me and I'm going to smash those expectations.

The Complete Chakra Control skill is also helping a lot. Focusing chakra on some parts of the body., I can get enhanced physical abilities and more stamina. I only have a little chakra so it is not helping that much.

With the chakra hardening technique, I found it to be very interesting. Right now, I'm trying to test the hardening abilities of this skills.

As I went into my backyard, i stood in the center of the field and started concentrating chakra into my right hand. Sure enough, in a few seconds, my hands were coated in a dark blue aura.

As I started to think about hardening my chakra, the chakra started to swirl and materialize into small needles. I was astonished how easy it was to grasp these abilities.

I spotted a log a few meters away . I aimed my needles and prepared to launch them.I threw my needles to the nearby log. The moment the needles made contact with the log, it dispersed into blue smoke.

Guess my chakra wasn't strong enough to pierce the log.


I went to the Dango shop in order to cool off from my training.

I went and took a seat . That's when a man came over to me and asked for my order, I just asked for a plate of dango. He told me it will be in a few minutes.

As I was waiting for my food, I saw a kid my age sitting at the other end of the shop. I thought I saw him before but I couldn't put my finger. That thought quickly evaporated, as the shop owner brought me my dango .


After finishing my dango, I went to pay for it. It appears as if someone was already trying to pay for their food, but came up short with money.

When i looked at the kid again, it clicked in my mind who this was. The black jacket with the symbol of the Uchiha clan, the goggles on his forehead, this was the kid who would start the 4th Great Ninja War, Obtio Uchiha.

Even if he was who I thought he was, he was still wasting my time. I walked up to the shop owner, and paid for the rest of the meal and my own. It seemed like Obito was pretty thankful, as he proceeded to bowed towards me and said thanks.

"It's no problem really", I responded as I left the shop.

For the rest of the day, Obtio and I walked around the village, talking to each other. Obito considered me as a friend of sorts, mainly because he never had any. Obtio is a pretty cool person honestly, but I had enough of him for one day.


As I went back home, it seemed like my father was waiting for me. He told me he had a surprise for me and it is going to help my training.

" Here you go son", he told me before handing me a paper.

"What even is this", I asked.

"It is a chakra paper. By inserting your chakra in this paper, you can see you nature transformation", he informed me.

Oh, it's one of those things. I guess it wouldn't hurt to see what my nature transformations. I let my chakra flow through the paper. What happened next almost gave my father a heart attack.

The paper split into 5 pieces. One of them caught on fire and turned to ash.One just simply split in half. Another piece wrinkled as it folded itself. The 4th piece of the paper became soaked with water. As for the the last, it turn to dirt and crumbled away.

My father's mouth was agape

"Five nature transformations.... How", he yelled out.

I guess the God who reincarnated me into this world really was looking out for me.