
Naruto: Absolute Chakra

David was a normal man before a freak acident by a God removed him from the world he knows and loved. The God gave him a second chance in the world of his favorite anime, The Naruto Universe The God gave him a skill...... Complete Chakra Control

Daoist60ZUVY · Anime & Comics
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Academy Test

And just like that, a year passed by.

I'm now 5 years, and I learned a lot of things from last year.

I mastered around 15 kenjitsu techniques, 10 of them being from the wind and fire nature transformations that dad taught me. The other 5 techniques are ones from the other nature transformations, lightning , water, and earth.

I also learned some genjitsu techniques as my chakra control is excellent. This will prove to be excellent if I ever find myself in a tough situation.

Another thing that I learned were my chakra manipulation techniques. I had invented a technique where I coated my body in solid chakra, therefore giving me a layer of protection. I also practiced some shuriken jutsus with my chakra as it might come in handy.

I also physically more stronger than kids my age, and even some other adult ninjas

Me and Obito's training was cut short however as the Second Shinobi World war had started. My father being one of the most strongest and talented jonins, he was sent to the front line. I hope he stays safe, as he helped become the powerhouse that I am.

Ever since then, Obito and I started sparring against each other, which always resulted in me winning

Obito's training bore different results though. He became proficient at taijitsu and he learned two jutsus, one being fire and one being wind nature transformations. Obito's nature transformation are fire, lightning, and wind.

Obito might be one of the strongest people of our grade. I am not entirely sure about him beating Kakashi. Like seriously, he attending the same class as us, at 4 years old!

Speaking of class, Obito and I are walking with my mom to the academy because it is enrollment day.

As we made it to the Academy,a huge building in Konohagakure located directly at the base of the Hokage Mountain. It had the kanji "Fire" stationed at the top of the building.

I saw a crowd of people. Most of these people are from influential clans, with a handful of civilians participating too. All of the clan members will be accepted, while the civilians, including me, will take a test.

Dad was never a part of a clan. He built himself from the ground up and became one of the strongest jonins in the village. He married a civilian girl and they then gave birth to me. I'm a full blood civilian and that makes me obligated to take the test.

They told us civilian kids to get inside to get tested while the clan kids get enrolled outside. As I said bye to Obito and mom, I headed inside the academy ready to be tested.


This test has two parts, a written test and an interview.

If you failed the written test, you automatically failed. I agree with this sentiment because there is a library where you can research everything that is on the test. If you didn't even bother doing this, then you weren't serious in becoming a ninja.

With all that said, I walked into the testing area to take the test.


After taking the test, we were escorted into a waiting room of sorts where we waited for our turn in the interview.

After a few minutes, it was my turn for the interview. I walked inside the room to see a table with two instructors and the third hokage.

Why the hell is the third hokage interviewing a bunch of civilians! I'll find out later but right now all I have to do is answer the questions in the best way possible.

As I stood in front of the table, the third hokage fired off the first question.

"What is your ambition in becoming a ninja"

"To protect the village", I quickly replied.

"Just like your father huh", he said.

Guess he liked my answer. I just have to keep talking about how much I loved the village and I'll land a spot easily.

"What would you say is your greatest weapon", one of the instructors said.

I'll have to think about this one. Depending on what I say, I might get an automatic seat in the classroom. I thought about it for a few seconds before replying.

I would have to say my chakra control, I confidently answered.

I guess they didn't believe me however, because they asked me to demonstrate it.

I walked over to the wall, and started effortlessly running across the walls. The instructor was shocked. I bet they thought I was bluffing and lying to get a spot. Even Hiruzen was impressed.

As the hokage and the instructors were talking to themselves, they reached a quick conclusion.

"Ryuga Kenshin, regarding your enrollment in this academy, you have passed"!

I smiled at this conclusion, and exited the building with a smile on my face.