
Naruto : Absinthe

Jtwsgj_wtjwtjw · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter no.7

""Naruto," Naruto began in a solemn tone, placing his hands on his partner Sakura's shoulders, "you should never get Lee drunk. In order to protect the inhabitants of the village."

She showed him one pink eyebrow in response to his question. She was dressed in a white hospital jacket that was an exact duplicate of the one Sasuke wore. She had a clipboard in one hand and a steaming cup of coffee made of Styrofoam in the other. Sasuke was by himself in the break room, sitting on a sofa while he reviewed the medical history of one of his patients. He had finally achieved the fifth rank of the medics in training, which enabled him to advance to the next level, which was to serve as an apprentice to a medic and eventually care for patients on his own. The cultivation of chakra control that he attained through training in medical jutsu benefited his other training, as evidenced by the fact that he surpassed Naruto in his mastery of lightning jutsu. Although there were times when his bedside manner was still a little lacking...

Sakura rolled her eyes and took a sip of her coffee before slipping past him to find a seat. She continued to look annoyed. "Okay, Naruto. I won't get Lee drunk."

The blond woman responded with a solemn "Thank you."

Sasuke remarked in a disinterested manner, "I heard Iruka was looking for you," but a smirk could be seen on his face as he looked at Iruka. The back of Naruto's head was the target of his glare.

The instructor from the Academy had been hiding in the neighbourhood, waiting for Naruto to show himself so that he could choke him. Naruto had no idea who had let it slip that he had been struck by actual lightning, but he intended to strangle whoever it was that had done so.

He landed on the cushions of the couch after jumping over the back of the couch. When is your'special meeting' scheduled to take place? Sakura asked, eyeing him over her glasses. Although she didn't require them, Naruto had designed them so that they would reduce the amount of strain that her eyes would experience when reading in low light or reading small print. Sasuke was also seen wearing them. When the light glinted off of them in just the right way, one could make out the teeny, tiny seals that were on the side.

I assured oji-chan that he would be able to enter the compound at noon, as I had promised. It was ten o'clock when I looked at the clock. "I had planned to bring Madara to a different location, but I don't believe I'll be able to convince him." He yawned and stretched out his arms over the armrest of the sofa. "How has the workout been going with baa-chan?"

The response that Sakura gave was, "She's a very strict taskmaster, but I'm up to the challenge." "There are times when I'm so afraid that I might pass away, but that only serves to make my mind stronger." Her face was adorned with a bright and cheery smile.

Both Sasuke and Naruto showed signs of sweating. "How are things going with your training with TenTen, Sasuke?"

Sasuke admitted his mistake and winced in embarrassment as he said, "I admit that I didn't expect her to be quite so competent." The vast majority of the genin he worked with were inferior to both him and the other people he was working with. "However, she is very skilled in the arts of the shinobi as well as in teaching. Already, I'm able to hit the exact centre of still targets."

Sakura mumbled some reflective words as she stirred the cinnamon stick in her hot beverage and said, "That's to be expected, what with the standards for graduating nowadays." "Although it's safe to assume that anyone on Gai's team would be capable," They giggled in unison, the three of them.

"Ero-sennin has been providing me with assistance in regard to Kurama's chakra. When he is around, I am able to completely unwind and let go "Naruto nodded and gave a shrug in response. It took some effort, but I was able to turn my hand into a claw without becoming too exhausted.

"This is a significant improvement from the previous attempt. I swore to it." Sakura gave a little shake of the head.

"He is also very skilled in the art of ninjutsu. He is not very skilled in the art of genjutsu."

"Exactly the same as you, then." Sakura gave him a thumbs-up gesture with her hand.

Naruto gave a frustrated eye roll. "Have you made any headway on the Plot?" he inquired of Sasuke.

The Uchiha let out a huff. He responded with a "No." "The word of ghosts prevents us from taking any action against him," we said.

"True. If we do not have concrete evidence, he will not be sent to jail."

"What are your thoughts on Orochimaru?" Sasuke questioned. As the cloudiness began to settle into his eyes, he pursed his lips into a frown. Sakura and Naruto exchanged looks of discomfort with one another before wincing.

"Even Sensei hasn't been able to uncover any information about him. That one's a slippery snake, for sure." Naruto gave a friendly wave to a spirit that was floating by the window. "Try not to worry too much as much as you can."

Sasuke mumbled, "You're not the one with someone after your body," as he pointed at the other person. "The compound is in such a remote location that..."

In an effort to reassure him, Naruto told him, "I'll have sensei over to help me update the security seals." Sensei was the name of Naruto's teacher. Sasuke gave a calm nod and placed the clipboard he was using on the coffee table.

A figure slowly came into view in front of the window. While he was crouching in an inverted position on the windowsill, Kakashi said, "Yo" with a carefree wave. Sakura rolled her eyes. "Naruto, it's been a while since we last crossed paths. I heard that a bolt of lightning struck you. Oh." The corner of his eye smiled broadly. "Iruka-sensei is looking for you!"

"I know," Naruto retorted with a scowl on his face.

Kakashi rolled onto his back and ran a hand through his hair before flipping inside out. "It's been a while since we've gotten together for a pow wow, hasn't it? Would you mind if I invited your old teacher to join us?"

"Sit down, sensei. Even though only members of the medical staff are authorised to be in this area, Naruto has already broken the rule."

As he sat down on the chair next to Sakura, they were able to make out a grin on his face despite the mask. He said this while wiping away a fake tear and remarking, "My cute little genin look so grown up."

He took a punch to the shoulder from Sakura. "Ow, Sakura-chan! That caused anguish to your venerable old sensei."

Amused, Sakura replied that she could have used chakra in the situation. Both Sasuke and Naruto laughed mockingly at him.

Kakashi said this as he supported his cheek with one hand and propped it up with the other. "I heard Jiraiya-sama got an apartment, finally," Kakashi said. Both Sasuke and Sakura raised their eyebrows in question to Naruto, but he didn't respond with anything more than a blank expression.

"What? What difference does it make if ero-sennin got an apartment?" He looked away. Despite the fact that he led a nomadic lifestyle, a portion of him was overjoyed that the man had established a stake in something semi-permanent in the community. "And sensei, where exactly do you even hear these things?"

Kakashi laughed as he explained, "Jounin gossip more than you think."

Sakura spoke with a solemn tone when she announced, "Jounin Grapevine: Exposé," but she immediately began to giggle uncontrollably afterward.

"Ah, and I bet you won't be able to guess who I heard was in the running for tokubetsu jounin," the speaker said. Kakashi gave them a wink that was a little too obvious.

They instantly straightened up, with their eyes slightly widening in response. "Which one of us?" you inquire. Excited, Sakura inquired about it.

He gave them a warm smile. "If you did that, the surprise would be ruined."

They fell flat on their faces. Why bother telling us about it if you're going to keep it a secret anyway? Naruto whimpered in his distress.

Kakashi laughed as he stood up to go get a cup of coffee. The vast majority of people would have thought that they were either much too young to become a tokubetsu or special jounin, or that they lacked the necessary power. However, the vast majority of people forgot that a special jounin was called a special rank for a reason. Tokubetsu jounin were not necessarily as powerful as a full jounin; rather, they were highly specialised in one area, such as Ibiki was in torture, with their overall skill hanging somewhere between chuunin and jounin, although some of them were as powerful as jounin themselves. Ibiki was a good example of this type of Tokubetsu jounin. He had come in to have a personal conversation with Tsunade about her decision.

But obviously, no one would want to spoil the surprise, would they?