
The caged demon.

Konoha, jail

Konoha is one of the most strongest village in all the nations. It has fought and won many wars. It has created many powerful shinobis.

Minato, kakashi, itachi they are ane of the many prodigies that were born in this village.

But it has also created many evil villains in the world like danzo and madara.

But we aren't going to talk about them. Who we are going to talk about is someone who is a compleat monster.

3rd pov:

In the konoha jail, in the deepest level of containment, behind a huge metal door we

See a white haired man. His hands are tied with shackles. His head was confidened in a steel mask. He was kneeling while his eyes were close.

( same as tai long)

At that moment the huge metal door opened

For the first time after many years.

From the door a old man stepped in. Behind him was many people with different animal masks.

The old man had a hat which had the kanji for fire on it. On his hand was a scroll.

He walked in front of the white haired man and said," Ryuu, you have did huge crime against the village and its people. Your acts of evil will not be unpunished. You have betrayed the will of fire by killing fellow shinobi of the village and killing elder shoko uchiha. You have murdered your team mate hataka gin and hyuga fuma. You have also killed over one hundred root shinobi. But, you have committed one of the most hanius crime by killing the second hokaga tobirama senju."

The old man then looked at the man now known as Ryuu with deep hatred in his eyes.

The old man then opened the scroll and read," For your crimes I hear by sentence you to eternal imprisonment in the lowest level of this prison. You will be binded with charkra restriction seals and powerfully steel bindings. You will be feed only the the needed amount to keep you alive...."

He closed the scroll and looked at him and said," the only reason you are not executed is because you can't be killed. If I could kill you I would have done it the day you killed him."

As he looked at ryuu with hatred and rage, ryuu moved his head to look at him straight in the eye.

" You know hiruzen...no matter what you do... no matter where you lock me up.... I always come back...." Ryuu said in a deep voice.

Hiruzen sneared and glared at him and said," You will regret what you did that day and I will make sure you do..."

Then he turned his back and started to walk out of the jail cell.

Ryuu then started to laugh.


His laughter could be heard throughout the prison as the hokaga hiruzen and his group of Angus started to walk out.

Then we see Ryuu who says," You can't lock away the demon.... dear hiruzen."

Then, we see behind the steel mask Ryuus dark eyes turn red with three tomes in them.

Then it changed into a new design. It looked like a shuriken.

In the dark room with only light source coming from the metal door. The crimson light coming from ryuus eyes can be seen.

From his back, his shadow moves and makes a silhouette of a demon with horns and wings.

What ever he is, he is a true monster.


A/N: If you like the story leave a comment. Of you want more chapters give some power stones.


To be continued....