
Chapter 11

During the noontime, one can spot Kakashi, Rin, and Shirou in the training ground. Kakashi then takes out two strips of paper.

Kakashi: OK you two, these are the chakra papers that allow one to determine their natural affinity with an element. And dont worry, even you don't have affinity against an element you can master it. But You can master any Elements easily if you had Affinity. and so it is recommended for you guys to check your affinity before practicing any Justus which has any elemental natures to it. Rin you know about these papers know so explain the rest.


Then Kakashi gives it to both Shirou and rin.

Shirou: So I should inject chakra like this right?

Kakashi: Right.

then chakra paper had split into two, one piece burnt and other piece had become dirt and crumbled to dust.

Shirou: So I have Earth, wind and fire affinities right. ( earth and wind for magnetic release which is like steel and fire for the first memory he had gone through).

Kakashi looks at Shirou like a monster.

Shirou: What? Is 3 element affinities that rare. I will bet that rin has all 5 affinities.

Kakashi: Yes it is rare and it is recorded that no single person has all 5 affinities and even our Hokage has only mastered all affinities which game him the title professor.

Then the paper in rin's hand divided into 4 pieces, the first one on fire, another one was wet. one piece becomes dust and the last one wrinkled. ( Rin originally had mastery in all 5 elements in nasuverse)

Shirou: Told you.

Kakashi: But how is it possible.

Rin: Everything is possible.

Kakashi just sighted.

Kakashi: Ok. Dont say this to anyone. only we three know about this. did you both understand. 'Mainly Danzo or other villages must not know. or Danzo will kidnap her and train her or other villages will try to assassinate her before she grows in power.'

Shirou, rin: Right, got it.

Kakashi: Ok here are the storage scrolls that have many jutsus. try to learn as many jutsu as you can before I come back. if you both want any help just ask gai. Oh, Shirou you dont know might gai right then Rin introduce Shirou to gai if you have free time. I will be back in Few months or a year or two. be careful. and shirou if you try anything naughty you will see the hell. OK Bye.

Shirou: Bye.

Rin was literally drooling looking at the scrolls.

Rin: 'So much jutsus are there. with this, I dont think I will have free time.' Just go already.

Kakashi just sighed and left.

Rin: Ok bye Shirou. I will call you If I need any help.

Shirou who had lived with rin knows what she was thinking.

Shirou: Ok bye.


In the dojo, you could find Itachi, Shisui and Sasuke lying on the ground fully sweetened and tired. They could not even move their muscle

Saber: What? you Three can't defeat a single weak kid together. Get up. this training is still not over.

Shisui: 'You say you are a weak kid. then what is the description of strong.'

Itachi: 'Shisui called me a monster for my talent, but I have been easily defeated and if beeing trained by a girl who is the same age as my brother! then what is she called as?'

Sasuke: 'No I can't lose to her I can only propose to her if I defeated her. but, she has even defeated my brother easily in a pure sword fight and is teaching us all. If this continues I cant propose at all!'

Saber: It seems that you guys reached the limit. now take rest. Tiredness is an enemy.

In this one month after saber defeated Sasuke in the one-sided slaughter, she trained Sasuke mercilessly. Seeing her skill both Itachi and shisui asked for a spar with no jutsus involved. and obviously saber gave them a one-sided slaughter training and she just builds a new timetable for them to train. Her training was beating them mercilessly and then taunts them and again beats them until the point that they can only breath and didn't have strength to even speak.

Saber: Shisui after one hour we go to get a sword.

Shisui: Yes ma'am.


Saber: So this is the shop where shisui told to get the sword.

Sasuke: Yes Arturia.

Saber: let's go inside.


Saber: Sir I need a long 2 handed broadsword.

Owner: ... you need what?

Saber: long 2 handed broadsword.

Owner: Tenten call him. he might know what she is asking for. (Because here they mainly sell kunai and hidden weapons. and so they are familiar with these kind weapons but dont know how to make one)

Tenten: On it dad.

At that time an angry Naruto enters the shop. before he asks something on the counter Sasuke stops him.

Sasuke: Hay stops there. we are talking to the shop keeper.

Naruto just ignores him and proceeds to owner.

Naruto: Where is he. he is just hanging out with some random woman and completely forgets about me. today I will settle this matter for sure.

Saber: So this kid swings that way.

Naruto: I am not.

Sasuke: There is no use in denying it. You just spoke like a girlfriend, whose boyfriend spends time with other girls.

Naruto: Did I?!

Owner: ... Yes.

Shirou enters. at that time.

Shirou: Hay narut...

suddenly saber pushes Sasuke and Shirou pushed naruto

Saber: SHIROU!!!

Shirou: SABER!!!

They both hugged each other after a long reunion. They heard 2 balloons popping sound. but they ignored that.

Saber: It is a long time Shirou.

Shirou: Yes very long time.

Sasuke and naruto asked in an angry manner

Sasuke: YOU! COME AND HAVE DUEL WITH ME! 'if I beat him then I can show that he is worthless to arturia.


Saber: what thus he means by another girl Shirou?

Shirou: It is rin saber. so don't worry.

Saber: So you got her already?

Naruto and Sasuke: 'GOT HER?'

Shirou: Yes I got her.

saber: Good.

Naruto and Sasuke: 'AND SHE ACCEPTED IT?'

Sasuke: HAY DON'T IGNORE ME AND HAVE A DUAL WITH ME 'i must teach this bastard a lesson'

Naruto: then have a match with me too 'I must win and teach Shirou a lesson'

Shirou: Saber, he is?

Saber: Sasuke, an acquaintance of mine and he is


Shirou: Naruto, someone who is like a brother for me here.

Naruto: 'at least he remembers me. but as a brother, I must teach him hot to cheat. so I need to fight'

Shirou: Then do you want to go one on one, or a team match?

Sasuke: One-on-one.

Naruto: Just as he says.

Shirou: Sir, I will borrow your dojo for a while.

Owner: No problem kiddo.

Tenten: Shirou going to have a spare, it is exciting!

Saber: Sasuke a bit of advice. don't fall for his traps ok. and take this to improve yourself. ' He will surely fall for it. and let this teach him some lesson'

Sasuke: 'What Arturia is giving me advice. She is praying for me to win against that scum' Dont worry Arturia. I got this.



Shirou: Just say when you want to give up ok?

Sasuke: me? getting hurt? dont joke around?

then Shirou just kept his wooden sword at his side leaving a lot of openings.

Sasuke: 'You leave a lot of opening and say to me that you are good at it. just like a scam.'

Sasuke tried to attack Shirou at full speed in his opening. but Shirou blocked it which was like predicting future and counterattacked him.

Sasuke: what?

Shirou: Give it another try.

then Sasuke continuously tries to attack Shirou which we being blocked and sometimes counterattacked

Sasuke: 'But why? he is having a lot of openings but easily blocks the attack and counterattacking me.his fighting is totally opposite to that of Arturia. she dont leaves an opening and fights but he leaves opening and attacks. he is like toying with me. he is predicting like Sharingan. no, this can't be happening'

And Sasuke receives a blow at his head and fainted on the spot.

Shirou: Did I overdid it?

Arturia: no you didn't.

Naruto: 'No he clearly overdid it.'

Arturia seems to guess naruto's thought

Saber: One must not hold back against an opponent. because it is an insult to him. now, are you going to fight or give up

naruto: give up!

hi author here. I decided to go with my original plan to have no characters from nasuverse and only have this trio. because bringing more characters is more like a harem. But I will have side stories by bringing other servants and masters for just a few stories independent of the main story. the stories are like

Gai, Leonidas

jariya , merlin

tamamo, ninetails and many more short stories.

I hope you like my decision

ArcherEMIYAcreators' thoughts