
Chapter no.12

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Sakura just walked through the gates and started her search for her love, Naruto Uzumaki.

Sakura was also trying to figure out how to find him, she was just so worked up on finding Naruto that she'd forgot to find a way to locate him.

Though it did not stop her as she just realised her feelings for him.

She did come up with a plan, and that is to follow some of the search parties.

She remember that she was not supposed to leave the village by order by Tsunadae, she had to keep out of sight until she could find Naruto and confess and apologies to him for what she had done this morning.

(With Kakashi and Sasuke)

Kakashi summoned his dogs to search for Naruto a while ago, so he should get a response soon.

Both Sasuke and Kakashi had their Sharingans activated, to find Naruto's Chakra signal. Kakashi grew worry of Sasuke, as he did not turn his Sharingan off to rest since they left the village about twenty minutes ago. Kakashi can see Sasuke's Chakra is weak and tried to calm the boy down.

"Sensei. Had they found Naruto's scent or Naruto yet?" Sasuke Asked

"No Sasuke, unfortunately not." Kakashi replied sadly

"DAMN IT!" Sasuke Yelled, hitting a tree hard leaving a small hole

"I HAVE TO FIND NARUTO! HE'S THE ONLY ONE WHO'S A BROTHER TO ME!" Sasuke yelled in a mixture rage and worry

"Sasuke, calm down, we'll find him." Kakashi said in a calm tone

"Sensei! I have to find him no matter what! How am I supposed to calm down when he's out there running away?!" Sasuke Asked in a worried tone with a hint of despair

"Something tells me It's about much more than your brotherhood?" Kakashi guessed, looking at Sasuke with his lazy eye in curiosity

"You're right Sensei, *Sigh*, Before we graduated, I always called Naruto a dope, loser and dead last along with the rest of the class, I never knew how much he truly suffered, I thought he had never felt pain like I did when my clan died, but hearing of what he holds I can only say that I'm half right. True he doesn't know the pain I've been feeling, but his is greater than mine, I had the village looking and caring after me, while Naruto was treated worse than anything I can imagine because of that thing in him." Sasuke Explained with a sad voice

"Sensei, I have a question. Why did the fourth seal the demon in Naruto? Why not himself instead?" Sasuke Asked, looking up at Kakashi

Kakashi looked at Sasuke, he sighed then closed his eyes for a few seconds then opened them again, "The Demon couldn't be sealed in anybody Sasuke? It had to be a new born child, that's why Naruto was chosen. Though the fourth wanted Naruto to be seen as a Hero or Jailer of the Demon than being seen like one, the whole village lost lots of Shinobi and loved ones, they took their anger in Naruto for what had happened that day when he was only an hour old." Kakashi explained with a hint of sadness in his voice

AN HOUR OLD! Sauske was surprised that Naruto was only an hour old and he was already hated by the leaf. For what? Having a demon inside that tried to destroy the village which he had no control of?!

Sasuke changed his expression to his normal look. By that stage Sakura was passing by, she had heard the conversation Sasuke had with Kakashi. She decided to take a small listen to the conversation. She hid behind the trees in a small distance from Kakashi and Sasuke to take a very quick listen.

"Kakashi-Sensei. There was something Naruto had that he was about to give to Sakura, it was a necklace which had a diamond on, it looked very similar to the one the first had. Is the necklace the first's?" Sasuke Asked

"True Sasuke, very true. I asked Tsunadae why Naruto was wearing it, she said that she had a bet with him. If he masters the Rasengan in a week, he can have that necklace, It belong not only to the first but the loved ones that Tsunadae held dear her died, she gave it to them because they were close to her, very close. Naruto is one of those people who are very close to her. My guess is that Sakura is one of those people?" Kakashi Explained

"Naruto always loved Sakura to the heart until the day he dies, he saved her in a lot of occasions and always been there for her, I saw her as she attempted to throw the necklace in the water back at the bridge." Sasuke Explained

Sakura heard all of that and started to tear up, she couldn't believe that the necklace she tried to throw away belonged to the first's. She now feels guiltier than ever, Naruto tried to give her the best gift any girl would die for and she threw it away.

Sakura left the area to continue her search for Naruto, "Naruto-Kun, I'm so sorry." Sakura apologised in her head.

Back with Kakashi and Sasuke, Sasuke sighed, "*sigh* I hope we find him." Sasuke hoped with a sad voice