
Naruto : A New Shadow Hokage

MC is Transmigrated as Sasuke Uchiha a year before the Momoshiki attack.

Uchiha_Minato · Anime & Comics
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Sasuke Uchiha vs Kinshiki Otsutsuki

[Im Giving Kinshiki a few buffs i just struggle to believe the kage can actually fight a otsutsuki and beat them when it was clearly stated that these guys are far above their level and only Naruto and Sasuke should be anywhere near them.]


Kinshiki quickly rushed at me with a burst of speed, i quickly took out my sword and matched him for every blow, i was faster than him but he was physically much stronger than me and he was also good at weilding his axe.

After matching each other blow for blow for a few seconds i used Shinra Tensei on him as soon as he got near me to attack, the force of the jutsu sent him flying back and as this happened his grip on his axe loosened and because of this he was no longer holding his axe but the force of Shinra Tensei was making the sword also fly back just as Kinshiki was.

As soon as i noticed this i quickly sent Chidori through my blade and used Amenotejikara on the Axe and i was right next to Kinshiki, he instantly sensed my presence next to him but he could do nothing but watch as i sent my sword through his right arm cutting it off his body.

Kinshiki landed on the floor after i cut of his arm and i landed a few steps away from him.

"Hahaha How careless Kinshiki letting a mortal cut your arms off" Momoshiki said from where he was standing.

A few seconds after her said that Kinshiki stood up and his arm instantly regrew.

'Regeneration?, well i guess that is one of the things i need to still find a way to get, it was ultimately what gave Hashirama and Naruto the edge against Madara and Sasuke.'

"Who are you, how can you access this dimension and where is Otsutsuki Kaguya?" Momoshiki asked now his voice getting more serious.

I didn't really give them an answer and the wind around me picked up and because of this my hair started moving a bit and now they were finally able to see the Dojutsu in my Left eye.

"Oh Rinnegan Huh, I guess that explains how your here but what of Otsutsuki Kaguya? Where is She? are you one of her descendants?" Momoshiki asked

"You dont know? She is no longer here" i said, it wasn't far from the truth she wasn't dead but sealed and they didn't need to know that if they somehow unseal her and we have to fight all 3 of them at the same time that might be a problem.

Kinshiki again came to attack me with a burst of speed using his weapon i was able to defend the first few attacks but then suddenly he put a lot more strength into one of his attacks and as i tried to deflect it with my sword it was cut in half, i quickly used Shinra Tensei to put some distance between me and him.

Momoshiki then put his hand on the ground and huge chakra avatars appeared from the ground and headed straight towards me, it was very quick but i was able to easily track it with my Sharingan and Rinnegan and i could have dodged but i let myself be caught.

Seeing that i was caught Momoshiki said "Well I had expected you to give me more of a challenge but i guess not" he then sent some sort of a fire style Jutsu through the Chakra Avatar but just as it was about to hit me i again used Amenotejikara on Kinshiki and he took the full force of the Jutsu.

After a few seconds when all the smoke finally vanished Kinshiki could be seen where the Chakra Avatars were and Momoshiki was shocked so he had clearly not seen me switch places with Kinshiki.

Kinshiki had again lost an arm and his whole body was burnt.

'I guess his Fire Style is stronger than even mine, none of my Fire Style Jutsu's would have done something like that to Kinshiki.' A few seconds later Kinshiki's burns healed and his arm was again regenerated.

'I can still fight the two of them but its a risk that isn't worth it, Kinshiki has some sort of Regeneration that he didn't originally have and this Momoshiki also looks a bit stronger than the Original, in the Show he needed to fuse with Kinshiki to use that but here he didn't and i still don't know what to do about the Karma so its better i leave, i have what i came for its time to get out now.'

I then quickly made a portal right next to me and left before either of them could follow me.

I then arrived somewhere in one of the training grounds in Konoha and it was currently the evening, i then tried to sense Naruto's Chakra and felt it both in the Hokage's Office and his house, i realised that the one at his house was a Clone but i decided to go there anyway since i did want to meet Boruto.

After a few minutes of walking i got to Naruto's house and during my walk i felt his Shadow Clone pop.

I knocked on their after i arrived and as soon as i did i heard a voice scream from inside "So You Have Finally decided to Come Home Stupid old Man"

As soon as the door opened Boruto threw a punch at me but i saw to coming and easily blocked it.

Boruto was a bit shocked that it wasn't his dad but someone else so he instantly apologized.

"So your Naruto's Son, What's your Name?" i asked

"Uzumaki Boruto" he said still a bit shocked

The lights then turned on and Hinata came out and said "Boruto who is it" but then after looking at me she said "Sasuke-Kun is that you"

I had never in my life interacted with her so i didn't really know how to address her so i simply said "Is Naruto Home?"

"He should still be at the Hokage's Office he isn't back yet" She replied

"Im sorry to disturb you then" i said and i was about to walk away but Boruto also tried to run to the Hokage's Office but since his mother was against it so i stopped him and then started going towards the Hokage's Office but i already knew Boruto will eventually come there and that's when he will ask me to be my student.