
Naruto: A New Life

Beginning, beginning, beginning or origin of something; Uzumaki Naruto, was a mere eight year old boy. A simple heap of meat, muscle and fat; but it was the scabbard that kept the furious Fox imprisoned, and kept it from tearing apart thousands of innocents. And despite the ostracism of which he was the victim of the vast majority of the villagers in his village, he still desperately wanted to obtain the title of Hokage and, finally, be recognized by everyone... But it was surprising how small actions could lead to big changes. A simple sigh, a brief exchange of glances, the flutter of a butterfly's wings... it all happens in the blink of an eye; but its consequences reverberate like echoes endlessly in the valley of eternity. He was like a butterfly flapping its wings, and in this case, that simple discovery, that simple scene before his eyes, was the echo of his choices. It was his genesis. It was the beginning of a Shinobi, who would burn his name deep into the flesh of that world, like a scar.

MoonSiwa · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 5

Naruto was outraged.

- Hey, you can't offend my apartment like that!

Tobirama shrugged.

- Whatever. To answer your question, I am the guardian of the scroll...

- The keeper of the scroll? – He asked confused.

Tobirama nodded.

- Yes, when I created this scroll, I knew that many people would want to get it, so I created a blood seal to protect it, but I knew that was not enough, because someone could use the blood of someone in my family , with that in mind I created this jutsu.

- If I may know, what is this jutsu? – He asked in a mixture of curiosity and confusion.

Tobirama continued. - The tamashi no fukkatsu {Soul Rebirth}.

- Tamashi no fukkatsu? – He asked confused.

- Yes, it's a jutsu that allows you to summon the soul of someone dead, in the world of the living, I created this technique when I was developing Edo tensei no jutsu {impure Resurrection Technique}, but I discarded it because souls without a container didn't have usefulness in battle. – He did. – So it was the perfect jutsu for security, I sealed a portion of my chakra and my blood, in the scroll formula, so if I died and someone opened the scroll, the seal would automatically perform the jutsu and my soul would be resurrected in this world. - Tobirama explained.

Naruto nodded, as if he understood. But then he made a confused expression. - But you yourself said that a body without a container cannot fight, how would you defend the parchment? – He questioned.

Tobirama smiled. – Simple, if the person who opened the parchment did not have the Senju lineage, since my chakra is linked to the parchment I could destroy it whenever I want.

Naruto's eyes widened. "Wait, if my blood was able to open the parchment, it means that…" Said the surprised blonde.

Tobirama nodded. - Yes, you probably have Senju blood running through your veins. - He cut it.

Naruto was stunned, was he a Senju? But his last name was Uzumaki, did one of his parents belong to that clan? These and other questions haunted the young blonde's mind.

-I'm a Senju…-he muttered in disbelief. – I thought it was an Uzumaki.

- Uzumaki, from the Mito clan? – Tobirama asked in surprise.

- Who is Myth? And what is this Uzumaki clan story? – He questioned confused.

Tobirama sighed. - Well, Uzumaki Mito was the wife of my brother Hashirama, she belonged to the Uzumaki clan, a clan of Uzushiogakure no sato {Hidden Village of Whirlwind}. - He explained. - The Uzumakis and the Senjus were linked by blood, maybe that's why... you managed to open the parchment... - Not even Tobirama seemed convinced of that.

Naruto shrugged. -Maybe…-he agreed. – But, I've never heard of this Uzushiogakure person. – He questioned interested.

– Probably something must have happened to this Village, but I don't know anything either, I died during the first big shinobi War, a lot of time must have passed since then. – Tobirama guessed.

- Yes, we arrived until the Third Great War shinobi...

Tobirama's eyes widened. "Third..." He muttered in disbelief. – And who won? – He asked worried.

Naruto thought for a moment. He was missing a lot from Shinobi History classes. But then he remembered, with a snap.

- Don't worry, of course it was Konoha...

Think. He completed in thought.

Tobirama sighed with relief, from then on a silence settled over the room, but it was broken by Naruto.

-Etto…-he started uncertainly. – What's on that parchment? - He asked.

Tobirama looked very excited.

- In this parchment are the jutsus that I created throughout my life...

- Your jutsus? What is it that is important to you? – He questioned.

Tobirama looked at him as if he were mad. Maybe it was.

- Most of the jutsus I created were classified as Rank S, an example is Edo Tensei and Hiraishin, with these jutsus in hand it is possible to annihilate a shinobi village easily, if this scroll fell into the hands of an enemy of Konoha, the Village would be destroyed.

- Hiraishin? I thought this jutsu was created by yondaime. - He uttered confused.

- Of course I created it! – He exclaimed irritated. – The yondaime must have copied me. - He declared sulking. – Wait, who is the yondaime? – He questioned confused.

Naruto got a drop on his head. - Serious? Do you only ask this after cursing him? - He ironized.

- What's it? I'm just curious. – He defended himself.

Naruto sighed. – His name is Namikaze Minato, and he was the yondaime hokage of konoha. - He explained.

- Konoha prospered until the yondaime? – He questioned surprised.

- Yes, but he died eight years ago, defending the village during the Kyuubi Attack...

Tobirama's eyes widened. – Was the village attacked by the Kyuubi? – He asked incredulously.

-Yes, eight years ago, on the 10th of October the day I was born. - He replied with a serious face.

Tobirama has always been an excellent observer. From a very young age. That was extremely useful when he was younger. It helped him to survive in the most varied situations. His brain was great at putting pieces together. And in that instant, he saw it all falling into place.

''Hmm this is weird, he's an Uzumaki and the day the Kyuubi was born he attacked the village, was his mother a jinchuuriki who had her seal broken?''

– Kid. – He called.

- Yes?

Tobirama narrowed his eyes. - Where are your parents? – He questioned.

Naruto lowered his head. - They are dead. - He muttered sadly.

Tobirama sharpened his reddish-brown eyes.

- Am sorry. - He apologized.

Naruto shrugged. – It doesn't matter, I never saw them, they died the day I was born. – He forced a smile.

''That's suspicious, I think it's better to find out'' - He thought activating his sensory ability to check the blonde's chakra, Tobirama's eyes widened. – ''He is the jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi, I can clearly feel the chakra of the Kyuubi inside him'' – he thought surprised.

Naruto found the expression on the face of the Nidaime Hokage very strange.

- Are you all right, Tobirama-sama? You look scared. - Questioned the blonde.

- Is nothing. – Tobirama acquired a calmer face. – If the yondaime died, who is the new hokage? – Tobirama asked, trying to change the subject.

- Sandaime-jiji had to resume his post. - Answered.

- Hiruzen? – He questioned in doubt.

Naruto nodded.

Tobirama was silent for a few minutes. He seemed to be thinking seriously. After a moment, his reddish-brown eyes turned to the little boy. He studied it intently.

Naruto felt extremely uncomfortable. He hated being stared at. It reminded him... of those looks.

- I see, I already know what to do with the parchment...

- What are you going to do?

- It would be advisable to destroy it, but I had a better idea...

- Which? – He asked in doubt.

- Simple, I'll train you. - He uttered shrugging.

- WHAT?! – He exclaimed incredulously.

- Yeah, it's the best thing to do. – She pronounced calmly.

The boy grunted.

- Because I?

- From what you told me, the village needs a new hokage, so let's create one. – He stated as if it were obvious. - In all generations, it is necessary to have someone strong to protect the village, besides you are an Uzumaki, you probably have a lot of potential we cannot waste it.

-I see…-he muttered.

- Yes, it's as simple as that. – He declared with a shrug.

– So when do we start, Tobirama-sama?! – He exclaimed excited to be able to train with a hokage.

- You can call me Sensei from today. - He uttered slightly sullen. – The training schedules will be according to your schedule, when do you have free time? – He questioned curious.

- Well, normally I have classes at the Academy in the morning and in the afternoon I have free time, but I have this week free. - He uttered taking his hand to his chin in reflection.

- I had forgotten about the Academy… - He muttered irritably, but an idea flashed in his mind. – Wait, do you have this week off at the Academy? – He questioned, saw the young man nod in agreement. – Right, I think there's time to learn that jutsu… - He muttered excitedly.

- There is? What jutsu? - Asked the blonde uninterested.

Tobirama ignored the young blonde's question.

- We need an isolated training camp, so we won't be interrupted...

- Do not ignore me! – He exclaimed irritated.

- More respect for me, brat! – He exclaimed irritated, with a dark aura around him.

- S-sorry, Tobirama-sama. – He pronounced taking a step back and in a cold sweat.

- That this doesn't happen again, understand?

Something in his gaze made Naruto gulp.

- H-Hai. - He uttered cornered.

- Pack your equipment and come with me, we need to find a training ground today. - He ordered. – And bring the parchment…- He paused.

- Yes, Tobirama-sensei. – He uttered running towards his room, took a backpack and put his shinobi material and clothes, went to the kitchen and took all the packages of Ramen putting them in the backpack. – ''I have to go forewarned'' – he thought.

He went back into the living room and took the parchment from the table, putting it in his backpack as well. – Has something happened Sensei? – He questioned worried when he saw his '' Sensei '' standing looking at nothing.

-It's no big deal, it's just that…-He started uncertainly. – I still don't know your name...

Naruto widened his eyes, slapped himself in the face, in fact he hadn't introduced himself. – Naruto, Uzumaki Naruto. – He uttered trying to fix his mistake.

Tobirama gave a slight smile. – Come on, Naruto. - He uttered leaving, floating out the window.

- Hey, this is cheating! – He exclaimed indignantly, so as not to be left behind he also jumped the window and ran across the roofs after Tobirama.