
Naruto: A Fight By Blue

A high school student gets blessed by truck-kun and is reincarnated into the world of naruto with an op system. Faced with multiple opportunities, he builds his path to power in the shadows of the Naruto world P.S I don’t own any naruto/anime/animated characters/images or plots used and only own the original characters I make.

Dash_Shadows · Anime & Comics
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Chapter Twelve: Broken Love

~Rin POV~

Today I was walking through the village, seeing the happy expressions of the people really gave me some needed closure after everything I've experienced. I lost both my sensei Minato, his wife Kushina and Obito who I acknowledged that I loved him right at the moment of his death. The only thing that kept me sane after Obito's death was the rest of my team, vowing never to let anyone die while I was still alive but I failed, Minato-sensei, Kushina and the rest of the village died during the attack of the nine-tails. During the days at the academy I always had a crush on Kakashi due to him being the cool and strong type of guy and never gave Obito the time of day. Only now do I regret not accepting his feelings. These days I haven't been able to see Kakashi due to his important anbu missions which left me feeling alone with in my own darkness.

'What should I do.'

Kakashi: "How are you doing Rin?"

"Kakashi...I...don't know what I am even living for, I've lost sight of a future to work towards."

Kakashi: "I have also tried to get over the loved ones I've lost but I think over time everything will work out, we're ninja who live and die everyday."

"I just need time to think alone, please don't follow."

I headed to the old training ground to clear my thoughts when I saw him. It was a cloaked figure that jumped from the nearby trees and landed directly in front of me, the wind blew off his hood to reveal,

"Obito, Obito!"

Obito: "Hello Rin, I guess you didn't expect me to be alive."

"What happened to you after you were crushed by that boulder, Kakashi and I couldn't find you! Sensei and Kushina died along with most of the civilians of the leaf during the nine-tails attack afew years ago, I'm so happy your back Obito."

Obito: "Rin, over the years after I separated from you guys I've always wanted to tell you something, I will destroy this world's corrupt society so someone more befitted will be incharge, the Obito you knew did die under that boulder and the person you see before you is Tobi who is a subordinate to master. I need you for my mission and I'm not giving you a choice."

In an instant he flickered behind me and knocked me out.


~Obito POV~

The mission that master gave me seemed like the most difficult one I would have to complete, it involved my old teammates.


The more I thought about it the more I began to feel a strange and weird feeling inside. I tried to forget this sensation but I couldn't so I just decided to ignore it for now. Following Rin to our old training grounds, it was time to act.

Rin: "Obito, Obito!"

Obito: "Hello Rin, I guess you didn't expect me to be alive."

"...I need you for my mission and I'm not giving you a choice."

I then quickly body flickered behind her and knocked her out. I looked closer at Rin in my arms as the strange feeling became stronger, it felt as if I lost something.

"Rin...What is happening to me!?"

'Rin never gave me the time of day and probably wouldn't care even of the corruption in this ninja world, would she? Nevermind, time to head to Kirigakure.'

~At Kirigakure~

The civil war was still going on and the villages stupid Mizukage was causing a massacre which some people were even supporting.

'This world is truly corrupt, especially the leaders.'

Mizukage: "Kill off all of the treacherous kekkei genkai users for the hidden mist village to prosper.

Mist ninja: "Understood Mizukage-sama."

"I don't think sending your support away is a smart thing to do if an enemy were to attack."

Mizukage: "I don't need them to protect myself as I'm strong enough, show yourself!"

"Hello previous jinchuuriki, I'll be taking that tailed beast you've been keeping inside you. Don't worry, he will be more useful coming with me than you and your mass genocide. Fire-style: Dragon flame bomb jutsu!"

I started our battle with some explosive fireballs, one of my specialties. The old man didn't even have time to evade.

Mizukage: "Coral-style: Coral barrier Jutsu!"

A myriad of coloured corals emerged before the mizukage and blocked my fire ninjutsu.

Mizukage: "I'm not only a jinchuuriki, I was also a powerful ninja capable of controlling three-tails. Coral-style: coral emergence."

Large corals grew from the ground in a fast pace which led to a massive coral forest rushing towards me.

"Your a hypocrite since you have a kekkei genkai yourself while causing a civil war to kill off innocents, not like i'm a saint but I have someone who needs me and I won't fail! Kamui!"

I just ran through the coral attacks and rushed towards the mizukage using my Kamui to phase through.

Mizukage: "I'm the mizukage of the mist and I won't lose to the likes of you!"

After that loud outburst came tailed beast chakra coming out of mizukages body and out came the form of three-tails but his conscience was still kept in the jinchuuriki seal.

Mizukage: "Tailed-beast bomb!"

"Amazing power you have there, relying on a tailed beast to win. I thought you said you were a powerful ninja qualified enough to be a jinchuuriki but I guess I was wrong. I will defeat you with my own power. Kamui!"

I activated my kamui to pull the tailed-beast bomb into my space and opened it back up for it to hit the mizukage. Since he was too big to dodge the attack hit him directly, but since he was in his tailed-beast form he was only knocked out. I quickly body flickered the two of us deeper into the woods before reinforcements arrived. I managed to arrive at a clearing and pulled Rin out from my personal kamui space.

"Time to collect my prize, unlock seal!"

The three-tails got out from the mizukage and appeared before me. It was sleeping as it just had a battle. Perfect for my next plan of action.

"Wake up!"

Rin: "Obito, where are we? What is that monster?"

"We are just outside of Kirigakure in the land of water. Right now I will use you to become the three-tails new temporary jinchuuriki and deliver it to my master."

Rin: "Please stop what you're doing Obito, you aren't evil. I don't know what happened to change you but...I love you Obito Uchiha!"

Without me even noticing I began to cry without a reason. The weird sensation I have felt during this period of time was like a fire burning from within myself. I looked towards Rin who was looking at me with smile and felt pain in my heart.

"Rin...I...I...love...hate you! I hate you Rin Nohara! You, Minato-sensei, Kakashi and the rest of Konoha. All of you betrayed me and left me to die at Kannabi bridge. I don't understand why I still have this feeling inside but I don't accept it, I don't love...you...Rin!"

Rin: "It's ok Obito. Whatever is happening inside you, we can get through it together, the village will accept you with open arms and Kakashi will be so happy your alive. Let's go back."

I took a few moments to figure out my situation, my mind got into a frenzy and I couldn't think straight. I knew I had to make a choice. After a while a small feeling finally filled my head and I got my answer.

"Rin I admit I love you...loved you."

Rin: "What do you mean loved Obito?"

"I have a new life now and master. He saved me from my illusions and brought me back to reality, one where there is corruption and no happy endings. My love for you was a lie and I only live now for master as he will be the king of this world. The only one in charge thus ending this corrupt ninja society where one is killed by ally or foe just because of growing strength."

Rin: "Obito, you don't mean it! that's not true, this world has light and not darkness. Whoever said this to you just wants to use you to rule the world, please stop this! This isn't you!"

"Then I will be used, I am masters loyal servant and tool. I shall see to achieving all his desires and nothing will get in my way. I'm sorry Rin. Also I was the one who caused the nine-tails incident years ago and ultimately killed sensei. goodbye."

I walked over to Rin and with my hand lighting up with chakra symbols slammed it on Rin's shoulder, an attraction force pulled the sleeping tailed-beast and pulled it inside of her. The feeling inside me now vanished, I used kamui to head back.

~Kosuke POV~

Obito: "Greetings master, I have completed the mission and brought back the three-tails."

'I guess his eternal love was broken and he is indeed a loyal subordinate. Obito passes the test, if he turned on the world for Rin in the Original than I wanted to see this loves breaking point. Mainly if even under my will's influence he felt something towards her.'

"Well done, now we should..."

Rin: "What did you do to obito!"

Obito: "Don't shout at my master or I will let you experience a pain worse than death!"

Rin: "Obito..."

"It's rude to interrupt, I just should him the truths of this world and infused my will into him. The Obito you knew died under that boulder which I rescued him from. Now he is my loyal subordinate and will jump if I say jump and do anything else I say."

Rin: "Didn't you just hear him Obito, break out of his control!"

Obito: "Master needs me so I will never betray him unlike the rest of the Konoha did to me."

'Enough of this.'

"Summon Gedo statue!"

With a puff of smoke, the husk of the ten-tails was summoned through my rinnegan and appeared in the throne room.


It's mouth opened and a purple chain struck Rin's shoulder and began to pull out the three-tails.

"This will take a while, get back to your responsibilities."

Obito: "Understood!"

Obito used kamui to leave while I proceed with sealing three-tails into the gedo statue.

'I won't stop until I can have enough strength to fight the rest of the otsutsuki clan. I sympathise with Kaguya, she tried to govern this world and build an army to face her clan. Her efforts were to protect this world and her family, but instead of thanking her or coming to an understanding, her sons only believed the words of a toad and faced her. Speaking of toads,'

"Night Zetsu"

The previous Kaguya incarnate and now my loyal servant appeared before me instantly.

Night Zetsu: "Yes master."

"Night Zetus, our activities shall stay quiet for the foreseeable future until I want for world to notice our actions. Also how is Gamamaru sleeping these days."

Night Zetsu: "The old toad can't sleep at all and the rest of Mt Myoboku are in a panic."

'From the anime it was described that it's rare for toads to sleep and when they do they can see the future in their dreams, so as that toad sage can't sleep it means this worlds fate has been changed and I'm in control of the future. Two tailed-beasts down and seven to go.'

The next chapter will start when Naruto graduates and forms team 7 and will become slowpaced.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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