
Naruto: A Fight By Blue

A high school student gets blessed by truck-kun and is reincarnated into the world of naruto with an op system. Faced with multiple opportunities, he builds his path to power in the shadows of the Naruto world P.S I don’t own any naruto/anime/animated characters/images or plots used and only own the original characters I make.

Dash_Shadows · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter Ten: Tragedy

Author - This will be a special long chapter to celebrate reaching 10 releases, it will be longer than others and will involve in depth detail on any idea that previous chapters have mentioned. Hope you guys enjoy it and other future releases!


~The next day, Naruto POV~

I woke up this morning in a hospital bed and began to recollect what happened.

'I lost again'

Looking around the room I could sense a pair of eyes directed at me from outside the window to my right. Feeling disappointment from the complete defeat I got by Obito-aniki, I decided to sit up.

Kurama: "Naruto although you lost yesterday, you did pass the test and improved a lot."

'I know, but I still don't like that even my trump card giant rasengan couldn't inflict any major damage.'

Kurama: "Just to let you know, none of your attacks connected except for the slight shock by your wind charged fireball. You really took me and Obito by surprise with that creativity to exchange power with substance."

'That is really annoying to hear but I always knew that Obito-aniki is awesome, if he could be on the ropes against a 7 year old then something must be wrong. I'll just train harder and get stronger, believe it!'

The minutes turn to an hour as I kept conversing with Kurama but it was annoyingly interrupted by the coming anbu.

Anbu: "Naruto Uzumaki by order of the hokage I am to bring you to him now."

"I'm weak from that attack that I got and just last week I happened to feel sick, I might be contagious and that old man can't lose anymore years that he has left. What would the village be without the hokage." 'Not hating me, that's what!'

Anbu: "The order was to take you as soon as you awoke."

'Your one hour late.'

Without enough time for another thought, I got body flickered away.

~At the hokage office~

Anbu: "I've brought Naruto hokage-sama."

Hokage: "Good, go on standby."

Anbu: "Sir!"

The anbu body flickered out of sight but I could still sense his presence somewhere, it's a skill I got from having Kurama inside of me for a long time. I could sense the emotions of others around me even if I don't see them.

Hokage: "Naruto would you like to tell me what happened, I can assure you no one is here to listen."

'Doesn't he get tired of lying with that fake friendly attitude. Might as well have some fun with this.'

"Well I was doing some 'special' training yesterday that drained me to the point of chakra exhaustion and then found myself unconscious."

Hokage: "Would you care to explain this special training of yours?"

"Be glad to old man."

'Going through hellish training is already traumatising, but describing it will portray it as my real life tragedy compared to the entire village hating me.'

"2 years ago I met a stranger who wouldn't tell me his name while running away from the angry villagers and..."

~2 years ago~

I was in a deep sleep in my apartment after a long day of getting attacked by the villagers again, oblivious to everything that was happening, especially the figure that appeared in my room.

Obito: "Hey Naruto, today is the day you start your training! Get up!"

"Go to sleep you...stupid...fox."

Kurama: "I'm not a stupid fox! Now WAKE UP! Obito-kun is here!"

After hearing an earful from Kurama I awoke to see a blurry figure next to the bed. Through closer observation it turned out Obito-aniki, I was doomed! I quickly tried to seek for mercy.

"Hi Obito-aniki! I didn't know you came for a visit, I was too tired from yesterday due to being unjustly abused by the villagers again and I don't have parents and...and...I'm...sorry!"

Obito: "Don't worry about it, lets have breakfast and talk about today."

'I'm not dead? Did the world end? Is this the real Obito-aniki? What if...' A bunch of thoughts raced through my head as the tense situation was easily dissolved. 'Maybe it wasn't so bad.' was the first mistake I made that day.

'It's too easy!'

"Yeah sure Obito-aniki."

I kept my guard up just incase I would end up in the pure world. Obito began to make breakfast while I set the table. We both had some pancakes and began to chat,

Obito: "Master ordered me today to begin your training to become a powerful ninja for him to use. Let's head to my space, Kamui!"

Naruto: "Yeah, lets go!"

Obito: "Keep smiling, but I keep my grudges and pay back in folds! You can't escape once your inside."

Naruto: "Wait, no!"

'I'm doomed!'

~In the Kamui space~

Obito: "We will be doing a special training that will reveal instant results."

"Let's get started."

'In training it usual builds up in difficulty so I have plenty of time to calm Obito-aniki and maybe even impress him believe it!'

Obito: "First we will figure out your affinity, channel your chakra into the chakra paper."

Channeling my chakra into the chakra paper it sliced in half.

Obito: "Since the paper was sliced in half your affinity is wind. Now to continue our training you will master understanding of the wind nature."

Naruto: "Obito-aniki! I hate reading and studying!"

Obito: "You won't learn the easy way, your going to learn everything for yourself through battle with me. It won't end until I say so! Get ready!"

Naruto: "But...I'm...5 years old and not as strong as you! What if I get unconscious or die!?"

Obito: "I will make sure to only put you to the brink of death and heal you after a lethal hit and if you turn out to get unconscious, I will wait until you wake up and resume. Enough questions, guard yourself! Fire-style: Phoenix flower jutsu!"

Without time for thought, an array of fireballs was shot at me without an escape route. I started to feel a slight burning feeling on my body before I blackout. In a couple of hours I awoke to find more fireballs shot at me. The process was repeated with fireball, pain, knockout, healing and waking up. Although Obito-aniki kept healing me, my stamina was constantly decreasing.

~5 hours later~

"I feel dead inside."

Obito: "This isn't half as hard as the hellish training I went through. Try to feel the wind chakra around you through this high sensitivity state your in."

"I'll do anything as long as you stop shooting fireballs at me! Wind is freedom which is unbound by earth...It's sharp and can cut through anything...it's...it's all around me."

In my moment of thought I came up with the solution, since wind is all around I just need to turn my chakra nature to fit with the feeling of the wind in the surroundings. I tried to form wind chakra in my mouth. The feeling of something in my mouth built up and with a simple motion, spit it out. An air bullet shot outwards and flew in a distance away before dissipating.

"I did it, I used a wind ninjutsu!"

Obito: "Now try to use wind chakra to increase your movement to defend and evade these next attack."

'I curse my half asleep state this morning for insulting Obito and for waking up!'

The fireballs resumed, but this time I had wind ninjutsu. The second mistake I made that day.

"Wind-style: Air bullet jutsu!"

The wind bullet hit the fireball heading towards me which stopped it...for a few seconds before the fire absorbed my air bullet and got bigger and stronger while continuing it's path towards me.

Obito: "Naruto, wind is weak against fire and makes it burn stronger. I guess I'm a good teacher thanks to this helpful learning experience."

With the stronger fireball charging at me I tried to channel wind chakra into my feet to lower my weight and get out of it's path. The fireball passed me but I still felt it's heat that could heat the world's largest ramen bowl.

Obito: "Now that you have an understanding of the wind nature, let's move onto fire and by the end of this training all the elements should be covered."

"If this is the only way to get stronger, then I will endure this hellish training!"

Kurama: 'I'm happy to be in him and not feeling anything happening outside.'

The day ended with me looking in perfect condition but my body broke through so many limits I was in pain all over while staying conscious. I was also scarred mentally and will have nightmares from this training.

Obito: "In 2 years the difficulty of the training will increase and you will become the strongest ninja of your generation."

Naruto: "I'll work hard to never feel this much pain and have any weakness before our next training, believe it!!"

~Back to the present~

"...and so the stranger taught me some hard 'chakra control techniques' which I have been practicing ever since."

Hokage: "Naruto, these chakra control techniques are made during war times, you could still practice them but try to be a kid. You will be admitted into the academy during the end of this year, there you will learn cool jutsus and graduate as a leaf shinobi."

"Thanks for the advice old man I'll try my best, believe it!"

Hokage: "Hahaha, that's the spirit Naruto. The will of fire burns bright in you, make the leaf stronger in the future. Now you may leave."

'I'll become a ninja for master old man, the leaf means nothing to me.'

~At Amegakure~

An individual was sitting in an office with two others in front of him, these people would be identified as Shisui, Obito and Seb.

Shisui: "The rain village has been officially closed off and now we can set out to gather the recruits. Obito do you have anyone in mind?"

Obito: "So far the only capable recruits I have discovered is Sasori of the red sand, the immortal bounty hunter Kakuzu and Itachi Uchiha as ordered by master. Seb will make up the 6th member so a few more should be enough.

Seb: "This is great progress, now let's get to work recruiting..."

A blue zetsu emerged from the ground in the office at a noticeable rate.

Blue Zetsu: "Message from master: come back for a training session with Night Zetsu to polish your skills and strengths."

A cold wind blew through the room that didn't even have a wind between the 3 individuals.

Shisui: "Why do we have to train with Night Zetsu!?"

Obito: "That Night Zetsu is a training devil!"

Seb: "Only aniki could handle his hellish training, let's ask master to train just between us."

Shisui/Obito: "Agreed!"

Obito: "*sigh* lets go, we shouldn't keep master waiting. Kamui!"

~At the secret base, Kosuke POV~

I awaited for my other subordinates to arrive in the training, soon A swirl in space appeared in front of me and out came Shisui, Obito and Seb having a respectfully but also depressed expression on them.

Shisui: "Greetings master, we have come to train."

Obito: "Master, can we please train without Night Zetsu!"

Seb: "Night Zetsu-aniki has so many ways to tort...train us that we will waste time which we could be using to be of service to master."

"I disagree, through hard struggles can ones strength grow and overcome adversity which will make it easier the next time you face it. Also no ocular powers for this training spar."

Shisui/Obito/Seb: "Understood!"

Night Zetsu who was standing beside me stepped forward with a happier expression then the others.

Night Zetsu: "Let's begin, Water-style: Hidden in the mist jutsu!"

A thick mist surrounded and engulfed the entire training room.

Seb: "Stay calm, aniki can sense fear."

Obito: "I got this. Wind-style: Air palm jutsu!"

Obito unleashed a stream of air from his hand towards the mist, successfully blowing it away to reveal a lone Night Zetsu.

Night Zetsu: "Round two. Fire-style: Dragon flame jutsu!"

A giant flame with the shape of a dragon was heading towards the three individuals at alarming speed.

Seb: "Let's get our comeback started! Water-style: Great water wall jutsu!"

Using the water from the mist to increase the strength of his water ninjutsu, Seb created a stronger water wall which countered Night Zetsu's fire.

Shisui/Obito: "Fire-style: Great fireball jutsu!"

Two large fireballs were launched at Night Zetsu at a great speed which made it hard to dodge. Just as the fireballs connected to his body it turned into smoke and a block of wood appeared. Night Zetsu appeared behind it and began to charge in. The figures began to have a taijutsu match with every 4th or 5th clash ending in favour of Night Zetsu. Shisui took out some wired shurikens and used some shuriken jutsu to gain an advantage in the mid combat battle, thus limiting Night Zetsu's options while Obito and Seb took the chance to create a surprise attack made up of fists fueled with chakra. A huge explosion occurred on the battlefield.

Obito: "We got him!"

Shisui/Seb: "Yeah!"

Night Zetsu: "Never let your guard down. Earth-style: Headhunter Jutsu!"

My three celebrating subordinates all got pulled into the ground with solemn faces as they stared at the place where the dust settled revealing a dissipating wood clone. After a few moments the real Night Zetsu appeared before them and smiled.

Night Zetsu: "Let's get serious."

The trauma of previous hellish training flooded back and letting them remember all the struggles.

~2 hours later~

Through my viewpoint it looked like a dramatic movie with Shisui, Obito and Seb going through many emotions and experiencing the tragedy that was Night Zetsu leading to my strongest subordinates laying on the ground in a half-dead state while on the opposite side Night Zetsu was sweating but still had a composed face. The training session ended.

"This is a good training session as well as a good lesson. Night Zetsu has only used and trained in rank B and below ninjutsus because every day he practices these techniques endlessly instead of moving onto rank A and above. If you train hard everyday the techniques and jutsus that you know you could put up a better resistance and even defeat Night Zetsu."

A new fire lit up in the eyes of my half-dead subordinates with ambition on overcoming Night Zetsu in a crushing defeat and get a little revenge for their previous and most recent beatdown.

Shisui/Obito/Seb: "We will train hard from now on Master!"

"Great! Now take a well deserved rest and keep in mind your goal of getting stronger."

Shisui/Obito/Seb: "Understood!"

With that they all went to sleep and got healed by Night Zetsu in the process. The reason I want them to gain a goal and continue training is in the Naruto anime, when the akatsuki and naruto cast completed their training and got to a certain level of strength they stopped trying to improve themselves and never trained again. So my goal was for my subordinates to always train and grow stronger than people were in the anime even if they have to go through hell to make that idea stick.

"Night Zetsu, get back to training."

Night Zetsu: "Yes master!"

'The hellish training continues.'

Naruto cannon is about to begin so get ready for the next release soon.

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