
Naruto - Blue Droplets (ENG) version

Death is not always an end. Sometimes it can provide you a second chance. Protagonist of this story got himself such chance and will do whatever it takes to create his own small piece of heaven. While we will accompany him on his path towards a dream. This fanfic will start during the end of Warring state era and foundation of Shinobi villages. PS. I don't own Naruto and arts used. P.S 2 - NOT HAREM. P.S 3 - chapters are quite large. Also please comment and provide opinion whether or not to close this translation.

Abi_Daulen · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 26 - The Accomplice

Chapter 26 - The Accomplice

After the end of the coup epic, I decided to take a short vacation to heal my nerves. All these Machiavellian intrigues and lessons for the daimyo are tiring. Therefore, the next week I just sat in my club or walked around Konoha with my wife. This psychological relief helped me to release all that accumulated tension. And at that time I met my future accomplice.

I was walking around the market with Mio when I saw a gang of small children chasing someone. I was wondering what was going on, so I pulled Mio with me and followed kids. But what I saw infuriated me. Underage bastards threw stones at a stray cat, they cornered it and did not give a chance to escape while throwing garbage and stones.

- Hold him! Cut off his tail! That damn demon hurt my brother! Let's kill him!

I don't like small sadists, even if they are children, but I can already see how rotten they are. I went in the direction of the hunted cat , slapping the little shits. Not too hard, but enough to make them fall to their knees. At the same time, I released some Ki so that fear would silence them. Finally I was able to get close enough and examine the victim of the knackers. It turned out to be a large reed-coloured cat, he had a small wound on his paw and several whiskers were missing on his face. He looked at me with fear, oh poor fellow, you got so scared by these bastards.

- Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. Do you believe? - I slowly lowered myself in front of him and held out my hand.

He cautiously sniffed my hand, but seeing that I was not going to hurt him, he began to rub against it. I couldn't help myself and started stroking and scratching him. And he rattled like a small tractor. I slowly picked him up in my arms and began to examine his wounds. Fortunately, nothing serious, but the wound needs to be treated as soon as possible.

-Mio, take him and bring him to our clan healers. Get him treated, washed and fed. In the meantime, I'll talk to this scum. – I wanted to give her the cat, but he didn't want to let me go, clutching my clothes with his claws.

-Don't worry, she won't hurt you. She'll help you. – I looked him straight in the eyes and he let himself be handed over to my wife. My dear Mio took the poor cat and felt him trembling all over with fear and tried to calm him down.

- Darling, I hope you will talk to them in a serious way, – said Mio, unleashing lightning bolts from her eyes towards the gang of young morons.

- I promise, they will remember this conversation. – after my words, she nodded and walked towards the clan quarters.

- And now you bastards will explain to me why you chased the poor animal and wanted to cut off its tail.

Intimidated kids started babbling that they wanted to punish him because he hurt the younger brother of one of the their leaders. Due to the fact that he is quite large and has a long tail, they considered him a Nekomata, an evil spirit-yokai and only by cutting off the tail and killing him they will be able to protect themselves.

Fu... - but what to expect from young degenerates raised by older degenerates. Although what did I really expect from yesterday's dim-witted peasants who only recently moved to a big city if judged by their appearance. Only one of the leaders looked tidier and from further interrogations I found out that the cat had been his pet for a couple of weeks but was not given into his hands always playing with his younger brother. This made him angry, and he constantly tried to hurt the poor cat.

Today he saw his brother crying and covering a small scratch. The younger one said that he wanted to play with the cat, but he didn't want to and scratched him. Not wanting to lose such a chance for revenge, he took a knife from the kitchen and chased after him. On the street, he called his playmates for help and told them lies that he was chasing an evil yokai who wanted to eat his brother.

I just wanted to stamp my face into the wall when I found out the whole backstory. It is necessary to beat all this nonsense out of them, and there is nothing better than a good spanking or a slap. I gave all the young morons a slap on the back of the head and with instructions never to offend animals again. And I whipped the main dumb shit and finally decided to leave him a good reminder. Using knife with which he wounded the cat and wanted to cut off the tail, I cut a couple of tendons on his arm and now he will not be able to move it as before and finally cut off hair on his head.

Someone will probably say that the spanking was enough and I went too far. But somehow I don't care, the main thing is that this bastard won't hurt any animal in the future, and if he will even try to think about it a reminder in the form of a non-functioning hand will be a good reason for him to think again. I told him that next time one hand would not be enough and I would take all his limbs from him as punishment.

Several patrol shinobi ran to his screams, and onlookers began to gather, but when I began to explain the reason for the harsh punishment, many spat in his face. No one likes such freaks, even if he is still a child. I was about to go check on the poor cat when a couple of ordinary civilian shinobi ran into me screaming. They shouted that I had no right to raise my hand against their child and so on and so forth.

Dumb cunts irritated me quite well, this scum could not give a normal upbringing to their little bastard and start shouting that I had no right to touch their child. Well just you infuriated me.

I couldn't restrain myself and sent them to the ground with a couple of slaps. This was not enough for the man and he wanted to rush at me with a kunai, well, he tried, I knocked the kunai out of his hands with a punch and punched him right in the forehead with the palm of the other hand, forcing him to fall to his knees in prostration. Picking up kunai, I thought that such garbage shouldn't reproduce and just castrated him with a well-aimed throw. He started screaming which annoyed me.

Shut up already–I silenced him with a knee drive to the head. – And now you stupid shit – I turned to his wife, who turned pale with fear. – seal that useless hole between your legs. It can only shit out moral freaks and scum.

I took a small wad of money out of my pocket and threw it in her face.

— This is for the treatment of this human waste, although for me it would be better if he died here, at the same time you should sterilize yourself and your little bastards. The world will only be better off if your rotten seed does not grow.

Not wanting to waste any more time on them, I calmly wandered towards my house. But before I could get home, Tobirama and Hashirama appeared next to me. Well, here it comes, probably someone snitched about that performance near the market.

- Aki, we have just found out how you crippled Konoha-nin and his child. Can you explain the reason for your actions? -Tobirama asked sternly.

- Eh, okay, let's go to my club, there I'll explain everything to you, after the shit I had to dirty my hands with, I need a drink.

Hashirama and Tobirama agreed to my proposals, seeing that I was not in the mood for conflict. At my club, I told them the whole story. As I spoke, Hashirama gritted his teeth and Tobirama began to frown.

- Your story is different from what we learned from the interrogation of vict.... bastard. He told us that you assaulted his child and he only protected him. You may have done the right thing, but you went a little too far.

- I didn't overdo anything Tobirama! – with anger, I shouted at him – such garbage do not deserve to be residents of Konoha, but even considered humans. They can only bully the weak and powerless. Think for yourself what kind of person he is and what his children will grow up to be. Or do you want to get psychos in future who are not inferior in inhumanity to the fucking Kaguya? A poisonous tree will only produce poisonous fruits.

- Calm down Aki, I'm on your side and I understand why you did that. I will banish him and his entire family. Tobirama, we need to be more vigilant about who we accept into Konoha. I don't want Konoha to become a haven for scum and scum from all over the land of Fire in a couple of decades. – Hashirama supported me, which is not surprising, despite his gentleness and benevolence, he did not show any tolerance for outright monsters and psychos. After talking for a few more minutes, we called it a day and left.

As I walked home, I thought about Tobirama's words about excessive use of force. Apparently, he had already begun to notice the nascent confrontation between clan and ordinary shinobi, and my performance today made him even more worried. After all, I didn't just beat some non-clan Shinobi, but practically crippled him. My act could become a precedent, the future head of one of the main clans of Konoha does such a thing, which means that the rest of the clans will be able to beat and supress ordinary shinobi. But the fact that I did it not just out of a whim to have some fun, calmed him down. Now he needs to present everything in the right light and everything will be fine.

Upon returning home, I had to tell gramps about everything. The grandfathers didn't really worry about that, they just said that there was no reason to give money to the bastard. He attacked you, he screw up himself, he is to blame and no need to worry. Kaito only mumbled that it was necessary to finish the job to the end and fuck up both of them to the full extend, and not just the moron father.

They said that it is necessary to maintain the image of a noble clan that does not forgive itself for any attacks. Then they began to grumble about the fact that all this is because of Tobirama and his flirtation on the balance between clan and non-clan shinobi. I shared with them my thoughts that Tobirama might want to reduce the influence and power of the clans in order to prevent possible conflicts in the future.

I personally don't like this idea very much, the difference in strength and contribution to the development of the village is too big. Most of the current and future non-clan Shinobi will not bear the brunt of wars, they mostly remain as weak-mid level chunins. And let's be honest, the clannless live in the paradigm of one or two generations and do not see anything beyond this timescale. They will do everything to get things right here and right now even if it may cause a lot of problems in the future.

Therefore, all these flirtations in the balance seem to me useless movements. No, I understand that ordinary shinobi also deserve certain rights and privileges for the risking their life, but nothing more than that. Their contribution to the common cause is too small, in quantitative terms they make up about 20 percent, but these 20 give only 10 percent of the total strength of the village. So until they become more useful, the standard rights and privileges will be enough for them. And unlike the same Kiri, they are not badly treated here, so let them be happy with things they have already. Okay, let's think about this in the future, the main thing is to be on the alert and not let them seize power in the village, because the dragonfly lives only with summer, forgetting about winter.

At the end of the day, I was finally able to get to my house. There my wife was playing with the rescued cat, she tried to put a ribbon on him, but he constantly beat off all attempts. I was just admiring this warm picture until Mio noticed my arrival and grabbed the poor cat in her arms and asked me to keep the poor thing. She said that because of me there is already so much fur and hair left all over the house that even the presence of a cat will not make a difference. Laughing at these persuasions, I asked her to pass me a cat.

Taking the cat, I put him on the table and looked into his eyes.

- I'm going to have children soon and I don't want them to grow up to be the same as those bastards that chased you. Will you become a good uncle to them and my accomplice in their upbringing? I promise a full social care and a good salary. So what do you say?

Poking into my chest, he purred, which I took as consent. Children need to grow up with pets, so they will learn about care and protection of those who are weaker. In my past life, a couple of cats and dogs took part in my upbringing, and I grow up as a good person, well, almost, I'm quite vindictive heh.

And we named the cat Kyoko, the lucky one. Now it remains only to fatten him since I don't even consider a cat weighting less than 7kg a cat. A fat cat is a sign of prosperity and happiness within the family. So eat Kyoko, it's only 8th serving today! We still have a long way to go!

- Meow!

Today is International Cat Day! If possible celebrate it with your cat or at least bring some presents to stray cats.

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