
Naruto: “The Strongest Ever” (currently rewritten)

Takahashi Yagami, an unrivalled swordsman and an infamous yakuza, one day died because of a heart attack. But his story didn't end there as he found himself reincarnated in the fictional world of “Naruto”. What will he do in a world that is stuck in a perpetual cycle of chaos, a world where the strong eat the weak? Will he acquiesce to his new family and live a mundane life or will he become ambitious and try to conquer everything? Follow him on his journey as he becomes the “Strongest” and illuminates the world engulfed in ever-growing darkness.

Lostintales · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

“Flashback : 1”

Become a cosmic lackey by joining me on buymecoffee. It'll motivate me to keep writing awesome stories for you guys and help me greatly with my writing journey. You will have access to six extra chapters and also receive a shoutout from me on Webnovel. Thank you!



Two years ago, Kirigakure.

The sun began its descent, casting an enchanting glow upon the secluded training ground in Kirigakure. Karna, a figure drenched in a heavy sweat, stood at its heart.

"Ahhh, working hard now, are you?" A boy with blond hair and pink eyes suddenly entered the training ground and interrupted the intense training session of Karna.

Karna didn't even bother to look back and stood in his place, gently wiping the sweat on his forehead.

"Oh, wow! Are you ignoring me?" the blond guy asked with his narrowed eyes and loud voice.

"What do you want, Kenji?" Karna asked back in a calm voice, still not bothering to look back at him.

"Well, since you weren't disciplined properly, I've decided to take that job on my hands."

"Oh my god! The little brother of the Mizukage sama is going to teach me a lesson. I'm utterly cowering in fear! Pfft..." Karna snickered as he turned back to look at Kenji, who wore a bewildered expression on his face.

"Huh? How do you know that?"

"Know what? That you're a pussy that goes around bullying children by selling his brother's name?"

"What did you just say!?" Kenji asked taking his hands out of his pocket and his pretentious guise completely wearing away.

In response, Karna crossed his arms and looked at him with his eyes nearly closed and the corners of his mouth raised. But, this seemingly normal appearance seemed to have ignited something within Kenji as he disregarded every plan that he had made before coming here and darted to Karna.

"I'm going to kill you!!" Kenji shouted and advanced toward Karna, but suddenly, the sight before his eyes completely changed.

One second, Karna was the centre of all his focus, but the next second, he was looking at the clouds drifting through the endless blue sky.

"What…dud… Hugh!" An immense pain suddenly struck Kenji when he tried to speak. His jaw as well as a few of his front teeth were completely shattered. His nose was neatly broken, and his face was riddled with bruises.

'I remember what happened.' Kenji remembered; the pain had caused him to remember. It wasn't that only a second had passed but the agonising pain and shock had rendered Kenji unconscious for a few seconds, disarraying his sense of reality.

'How fast... How did he do that?' he thought as tears trickled down from his eyes. The pain was getting increasingly unbearable with time. He recalled again how he turned out like this.

A few seconds ago, when he was about to take a step to move forward, Karna suddenly appeared before him and slammed his face with a strong jab. Then, Karna shattered a couple of his teeth by hitting him with an explosive left hook and a right, vertical elbow strike. But it didn't end at that; before he could even get time to breathe, Karna blasted another left jab on his face, tearing apart his cheek. Karna continued his onslaught by hitting him with a devastating right hook, making his jaw slightly crack. Then, he saw Karna slightly rotating his body with his right elbow outstretched and before he could rid of the inertia of the previous hit a devastating reverse elbow strike met with his jaw, utterly shattering it into pieces. He didn't even get the time to take in the immense pain that was waiting for him when Karna suddenly grabbed his shoulders with a strong grip and pulled his face down to meet with his knees for devastating knee attacks that left his nose crooked in the most undesirable way.

All of this happened in three seconds. [Yagami style: the raging wave of a calm river]; that's what Karna called this jutsu. He could swear he had never seen such taijutsu before in his entire life. It was as destructive as a whale, yet as fast as a black marlin.

The pain even took away his ability to scream, the broken jaw wasn't helping him at all. But, he could see Karna standing beside him, completely disregarding his existence, his mouth closed and eyes focused elsewhere.

'Now, then, when are you gonna come out little fish?' Karna thought as he looked at a towering tree at one corner of the training ground.

"How dare you! How dare you do this to the heir of the Karatachi clan?" A man with blue hair— wearing the kirigakure attire and a chunin vest over it— suddenly appeared before Karna from the tree.

'Hmm? I thought it was another anbu from the root so I finished playing with my toy early.' Karna thought as he contemplated how to deal with this situation.

"As you can see chunin-san, Kenji was the one to challenge me first; I just complied with his request." Karna extended both his hands in the air and tilted his head to show he was innocent.

"Are you joking with me? Even I didn't notice your movements. I remember you've been in the village for only five months. Your mother said previously that you only knew the basics, but that can't be called basic. That's what we call being a master at one's movements. You're probably a spy sent from the other villages...."

"Now, now, chunin-san, you can't jump into predictions like that. We were verified by the Mizukage-sama. Are you perhaps questioning the ability of the Mizukage-sama?" asked Karna, his previously held naive smile completely fading.

"No, but being in such a tiring position people are bound to make a few mistakes, and as a member of the Karatachi clan, I'd deal with you instead of the clan head." The chunin said advancing toward him with steady steps.

'Wow, the height of arrogance!' Karna thought as he took a deep look at the approaching figure. "Are you able to take responsibility for your words, chunin-san? What if I don't turn out to be a spy?"

"It doesn't matter. I'm going to kill you anyway; dogs that don't respect their masters aren't needed in this village." The chunin said while unleashing an immense amount of killing intent directed toward Karna.

'How is he...' but unlike what he had expected— the pathetic cowering of Karna— didn't come into the chunin's view instead Karna stood there unfazed, glaring at the chunin with his cold abyss-like golden eyes.


Up next: "Flshback:2"

~The conclusion.