
Naruto: “The Strongest Ever” (currently rewritten)

Takahashi Yagami, an unrivalled swordsman and an infamous yakuza, one day died because of a heart attack. But his story didn't end there as he found himself reincarnated in the fictional world of “Naruto”. What will he do in a world that is stuck in a perpetual cycle of chaos, a world where the strong eat the weak? Will he acquiesce to his new family and live a mundane life or will he become ambitious and try to conquer everything? Follow him on his journey as he becomes the “Strongest” and illuminates the world engulfed in ever-growing darkness.

Lostintales · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

"A Different Organization, A Different Lord"

10 minutes ago,

The four anbu as ordered dashed towards Kyo from both sides.

Two of them from the back rapidly formed hand signs and initiated a combination Jutsu.

[Water release: water pillar thrust]

[Lightning release: lightning stream]

A giant water pillar emerged from the ground and defied gravity by curving its trajectory.

The water pillar was suddenly illuminated by the fierce lighting that was coursing through it.

'Now what are you going to do, Yagami san? Will you try to avoid and die, or will you block it? Both are fine for me anyway.'

A few moments ago, when Kyo first set up the barrier, one of the Hyuga anbu in the squad—who was now attacking Kyo—notified the leader about how to break the barrier.

The only way to break this barrier was by breaking the chakra connection between Kyo and the sealing scroll which maintained the barrier.

To do that, Kyo has to use a lot of chakra at once. The chakra he used so far amounts to nothing in front of the amount he currently possesses.

So, the leader purposefully made his anbus use a combination attack which will corner Kyo in a situation where he either has to save his life or break the barrier.

'Shit! What do I do now? If I defend against it the barrier will break and it is too late to avoid. The combination jutsu almost achieved the firepower equivalent to that of an S-rank jutsu; so, I'll at least need something of the same power to defend against it. It'll empty half of my reserve after I use it, but I have no other choice. At least, I'll counter them.'

Kyo summed up the situation as he formed several different hand seals and smashed his palm into the ground.

[Summoning: double rashomon]

A giant gate with a frightening demonic face attached at the front, edges decorated with spikes and thorns, emerged from the ground.

The towering gate stood in the middle of the raging Jutsu and Kyo. The lightning water pillar collided with the gate and predictably the gate was able to successfully block the Jutsu. Its resilience was so much so that it was completely unscathed.

There was no change of emotion visible on the root shinobis but there indeed was a sign of confusion between them.

They heard Kyo summoning two Rashomon barriers but only one appeared in front of them, so where was the other one?

"NO! Dodge."

Their confusing thoughts were broken by their leader as a giant gate was suddenly visible beneath the two shinobi who attacked Kyo.

But this gate was different from before, it was open and there was nothing but all-engulfing darkness at the other side of the gate.

The gate tried to swallow the two shinobi but one of them, quick enough to catch on to the warning, moved away.

The other root member wasn't so lucky and as a result, he was completely swallowed by the gate as it too disappeared with the earlier one in the ground.

"Fascinating! I've never thought that Hokage sama's jutsu can be utilized in such a way. You truly are worthy of our lord's attention, Yagami san." The leader seemed to be amused after seeing the diversity in Kyo's Jutsu.

"What Hokage sama's Jutsu? It was a Jutsu developed by the Uzumaki clan that your traitorous village took away. We should've never allied ourselves with Konoha in the first place, and this lord that you speak of, I'll kill him too after I'm done with you lot."

"No can do, Yagami san. Not anymore."

"What are you.."

Suddenly, Kyo felt his mouth not listening to him. His entire body was stuck in a single motion and he was unable to move.

He looked ahead and beside the leader, he saw a root shinobi wearing a bird mask, crouching at the ground while performing a seal.

A shadow was extending from beneath his feet and it stopped in front of Kyo's.

But it was still hard for Kyo to comprehend the situation; keeping a seal capable of stopping elite jonins was hard as it took a lot of chakra and summoning two Rashomon was not an easy feat too, but all of this only took half of his chakra.

Even half of his chakra was equivalent to the leader who was standing ahead of him; also, he was a Yagami; every person in Yagami clan are born with superior physical capabilities so he naturally possessed it too.

Then why can he not break off the shadow possession Jutsu? This thought puzzled him to the extreme.

"Confused now, are we? Well, you see these Nara clan members are quite the tricky opponent at night but they're still somewhat bearable. However, that's how it is with the most members but what happens if you take the most powerful among them capable of fighting elite jonins- and let them rampage at night? Everyone else becomes their prey. Besides me, is the brother of the current Nara clan head; he improved his shadow possession jutsu to such an extent that he is almost unbeatable at night but the enemy has to be greatly weakened for him to trap him.

"I knew from the beginning that with the help of your overwhelming chakra you'll break off the Jutsu easily; hence, I made you do a little bit of exercise, and when your chakra decreased and the barrier broke, you became as easy to solve as kids math."

The leader taunted Kyo as he slowly took out his mask to reveal a face with unordinary features: he was wearing a mask that covered his eyes with goggles, which made his hair stick upwards as if it defied gravity.

"Hello! My name is Shikuro Aburame, and it's been nice knowing you, Yagami san."


Kyo tried to reply but was unable to because his mouth was being restrained. Torune seeing Kyo suffering to talk gestured towards the Nara Anbu and freed Kyo's mouth.

"Is that the way Konoha does things!? Why is the Anbu attacking us!? We were allies for god's sake."

Kyo roared with fury and helplessness, the veins at his throat bulged up as his voice got louder and louder.

He couldn't accept the fact that their allied village is throwing away all their past relationship and for what reason?

After the destruction of the Uzushiogakure, Konoha claimed that they didn't receive any message for help so their absence was somewhat justifiable.

But now, it seemed to kyo that all of it was simply a ploy of theirs to get rid of everyone related to Uzushiogakure.

He couldn't fathom the reason for their betrayal; although, uzushiogakure and Konoha were allied in equal terms they still had a strong relationship to the point where Senju and Uzumaki married each other as a sign of the alliance.

Then, why is this happening now? Why are they being hunted down? Just because they aren't Uzumakis?

"Well! To be specific, we are not really Anbu, we don't work under the Hokage; we are a separate group and we serve a different lord. And our Lord has ordered of your elimination."

"Who is this lord you speak of!?"

"Oops! No can tell, I don't want to die by activating a seal and displease our Lord."

"You son of a bitch!"

"Well, sayonara Yagami san. My shinobis may have already found your wife and son, so I've to go."

Shikuro approached Kyo with his hands glowing blue as it was coated with chakra.

"You think I'll let you do that while I'm still alive?"


"Taicho! He's trying to blow himself up."

One of the root members, a Hyuga, was quick to check on Kyo with byakugan and he saw him focusing all of his chakra towards his core, which if released at once will blow everything surrounding Kyo along with himself.

The grass beneath Kyo's feet started to wither and his entire body was giving off a red hue.

The surrounding air became heavier because of the high amount of chakra concentrated in the atmosphere.

"Move away!"

Shikuro prompted his shinobi but before they could follow with the order, a cold voice overflowing with killing intent filled their ears.

"Too late for you to flee, insect bastard!"

'At the least, I was able to reduce the burden from Kazuya and Karna a bit. I hope you two survive and live a long life.'

Kyo thought with grief-stricken eyes but only if he knew how wrong he was.

His attempt to suicide along with root anbu did nothing but add a few more seconds to the countdown of his death.

"Who said anything about fleeing, Uzumaki san?"

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