
Naruto: —- a hhh

A sickly girl dies, she dies with a wish. A wish to see all the wonders of the world. No matter how cruel the world was to her she couldn’t help but, be captivated by it’s beauty. So she made a promise that etched itself into her very soul. “No matter how cruel, ruthless, or fear inducing the world in my next life is. I will enjoy it, and see all it has to offer even if I have to slay those who call themself divine to do so”

Eric_Holloway · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Akui is weird

Hiashi's pov

I'm currently watching my daughter with interest, for the simple fact she isn't normal. At least… not normal in a good way, she's incredibly smart, observant, mature, and dedicated. But, for the life of me I can't discover where she got it from. Smart could be genes but, observation, maturity, and dedication normally comes from experience.

Yet her she is, spending hours mediating the only movement coming from her breathing. Normally children would be running around or clinging to their parents at this age. Akui isn't like that, at least not to the same existent as other kids. She simply has hobbies like meditating, drawing, and exploring.

Her behavior, though it worried us at first Himawari and I have been able to ignore it and pin at as her being a hyuga. The there are somethings that can't just be explained away as being a hyuga. For example the ability to sense emotions or at least negative emotions.

{~.¥.~} flash back

I slammed a packet of papers on my desk out of frustration, I couldn't help but release a tired sigh due to the situation. Hyuga tie, one of the best joinin to come out of our clan was just assaulted by one of the main family with the hyuga seal. All because he defeated a chunin from the main family who challenged him to a fair fight.

Though I wasn't able to protect him from the assault I'm able to make sure that he is still loyal to the clan. I hate this the manipulation, discrimination, and cruelty towards the branch family. But, I can't do anything against it I'm far to weak to change the mindset of other jonin.

The least I can do is protect my family from such things for as long as I can.


I turn to see Akui, I gasped out of shock and excitement. My one year old daughter just walked into my room and is now pulling on my robe. That broke me out of my stupor, I puked her up and placed her on my lap.

"Good papa" she said as she hugged me. As a ninja you need good observational skills and some times this comes with random pieces of knowledge. 'She can sense emotions'

'Wait… my baby just talked!'


'is that all I can say! Be a man, break the mold! Spoil your daughter!'

"Good job"

{~.¥.~} flash back end

From what Himawari told me before Akui barged into my room to comfort me. Akui was drawing in her room like normal until she just got up and started walking towards my office. At the time she was to happy to see Akui start walking to follow or worry.

We weren't really worried about her at that time because children from dojutsu clans tend to have more yin chakra leading to quicker mental development. The appearance of emotion sensing is just a plus, allowing her to read others better.

No, we weren't worried but glad at her developments until they became physical. We didn't know why but, when she reached the age of two she started to show increased physical growth.

{~.¥.~}Flash Back

"I'm sorry Hiashi Hyuga- sama but, there is nothing wrong with your daughter" The head doctor explained to me making me sigh in irritation.

"How can you tell me that when my two year old daughter looks like a three year old" I retorted in a cold tone making the doctor shiver.

"Well sir, she is healthy in fact more than healthy and I believe I might have reason for this phenomenon" he said before walking over to a drawer pulling out some files.

He came back over to the desk, sat down and gave the file to me. I rose a brow at him and he just nods towards the file, a gesture for me to read what's in it. I open the file to immediately find the data sheet of someone who isn't my daughter.

Though like I was trained I read through the entire things then went to the next. After some time I came to the conclusion of why he showed me this. The file contain cases of members of the senju clan that had similar cases to my daughter.

"I see why you have brought this to my attention, but how did my daughter inherit this?" From my knowledge I'm not related to the senju at least not close enough to have one of their genetic traits show up.

"Well we don't know but, rest assured we will look deeper into the matter"

{~.¥.~} Flash Back End

It turns out that Himawari Great-Grand father was a senju who possessed the trait. The fact that Akui is able to inherit the trait is not just lucky but, a miracle.

'Well I believe I let her meditate long enough, it's time to eat'
