
Naruto's Bender(dropped)

Disclaimer- I don’t own anything here everything is reserved to their own rights Left for dead, feeling betrayed and alone, he gets another chance, but in the end it’ll depend on him on how strong he’ll become in his own right, along with some luck and god's blessing on his side, when past demons appear, will it overwhelm him? Watch his journey, or read in this case, how far he’ll go. ————————————————————————————— So this is a rewrite, you’ll be able to find the original in my original works in my profile if u want to, but this will be a lot better in my opinion, but you can judge for yourself. Also I will happily accept criticism, but not bitching to those people they can just leave.

Alvinbrrrrrr · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Prologue 9 (End)

(6 Year's Later)

"You sure she gonna like it?"I asked Justin while looking at the small box.

"Look man, I've lived with her for most of my life, so if anyone would know, I would, and yes she enjoys the more extravagant things of life, but she prefers the simpler things, and anyways, if she says no we can drink till your sorrow goes away! And if she's yes we can all drink together as cheers!"Justin said calming me down.

"Thanks man."

"Anytime! Give me a call before you get home though so I can start heading there with some drinks, see ya!"He said the last part while walking away.

"See ya."I responded back, and looking. at the ring in the small box, I couldn't help but smile. It's been a year since we graduated and me and Alyssa decided to move into down town Manhattan, now you may be wondering how we can afford the money for an apartment in such a luxurious area? Well it turned out the reason why my Mom never wanted to spend any of my Dad's savings money is because he wanted for me to have the money and pay my college tuition, luckily though it wasn't needed since I got in on a scholarship so it was directed to house bills and food. So how did I have the money for the ring? Well it's from money I saved up from my school years while doing part time jobs, thank you past me for being smart and saving.

Anyways, as I made my way back home, I started rehearsing a bunch of ways I could propose, sure I knew she would probably say yes, but it's a stressful moment and I want it to be perfect, though speaking on a topic about Alyssa, her acting career is progressing smoothly, she's still in college for acting sure, but she's been able to get a couple connections so far so she can progress.

Arriving at the building though, I go inside and greet the security guard at the front desk before taking the elevator up to 14 floor. Calling Justin I tell him I'm about to get to my apartment before hanging up.

Getting to the floor and opening the door, I walk in to see to my right two guys in black suits eating biscuits on my sofa, we stared at each other for a few seconds dumbfounded, before the big burlier guy got up and ran to me before swinging a hook.

On instinct I ducked under the punch before I jabbed him square in the jaw causing him to stumble back and fall, following up though the second guy threw a straight punch to my face, but dodging the fist I grab his arm with both hands before throwing his arm over me, causing it to twist while he fell to his knees before me as I put my foot on his back pushing him lower as I pulled his arm eventually causing his shoulder to be dislocated as he screamed in pain I kicked him in the face knocking him out.

Turning back to the other guy though I get hit in the jaw forcing my face to turn to the opposite side, but ignoring the pain I turn back and instantly put my guard up just in time to stop another punch from hitting my face, seeing he overextended himself on that last punch though I jab him in the jaw and as his face recoiled back I put all my strength and punched him straight in the gut causing the air to be knocked out of him, as he hunched over I grabbed his face and kneed it sending him to the ground groaning in pain and agony.

Remembering I live with someone else though, I instantly run to our bedroom, and opening the door, I saw some random guy with his pants down and Alyssa on her knees in front of him, not thinking though I instantly punched the guy in the face sending him to the ground in pain, looking towards Alyssa though, the scene from before popped into my head, and I suddenly felt my heart break, I knew twas more to it, there must've been, after all why would those two guys I just left sprawled on the floor be here then? But the mere thought, of Alyssa actually cheating on me, broke me, sure I was being selfish, not listening to her pleas for me to actually listen to her, maybe if I did, things would've actually turned out differently, but I wasn't thinking right, with my imagination running wild how could I?

So in the end, I just left, to where? Who knows, but in the end it ended up with that guy who was in my bedroom killing me, it seems he was higher up in the food chain than I was, and in the end he got away with it, because he didn't actually kill me, some guys on a payroll did. All I wanted was to live my life peacefully with Alyssa, get married, have kids, but that guy, he had power, power to ruin my entire life, power, that I didn't have, and in my final moments, all I could think about is that I wanted power like that in my next life if reincarnation was real.

I didn't want power to destroy though, to kill, no, I'm not like one of those edgy MC's in those fanfics I read, that want power to rule over anyone and everyone, no, in my next life, if I have one, I want power to protect those who I may come to love, power to live peacefully and happily...

As I closed my eyes, as death greeted me, I suddenly felt myself standing, confused I open them again to see myself somehow standing in a dark endless void, and surprising me even more, a person suddenly appeared in front me.

"Hey! I'm what you would call a random omnipotent being, or R.O.B for short!"He said in an upbeat tone.

"Ok, I can assume what I'm here for, but why me?"I asked him.

"Well it's cause I took pity on you, now see, I come from a cultivation world, and the love of my life cheated on me, in the end though it was the driving motivation to what I became now!"R.O.B explained.

"Ok... So how will we do this? Typical wishes or?..."

"No wishes! Cause then it'll be too boring!"

" Can I at least choose the world I'll be in?"

"No cause then you'll go to a romance anime where you can live an easy life and have your true love with your waifu in the end!"Hearing him I could only curse in my head seeing as he already predicted my thought process, or maybe read my mind?

"Read your mind."He quickly said.

"So then how shall we do this?"I asked after a tired sigh.

"The wheel of fortune! First! You shall win this wheel here to see what you can get!"He said while a wheel appeared on his right.

"It holds everything there is to offer! From a plastic spoon that'll disintegrate at the single touch! Or a diamond spoon with the strongest enchantments in the entire Multiverse!"He said and I suddenly felt myself losing all hope seeing as the amount of the bad things I can get compared to the good is higher.

"After that you'll spin this wheel here where it'll choose your world! Pray if you get bad things that you'll go to a romance anime world!"He continued explaining.

"So what your saying is, I can get the most trashiest things in the entire multiverse and get dragonball as a world?"

"Yep!"He said while laughing at my misery.

"*sigh* Let's get on with this."I said with a sigh before spinning the first wheel, as it spun it finally landed on Avatar powers.

"Ooh! Pretty good!"He said, but remembering a few facts about the Avatar I speak up.

"Hey R.O.B, first of all which generation of Avatar? Aang or Korra?"

"Korra by the end, why?"He asked me back.

"It's because after the battle between Korra and Vaatu she lost her previous lives, I want to have access to them despite that."I explained.

"Sure."He said simply

"Second, can you make it so I have an affinity with all sub-elements? Cause I don't remember it actually being stated but it was definitely implied that despite being the Avatar they didn't guaranteed have an affinity with sub-elements except the ones that can naturally be trained."I said hoping he would listen.

"Sure, after all I didn't let you have wishes."He said agreeing with my request, hearing him I spun the wheel once again and it landed on all Avatar knowledge, how convenient.

"How convenient indeed."R.O.B said agreeing with my thoughts, though I wish he wouldn't hear them. Spinning the wheel again though it landed on Sung Jin-Woo soul card white.

"Huh, it seems you'll get his looks, you'll look pretty good."R.O.B explained. Spinning the world wheel now, it landed on Naruto.

"This is certainly an interesting combination of things... Tell you what, I'll change things in the world to fit your reincarnation, for good or for worse, and in exchange you get my blessing!"He said.

Ok... but what does your blessing mean?"I asked him.

"It means you shall be under my protection, though if you die you die."

'Then what good is your blessing?!'I thought to myself, but then I suddenly remembered about the my Mom.

"W-Wait! What about my Mom, what happened to her?!"I questioned anxiously since I knew she would be heart broken at my death.

"Oh, she almost drunk herself into kidney failure then death, but luckily she found that Alyssa was pregnant with your daughter so she lived for her sake."He said nonchalantly, but to me, the weight those words held...

"I HAD A DAUGHTER?!"I yell to no one in particular.

"Yeah, a pretty little thing she was."And hearing his confirmation, I broke yet again, after all I had a daughter, and I died before I could meet her.

'I should've listened... I SHOULD'VE FUCKING LISTENED! I should've gave her a god damn chance to explain! I should've just stayed and listened! But noo, my fucking dumbass couldn't handle the thought of her cheating, so I walked out and in the end I died. I died, and lost the only chance to meet my daughter... my singular daughter...'

"Please, tell me something good, something good came outta my death. That it wasn't all meaningless..."I said and at this point, it was the only thing, the one string keeping me from breaking completely.

"Yeah, with your death as motivation, Justin became a top boxer, number one in my opinion, always saved a seat for you in the vip section believing your soul was watching, and Alyssa despite blaming herself for your death became a wonderful mother, amazing actor, and started her own acting company, if people didn't hear of the company J & A they were either to young to understand what it was, or were monks living in mountains."He said with a smirk.

"Ok, let's just stop talking about it, I need to process things on my own time, but what about my reincarnation?"I asked wanting to change the topic, call me a wuss for running from the issue, but I just couldn't handle it at the moment.

"Oh I'll send you now, see ya!"He suddenly said.

"Wait wha——"But I couldn't finish my sentence as I suddenly disappeared.

(Back In Void)

What John thought was a void was actually revealed to be a room as the void disappeared showing a room, and a woman off to the side.

"You sure this is what you want?"R.O.B asked the woman, who at closer look was actually Alyssa.

"Yes."She responded firmly.

"Alright, I'm pretty sure John wouldn't listen willingly seeing as he just ran, so I'll give you the ability to stop him from moving for ten minutes, but it's only one time use so use it wisely. I'll also make it so circumstances will make you meet but from there on it's up to you."R.O.B said.

"That's enough, thank you for giving me this chance, I need to explain what actually happened no matter what."Alyssa declared.

"Well good luck then!"R.O.B said before sending Alyssa through the reincarnation process herself, leading to where John landed himself.


Hey guys, sorry if somethings seem weird or half way through the meeting with rob the quality suddenly dropped, I wrote half way through that point on my phone so that's why, when I can though I'll edit it on my laptop to change any inconsistencies, but anyways I'll see you guys next chapter!

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