
Naruko Uzumaki. The Daughter of Umar and Demon Goddess Towa

Multiverse Story with some comedy. Warning, there will be Incest and other disturbing things in this story. Read at your own risk.

Tari_Soala · Anime & Comics
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Kiara's Bio.

True Name: Kiara Valentine, formerly known as both Naruko Uzumaki from the Naruto series and Hope/Lady Death from Chaos comics.

Looks: A mix of Morrigan Aensland from Darkstalkers, Kiara Sessyoin from the Fate Series, and Morgana from League of Legends.

Classification: Faltine, Demon Mutant(She has the cells of Goku, Vegeta, and a few others)

Nicknames: Lover of Death. Demon Goddess of Love, War, and Nightmares. Lady Death.

Age: At least a Million Years Old

Height: Six foot Seven(6'7)

Gender: Female

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral and Lawful Evil

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Self-Sustenance, Master Martial Artists, Master Swordsmanship, Master Marksmanship, Dark Ki Manipulation, Ki Sensing, Higher-Dimensional Existence, Immortality, Flight, Extrasensory Perception, Acausility, Magic Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Radiation Manipulation, Madness Manipulation, Higher-Dimensional Manipulation, Life Manipulation, Death Manipulation, Void Manipulation, Darkness Manipulation, Shadow Manipulation, Physics Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Fate Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Existence Erasure, Nonexistence Erasure, Invisibility, Reality Warping, Non-Physical Interaction, Durability Negation, Power Mimicry, Casualty Manipulation, Precognition, Cosmic Awareness, Probability Manipulation, Size Manipulation, Petrification, Accelerated Development, Instinctive Reaction, Shapeshifting, Power Nullification, Status Effect Inducement, etc.

Attack Potency: Planet level when holding back. Complex Multiversal+ full power base form. Low Outerversal with Transformations.

Speed: Massively FTL+ while holding back. (Superior to every character in DBS) Can travel through time with sheer speed. Comparable to her mother Umar, who was able to cut through The Earth in a microsecond. Infinite to Immeasurable with transformations.

Lifting Strength: Immeasurable but she is comparable to the likes of 616 Thor who can withstand the weight of 20 planets, and managed to push the World Engine, which contained 9 infinite size universes.

Striking Strength: Planet level when holding back. Complex Multiversal+ full power base. Can go higher by using techniques or transformations.

Endurance: Planet level while holding back. At least Multiversal and can go higher. She can take hits from Umar, Dormammu, DB Xenoverse, and Heroes characters.

Stamina: Extremely High. Has greater endurance than The Savage Hulk.

Range: Standard Melee Range. Extended Melee Range with her katana, nodachi, and handguns. Multiversal, Outerversal, and Interdimensional with Space-Time Manipulation.

Standard Equipment:

Kiara's Soul Sword is a magical sword constructed from Kiara's life force and infinite power. Although usable as a physical weapon, its main purpose is to disrupt magical/supernatural spells and beings, usually permanently. It can also be used as a means to cast magic, and summon, and is capable of absorbing various types of energy. It is also capable of Portal Opening to different dimensions, time, and universes. Kiara's primary method of time travel and dimension hopping.

Yōtō Kokorowatari (Demon Sword Heart Span) alternatively called Kai'i-goroshi (Oddity Killer) is a demon sword that harms and effectively kills the supernatural. Has the ability to cut through most supernatural beings and kill most of them with a single scratch, including ghosts, deities and lesser abstract beings, and intangible beings. It can also sever or split the aspect or source of power. For example, it is capable of removing divinities from deities who are weaker than her.

Yōtō Yumewatari (Demon Sword Dream span) is the sister sword to the Yōtō Kokorowatari. It is a demon shortsword that has the ability to heal almost anything and restore the dead.

4-Star Dark Dragonball: Kiara has one dark Dragonball that makes use of negative energy to amp up whoever uses it.

Numerous items and valuables Kiara has collected over her immortal life.

Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius.

Weaknesses: Intolerance to caffeine and alcohol. She is arrogant and hedonistic, traits she picked up from both her mothers. She also tends to hold back a lot and can be caught off guard. She also has a Bro-Con and Sis-Con complex.

Notable Techniques/Information:

Saiyan, Demon, and Faltine Physiology: Possesses the cells of both Umar and Towa, and other cells belonging to beings like DBH Goku, DBH Vegeta, etc...thus allowing her to have all the biological power coming from her parents, DBH Goku, and DBH Vegeta.

Super Saiyan: A Demon-Saiyan hybrid's version of the first, second, and third standard Super Saiyan forms, although altered due to Kiara's DNA.

Demon Goddess: A transformation that rivals the Super Saiyan God transformation but is used by demons who have gained a divine status. In this form, both Kiara's hair and horns grow wilder while marks form near her eyes.

Dark Factor Input: A transformation that demons(DB Heroes) have that rivals and even surpasses the Saiyan's Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan.

Ultra Instinct Sign: A technique/form that Kiara learned from a version of Whis after promising him food. It gives her instinctive reactions which basically allows effectively multitask, and think up strategies while her body fights for her, fully maximizing her offensive and defensive capabilities, and as she doesn't need to think to fight, it also makes illusory techniques useless. She hasn't fully mastered it yet. Plus, it gets less accurate the longer a fight goes on and drains her stamina over long periods of time. Much faster opponents can still blitz her, getting past the techniques defenses.

Remote Serious Bomb: Kiara draws an X with her sword and fires energy from it, sealing the target's transformations and some of their powers. This can also be used to give someone extra boosts in power with Kiara's dark ki manipulation.

Regeneration-Mid Godly: As immortal beings, most injuries have little significance to demons due to their intense regeneration skills. While the speed depends on the type of demon, almost any wound can be healed within minutes. Kiara can easily resurrect herself, even after her body, soul, and name is completely destroyed.

Instant Transmission: A teleportation technique that Kiara copied from a version of Goku. It allows her to lock in on someone's signature before instantly teleporting to them. It takes concentration. Kiara can teleport others as long as they are in physical contact with her.

Dimensional and Time Travel: Kiara is free to travel across different realities, eras, and timelines. She is also cut from the flow of time. (Present, Past, and Future) Meaning any changes she makes do not affect her, giving her causality since she only exists in the present.