
Naruhodo: The Rasengan Admiral, Stranded in One Piece (R18)

After he died, Naruto believed he was going to the afterlife. But opening his eyes, he finds himself stranded on an island with no powers except a window and a strange fruit in his hand. He's also younger. A lot younger than when he died. All the women of his past life are on that island as well? And they're weak? ........................ "Is this the afterlife?" Looking at something called levels on the interactive, translucent surface, Naruto wondered. The island was different from the motley, spiritual expanse where he met his parents. "But what are all those beasts on the land and the sea?" When he frowned, weirded out, he saw a beautiful auntie passed out on a beach. The next day he saw another, more familiar figure there. ........................ Happy in love, Naruto was still bewildered. Unbeknownst to him, something which he would only find out later, they were transported to a world of pirates, bounty hunters, and sea guardians. Weeks later. Looking at the sullen, dark-haired, large chested woman with a mole on her face, and who wore a mantle with a seagull adorned on it, he chewed over, "Marine? Vice admiral? Pirates?... I'm not sure what this big chested woman's talking about, but she's making my choice easy with this cleavage."

Ash_Kettchup · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Naked Woman

Naruto quickly came to realize that in this new world, there weren't just beasts in the sea. There were also beasts on the land.

Sadly for him, he didn't find out more.

"Spare me, please!"

When the burly man standing in front of him begged for his life, his wretched life, Naruto didn't shake.

His infuriated scowl not cutting back, he formed another mini, flesh cutting, shredding windstorm at the tip of his finger. Which he threw toward the man and his zonked out friend, after reminding, "Be better men in the next life..."


Inside the compressed cyclone, which amazingly didn't spread out, the unknown man cried out.

But it was too late. Like tree trunks repeatedly getting sliced, carved by small knives, he and the other deviant were torn. Until their bodies and faces couldn't be recognized by whoever birthed the pieces of garbage they were.


Naruto looked at all this unmoved. As the Seventh Hokage, he wasn't as kind as in his childhood years.

Certainly not on missions and battlefields. Maybe around a diplomatic table.

He also understood that this was a new life. He couldn't repeat the same mistakes he made as a child back then. Leaving out hidden dangers he didn't understand.

It turned out that his teacher was doing a lot of dirty but necessary work behind their team 7. They only learned this when they became adults.

Naruto had yet to get the hang of his new panel of powers, but using the Paramecia devil fruit, the Tornado devil fruit, in this angered state especially, proved to be surprisingly smooth.

It was as if the fruit existed, was given birth to blow off steam.

Squatting, the next moment he stared at foot trails.

Following those, he arrived at a camp, which he cleaned up. The same way he did the men on the beach.



Looking at his work of devastation, Naruto sighed.

"Maybe I went a bit too far."

Seeing the ships he wrecked, sank, after the camp he brought down like some sand castle, Naruto reckoned.

For a moment, he wasn't thinking with all his head. Not that he knew how to navigate, unlike his two best friends, but now he really had no way to leave this place.

Not until he learned to water walk all over again.

Recalling the woman he took captive, or rather saved, if she was grateful after he explains, he deemed that it was possible that by that time, maybe he wouldn't want to leave...

Civilization meant competition... What if the woman was married?


Unable to even regret never learning how to move, steer a ship, as he tried not to consider the same dirty stuff he killed people for, Naruto finally calmed down.

It was time to let her out of the spherical instrument, a device he could throw, called a Poke ball. Perhaps she'come to by now.

He also had to check out notifications. About his new level and the talent points he obtained.

To level up and to get talent points, Naruto had to train and fight. Even if fighting was more effective. With strong people, even more.



[Talent Shop]

Talent points: 168

Buy for self?

Buy for women?



[Name: Naruto]

Level: 3

Unique Cheats: Pokeball, Pokecenter, Talent Shop, Private World, Woman Tamer, Magic Sperm

Talents: Wind, Haki, Body, Stamina, Jutsu

Devil fruit: Tornado DF (Paramecia)



[Name: Mikoto]

Level: 1

Talents: Fire, Jutsu, Intelligence, Senses, Necromancy, Illusions, Swordsmanship

Devil fruit: N/A


Looking at the woman's name and her face, Naruto felt odd for quite a while... Not about the unusual number of talents.

She reminded him of his good brother Sasuke. She was good-looking, like he was. Their traits were also kindred. A lot.

Naruto would never tell that out loud, much less to the person concerned, but Sasuke was a handsome bastard. Just like he was himself.

If Sasuke didn't have a handsome face, with his crappy personality, girls wouldn't be as curious.


"Where have I heard that name before?"

Frowning, Naruto thought harder. Until a memory, a conversation he had with Sasuke, hit him.

The woman also had talent for Jutsu when it shouldn't be part of this world...

"Huhhh... My head..."

"Where am I?!"

Naruto didn't have the time off to respond. When she woke up, her pretty mug facing the sky filled with noisy, shitting birds with poor aim, a new window appeared.

Right next to his face.

New, detailed tabs called *Pokecenter, *Pokeballs and *Tamed Women had appeared in the Manual.

His eyes on those, before Mikoto noticed his presence, Naruto received an enjoyable surprise.

The women he caught inside the balls couldn't die as long as he lived, they could only faint. They also collected, brought experience and talent points.

In the *Pokecenter tab in specific, there was something about labs. Which he couldn't read in detail, since Mikoto eventually discovered him and his nudity.

Their nudity.