
narto sex history fanfiction :V

A bunch of random sex stories set in the Naruto universe (all characters that appear in these stories are 18+) Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or its characters

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40 Chs

Secrets of the Hidden Leaf

By : Sessakag

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.

Hinata swallowed back a moan as a lash of ecstasy unfurled in her tummy. She squirmed. Resisting the beguiling swirl of sensation coaxing her body to a fevered pitch. A second current of pleasure swept her form. She sucked in a breath. Pale arms flexing as she suppressed the urge to lift her palms from the floor.

Her legs trembled.

Rapture unfurled.

And a familiar tension gathered in her abdomen.

She closed her eyes, pearly white teeth sinking into her bottom lip as she fought the seductive call of orgasm.

Low, masculine chuckles caressed her ears.

Both man and clone amused by her internal war.

She tuned out the quiet mirth. Focusing instead on the yawning tsunami threatening to take her under.

Echoing waves of blissful heat engulfed her body. Each surge of pleasure chipping away her tenuous resolve. Her head lolled, sending midnight strands tumbling. The silky mass creating a delicious slide along her damp skin. Another blast of liquid lust suffused her body. Moisture coated her tingling core and the molten ball of excitement lodged in the pit of her stomach intensified.

Her insides clenched and a soft whimper snuck passed her lips as she dangled on the precipice.

She struggled.

Fidgeting in an effort to halt her descent into decadence. Trying desperately to reign in the screaming demands of her body.

"Hmmm," Naruto hummed, "she's tough, or maybe its not a very sensitive area."

His hand fell away, ending the delicious torment.

Tension leeched from her spine. A harsh breath whispering through her lips when the gut churning sensations eased.

She panted.

Shaking as her body cooled.

"Try the inside." the clone at her back suggested.

Hinata braced herself for another pass of his finger.

Dreading and eager for the coming glide.

His touch was leisurely.

Whisper soft and agonizingly delicious. Tracing the silky inner lining of her bunny ear and melting her insides. She moaned. Gripping her lip between her teeth as the long caress echoed over her clit.

His finger moved again.

Retracing its path along the velvety material and drawing a melodious groan from her throat.

She trembled, fingernails pricking the hardwood floor.

His slow teasing reversed, traveling along the rim of the ear. Reminiscent of a slow exploration of her screaming clit. Her breath hitched, and again, she fought the burning need to ease the ache between her thighs.

"Inside is definitely more sensitive, 'ttebayo," Naruto murmured, amused satisfaction coating his words, "Don't move, Hinata."

Her fingers curled as her aroused mind struggled to process the erotic prison in which she resided. To make sense of the odd signals her kinky outfit created within her core.

He was touching her without touching her.

Sliding his fingers along various areas of the cute ears nestled atop her crown and redirecting the stimulation to the most sensitive areas of her body.

It was the strangest contradiction of sensation and location she had ever felt.

A baffling consequence of the tiny nodes sewn into her bunny costume.

Nodes that extended to the elongated auricle.

A brush to the smooth velvet cloth lining the inner ears brought unbridled bliss to the bundle of nerves between her thighs. Strokes to the furred posterior of the elongated pinna left her sex aching. While the slightest tug to the very tips of the fuzzy ears made her nipples tingle.

It was decadent torture.

A puzzling correlation of pleasure that was maddening. One that was slow wearing her down.

She was desperate to move.

To slide her hand between her thighs and extinguish the burgeoning throb engulfing her body.

To fondle her clit to shuddering, thunderous orgasm.

Her arm tensed, palm lifting a fraction from the floor.

Just one touch, one stroke of her slippery button and she'd come apart.

"Good girl, Hinata."

Her eyes opened.

Hand lowering inconspicuously back to the hardwood.

She peered up at her lover, lavender orbs pleading for reprieve. For a moment to appease the exquisite torture thrumming through her body. The fox faced blonde merely grinned, seemingly disinclined to grant her silent plea.

"Spread your thighs wider."

She moved, inching wider beneath his heated gaze, raising her bottom and shifting weight to her arms for balance. Knees splayed, hands pressed to the ground between her open thighs, her bare arms pushed the heavy weight of her breasts together. The position shoved her hardened nipples just above the dark bust of the teddy and left her midnight tresses to flow down her body. It was a posture the jonin Jinchuuriki found cute. Dressed as she was in her kinky attire, it was blatantly sexual.

The glistening of her exposed sex boldly enticing.

Her naked, puckered nipples sensually seductive.

"Give me a kiss, Hinata."

The soft command tightened her stomach.

She leaned forward, finding his cock with her mouth. Laving his knob in warm saliva, before coating her lips in the moisture. She kissed the flared head, pressing her lips to his flesh again and again. Showering his wet tip with gentle affection. He reached down, lifting his sex. She raised her lips to the exposed underside, lapping lazily before returning to soft, sloppy presses of her mouth. His hand smoothed along the delicate curve of her jaw, then swept back the shinny black hair plastered to her forehead.

Her eyes closed beneath the petting.

Pleasure flooding from the silent approval.

A small squeak of surprise left her when another set of hands found her waist. Body heat radiated along her spine and a familiar physique molded against her back. A shiver quaked through her when hot lips found the tender skin beneath her ear.

"Don't be scared," the clone whispered, his husky murmur amused, "Its just me, remember?"

She did remember.

And yet found herself shocked every time they both touched her together, Naruto and his clone.

The replica of her boyfriend slid warm hands up, spanning her ribcage before retracing the path down over her hips. Her tummy tightened when they whispered along her fishnet encased thighs and back again. Hard cock circled her lips as the clone hooked a finger between the steep valley her breasts created and caught hold of the plunging neckline of her teddy. A single tug freed the generous mounds. He reached for the bouncy globes. Filling his big palms with coral tipped titties. Forcing a moan from her throat when he tugged at the erect peaks.

He pinched her nipples, squeezing and rolling the sensitive buds with the exquisitely painful pressure she craved.

Her lips parted on a soft exhalation of ecstasy. The erotic sound cut short by the heated rod finding the welcoming warmth of her oral cavity. Her mouth closed over the few inches he gave her. Tongue slipping and sliding over and around his flesh. Mimicking the circle pattern of the thumbs stroking her nipples.

She moaned.

Fidgeting as she tongued the dick in her mouth.

Calloused hands traced her throat.

Whispered over her shoulders.

Slid down the curve of her dark mane.

Squeezed the heavy weight of her breast.

Her skin tingled.

Goosebumps pebbled her flesh and a fresh bout of moisture trickled down her inner thigh.

Everywhere her mind focused was a set of hands.

Four individual appendages groping.




She was overwhelmed and overrun with stimulation.

Stunned and hypnotized by the touch of so many hands at once.

Turned on and aching with each pass of their palms.

She gasped, pausing her love affair with the cock at her lips as the duplicate zero in on the source of her body's ache. His finger sank through saturated folds before pressing against her pleasure button. He circled her clit. The wet glide of his digit wringing a moan of approval from her throat. He molded his body along her spine. Pressing his chest to her back and trapping the rigid length of his genital between them.

His finger moved.



Rolling the distended nub with methodical precision.

Her insides clenched.

"So fucking sexy," he muttered in her ear before catching the lobe with his teeth.

Breathless, Hinata thrust her hips as much as her position allowed. Eyes rolling in ecstasy when the slippery slide quickened to match the urgency of her grinding pelvis. 

"Yes," she gasped, head sagging in relief.

Her body wept moisture. Inner walls clenching and releasing in anticipation. She mewled in rapture. Rushing headlong for the fiery end his fondling digits promised. The blazing conclusion that would put the lust boiling in her veins at ease. She humped his strumming fingers, the hot friction curling her toes.

Her thighs quivered.

Her muscles strained.

And a haze of arousal filled her overtaxed psyche, leaving naught but the bellowing need for orgasm.

Her mouth fell open and a wailing cry of bliss erupted.

She lunged forward and back, pumping her hips with desperate, quaking need. Riding his fingers beneath a cloud of mindless lust. The sloppy, lewd, squelch of his fingers and her wet cunt a raunchy drumbeat the horny Hyuuga found gratifying to her ears. 

A different set of calloused fingers lifted her chin.

Her eyes crossed before zeroing on the treat level with her mouth. She rocked forward. Returning to her tongue massage when he pressed the throbbing rod to her lips. She circled her hips, muffled moan vibrating up his cock. Saliva dripping from her lips as she suck and humped.

"Don't get too carried away, 'ttebayo. We still have that other thing to try out." Naruto groaned to his clone.

She had no idea what the 'other thing' was. Trapped beneath the haze of all consuming lust, she couldn't find it in her to care. Her aching body had finally gotten what it had been screaming for.

The strumming of her clit.

Glorious friction where she needed it most.

Hinata rode the fingers with single minded desperation. Chasing the elusive finish line of climax looming just beyond the horizon.

Tension lined her muscles.

Lungs heaving with each glide of his fingers.

She was close.

So damn close to detonation.

Her body trembled, poised to leap over the edge at the least provocation.

A tongue dragged along her jaw and throat before heated words filled her ear. Dirty, filthy words her mind could scarcely comprehend beneath the pounding bliss crashing through her veins.

Her eyes slammed shut.

The world narrowed.

Orgasm bloomed.

She reached for it.

Strained towards it…

The rough fingers abandoned her clit.

"No please!" Hinata wailed.

She quaked.

Body shaking with unassuaged lust. The sudden decline painful. Tears of frustration brimmed. The clone at her back shifted. Rubbing the hardness of his sex between her stinging buttocks. Sucking roughly at the soft cradle her neck and shoulder created. Tugging at her nipples with delicious pulls her unsatisfied body found maddening.

She struggled.

Fighting to keep her palms on the floor.

To beat back the overwhelming urge to finish herself off.

She panted.


The internal battle waging within nearly unbearable.

"Please," she whimpered desperately, "Please touche me. Naruto-ku-"

Hard lips found hers. Shushing her pleas for relief. Sweeping her mouth with a thoroughness that left her breathless. His fingers gentled on her nipples. Palms squeezing and massaging her breast in a motion that felt soothing rather than stimulating. His tender groping bringing her from the chaotic edge and back to the slow flood of arousal.

He let her up for air.

Content to press his lips to the spine tingling space at her nape as she wrestled for control.

She panted softly.


Her body still ached.

Her pussy still desperate for completion.

But now, she could breathe.

Could stave off the craving for friction a little longer.

A reprieve appeared.

She leaned forward for the diversion. Grateful to have her mind taken from the burning needs of her body. She lapped enthusiastically at the thick cock bobbing near her cheek, engaging his sex in a desperate suckling.

"Better test that other thing," Naruto's lookalike chuckled, "I doubt she's gonna be able to hold off next time."

Coated in the excitement of her body, the clone pressed his fingers to her lip. Humming in approval when she included the moist digits in the attention of her mouth. She slipped her tongue up and around his fingers before engulfing them in a slippery suckle alongside her lover's cock.

Naruto groaned his agreement.

"You're gonna like this, baby," the doppelgnger assured with an excited smack to her left buttock, "Been looking forward to this all day."

He moved, detangling himself from her and rising to his feet. A moment of quiet passed before he spoke again.

"Tell me how this feels, Hinata."

Gentle fingers glided over the ball of fluff pinned just above buttocks.

She squeaked.

Cock slipping from her lips.

His hand swept the soft fur again.

A shiver crawled over her skin as an incomprehensible sensation danced along her spine. It flared. Sweeping over nerve ending she wasn't sure existed. Dark brows furrowed in confusion, her brain struggling to pinpoint what part of her body felt good.

Another swipe bowed her back.

She hissed as something turned molten inside her.


She didn't know.

Had no clue where this abstract place of bliss was.

"How does it feel?" the clone asked again.

He caught hold of the snowy fluff and tugged.

Good Lord in heaven.

Her insides melted.

A gasp left her lips.

"Hmmm. She's not answering," Naruto teased, "Maybe the suit's broken. Better try again, just to make sure."

He yanked again at her tail and that elusive feeling roared to life. Tension gathered in her abdomen. The warning signs of orgasm erupting in an instant. She felt ready to explode. Teetering on the edge of nirvana.

"Is it broken, baby?"

Another hard pull.

She wilted beneath the new stimulation. Sinking to the floor while her exhilarated mind struggled to process the feelings vibrating along her sensory receptors. Toes curling in her stilettos as her cheek met the cool surface of hardwood.

"We won't know unless you tell us, 'ttebayo."

Hunched over in writhing ecstasy, ass raised to the clone behind her, Hinata shuddered as each pull sucked her further down the pit of hedonistic rapture.

She panted.


Pussy moistening despite her mind's confusion.

"Guess it's not broken after all."

Her eyes rolled, stomach clenched and a low whine of bliss left her lips. Her body was stuck. Perpetually toing the line of orgasm. Rushing for a climax she wasn't sure was going to come. It was divine torment. Worse than the stroke of her inner ears. Better than the tug at the furred tips.

"Should I find out for myself if it feels good?"

The crooning question whispered over the exposed flesh of rear end.

Warm lips found her right buttock, followed by the wet glide of a tongue.

Hinata shivered, goosebumps pebbling her flesh. A whimper of pleasure leaving her throat when the tugs of her tail was joined by the laving of her clit. He swept the saturated petals of her sex in a long, wide glide. Suckling her clitoris, before flicking his tongue back and forth.

She contorted beneath the assault.

Stilettos clicking against the hardwood as she squirmed.

Merciless hands gripped her inner thighs. Holding her still while his relentless lingua found her slippery core. She wailed, unable to still her rocking hips as he tongued her pussy with a thoroughness that left her mindless.

Up and down.

Around and around.

Suckling her pleasure button with brutal precision.

She was a puddle of mush long before he finished with her.

Drenched in sweat when he was done.

Weeping in rapture when his tongue stopped but the tugs to her tail didn't. The short, hard pulls dimming beneath the sting of a palm.

Pain erupted in her right buttock.

It was a warning tap.

A heads up to brace for another spanking.

She barely had a moment to brace her bottom before the next swing.

This one no longer a warning.

The exquisite bite of pain cracked against her exposed globes. Heightened by the next pull of her tail. She lay plastered to the floor. Her eyes squeezed shut. Lungs struggling to draw air. Spread thighs quivering as he punished her bottom.

Leather met her rear end over and over.

The resounding whack of the paddle and her bare flesh, each mind numbing pull of her tail reducing her insides to mush.

It was glorious.

Her body tightened.

Another whack rent the air.

She whimpered.

Left cheek.

Oh God.

Right cheek.

It was coming.


The fiery end her body was begging for.

Both cheeks.

She writhed. Stilettos clacked against hardwood. Her wailing sob of ecstasy rivaling the sound of her spanking.

She was cumming before she realized it.

Swept away by a tidal wave of epic proportions. She stiffened, delicate muscles locking a beat before she burst into spasms. Her lungs seized, pussy gushing as she was launched somewhere beyond reality.

She wheezed for breath.

Whimpering and dazed. Quivering on the shiny floor, reveling in the aftershocks of ecstasy thundered through her body.

Strong hands gripped her hips and lifted.

A squeak of surprise left her throat.

The horny clone held her suspended, leaving her torso on the floor and high-heeled feet to dangle. Heated, blunted flesh spread the saturated folds of her sex.

"Oh God." she croaked as he impaled her body.

She twitched.

Shuddering beneath the blissfully painful entry.

Each hard inch coaxing overtaxed nerve endings to life. His length and girth reigniting a new inferno. The tide of arousal returning in a sudden rush of moisture. She pressed sweaty palms to the hardwood and braced her body to sate the lust of the male between her thighs. His harsh, panting breaths, and the tightness of his grip a silent warning of a hearty appetite.

It was the only warning she would get.

He filled her body, retreated and filled her again.

Pushing and pulling her body back and forth like a ragdoll.

Setting the grueling, backbreaking pace of a jackhammer.

Her breath hitched.

His rough manhandling unleashing a fresh flood of hot fluid from her pussy.

Eyes slamming shut as he rocked her smaller form with every lunge of his hips. Coating his sex in the excitement of her body while he fucked her with the force and single minded determination of a raging bull. Grunting and groaning as he rammed her body. The incredible drumbeat of his cock more than her body could bear. Hardened nipples slipping forward and back against the shiny floor, dark mane tumbling over her face, Hinata wept with rapture as she was pounded into oblivion. The slap of their genitals whipping her back into the chaos of gut wrenching lust. Her quivering pussy straining for the devastating explosion rising with breath stealing swiftness. Slick palms slipping blindly over the hardwood floors as she found it, millisecond later.

Tension snapped.

Her mind blanked.

And again, she was lost to the addictive high of climax.

Consumed by a thunderclap of colliding sensation…


Several moment of hushed breathing passed before she became aware of her surroundings.

Moment in which she felt as though she floated on a sea of clouds.

Plastered to the floor, she stared dazedly at the wooden leg of the coffee table pushed to the far corner of the room.

Her laden eyes unseeing in that moment.

Weightless in both body and mind, legs the equivalent of noodles, her psyche serenely quiet, Hinata was in a world of her own.

Adrift beneath a fog of euphoric calm.

Sluggish and sated.

Soft breaths breezing past her swollen lips, supple flesh coated in a sheen of sweat, the well loved Hyuuga struggled returned to the land of the living.

She felt heavy.

Her thighs sticky with passion.

Her cum filled core happily contracting.

She was cloaked in a cocoon of sexual gratification. More content than a kitten with a belly full of milk.

The unmerciful smack of a hand roused her from her orgasmic stupor.

A familiar sting spread along her well spanked rear.

She moaned, raising her aching bottom for another.

Shaking with arousal when he gave it to her.

"Wakey, wakey, Hinabunny," the clone crooned with a third swat to her globes, "Got another carrot for you."

He moved, standing over her prone body before reaching down to lift her head with gentle hands.

His mouth fused to hers.

Tongue sweeping the confines of her mouth.

His kiss sloppy and wet.

His tongue rolled over hers, the movements lascivious.

Leisurely suggestive.

Mimicking the slow drag and slide of sex.

Hinata moaned when he pulled away. Glistening lips parting on a silent breath while her scattered mind struggled to re-engage.

He tightened his grip, then turned her head in a different direction.

Her boyfriend stood a short distance away.

Legs spread, cock in hand, his cerulean orbs watching her with an intensity that tightened her abdomen.

His arm moved.

The delectable contract and release of muscle mesmerizing.

The slow, deliberate pump of his flesh made battering ram even more so.

Up and down.

The flared head of his sex disappearing and reappearing in the tight ring of his fingers.

A glistening sheen left the tiny slit.

Her mouth watered.

A small poof sounded and a brush of air swept her skin. The low sound marking the dissipation of the clone.

"Come here, Hinata."

A shiver traced her spine.

Drawing on the remnants of her strength, Hinata coaxed her body to move.

She rose on shaky limbs.

Forgoing the effort of standing, she instead fulfilled another of her deepest fantasies.

Closing the short distance between them on hands and knees.

Crawling towards his splayed muscular legs with rising arousal. The slow trickle of semen her upright position induced creating a warm, lewdly delicious glide along her labia. Her glazed gaze traced his powerful form. His broad shouldered, authoritarian stance igniting a new desire.

The desire to please.

To fill her mouth with the jutting length that filled her body with such blinding ecstasy.

She slid her lips over his shins and calves when she reached his feet. Gentle hands stoked his heated skin, bobbing breasts bumping his legs as she rose to her knees. She pressed her face to his inner thighs, soothing her lips over the hard flesh. Tracing the palpable display of physical strength with the softness of her mouth. Her gentle kisses found the dangling warmth of his sack. She nuzzled the globes, then indulged herself in a long, slow lap of his balls, beginning at the very bottom and sliding to the top. Stroking the faded seam separating the two spheres, and swirling her tongue in the space where scrotum met cock. His ensuing groan was a demulcent melody to her ears. Her prurient mind basking in the wordless expression of approval. She repeated the wet caress. Eyes closing in bliss when he gave her midnight mane an affectionate petting. The easy glide of his hand reminiscent of a master and pet.

A Dom and his sub.

A new emotion bloomed, filling her chest with warmth and contentment. Satisfying a need she hadn't known needed fulfilling.

His hand cradled the back of her head and the meaty length of his sex pressed against her lips.

They parted without hesitation.

The heated welcome of her mouth closing eagerly over the blunted tip.

Her tongue swiveled.

The glistening fluid that had left her mouth watering moments before coating the wet appendage.

She hummed a soft sound of enjoyment.

Sucking the flared head for the remainder, then releasing it with a satisfying pop. She leaned in for another pass of her tongue. Targeting the sensitive underbelly of his mushroom head, flicking back and forth in the junction of tip and shaft.

The big palm cradling the dark tresses at the base of her skull tightened. His fist full of silky strands delivering a small sting to her scalp.

"Damn that feels good." he groaned.

Wrapping her fingers around his cock, she fused her lips to the spot, and rolled her tongue. She sighed, enjoying the texture of smooth, warm, velvet stretched over hard steel. Bathing the area in moisture before finding a new asset in need of attention. She tracked the heavy vein just below his skin, sliding her tongue along its path until her lips met his groin.

She pressed a kiss to his lower abs, earning another coveted stroke of her hair and quiet sounds of exhortation.

With one last lingering peck, she returned to his throbbing genital.

Latching on with renewed interest.

Lapping and swallowing the fresh sheen of moisture weeping from his tip.

Naruto hissed.

The grip in her hair tightening.


Forcing her mouth down his dick.

Her lips stretched to accommodate his girth, pharynx relaxing to accept the entirety of his length down her throat. A coil of lust melted her insides as he fed her cock.

She wanted more.

Her eyes drifted closed.

Needed more.

Arousal bloomed.

And a familiar, wanton desire to engulfed his flesh arouse.

She reached for his buttocks.

Pulling his pelvis closer.

His cock sank deeper. 

"All the way down, baby." he groaned in encouragement.

She struggled, gagged quietly, before sinking down his pleasure stick. Her body fighting her lust induced need to swallow more of the velvety hardness lodged in her esophagus. She squirmed, pussy throbbing as her oral cavity was crammed with another inch of dick. Her glistening flesh erupting in goosebumps when her drooling lips met his groin and balls. Satisfaction flooding her senses as a tremor wracked his tall form.

"Fuck yeah." he whispered.

Her tongue stretched, reaching for his sack. Flickering and sliding over what flesh the slippery appendage could reach.

He gathered her hair in a bruising grip, tossing her bunny ears aside before slowly withdrawing from her mouth.

She sucked as he retreated.

Cheeks hollowing.

Laving and swirling a tongue coated in warm saliva. A harsh breath of air left his lungs before he reversed course. Sliding back between her lush lips. Stroking the moist insides of her mouth and throat, then repeating the leisurely glide. She picked up the tempo he wanted.

Relaxing into the easy rhythm he set.

In and out.




Her mouth becoming a cavity of suction.

A depository for his lust.

Her heavy lidded gaze met his.

That intensity hadn't yet left his baby blues. It burned brightly beneath the living room lights.

Piercing and all consuming.

Watching her suck his dick with relish.

Turned on beneath his burning regard, she slid a hand down his leg, then over her own. Pausing her caress just at the apex of her thighs. Waiting several moments for his approval or denial of her voiceless request. Inching closer to that place of glory when he spoke no word of disapproval to her questing hand.

She reached for paradise, fearful he'd change his mind.

Fingers slipping to the screaming button between her thighs.

She stroked the excited bud, toying with her moist clit. Eyes rolling in ecstasy as she touched herself while he fucked her throat.

She waited for shame.

For embarrassment.

And found none.

She loved what he was doing to her.

What she was doing to her self.

She was dirty.

A wanton, cock guzzling woman that loved, craved, the sensation of a mouth stretched to the brim.

She was…

In heaven…


Naruto watched through hooded eyes as his cock disappeared between plump lips only to re-emerge with a glistening sheen. She returned his burning regard through charcoal lashes. Pale hand churning between her thighs.

His heated gaze trace the gloriously lush peaks of her body. Lingering on the gentle sway of her breasts spilling over the lasciviously low bust of her costume. Tracing the crisscross pattern of fishnet encased legs and sparing a moment to soak in the sheen of her platforms before returning to target of his lust and love.

She was beautiful.

A beautiful goddess made of mortal flesh.

Starting at him with eyes that were aroused and adoring.

Content to follow his rhythm he set.

To kneel at his feet and suck his soul from his body. Was turned on while doing it. She was a dream made reality.

The embodiment of feminine perfection in his eyes.

Ecstasy crashed in his veins.

An aching pounding blooming in his cock. He groaned. Grimacing in bliss as she swirled her tongue the way he liked. Muscles tensing when she filled her throat with the entirety of his sex. Swallowing his flesh with a tenacity that left his sweating.

His breath hitched.

Moisture doted his forehead.

"Fuck." he whispered as he battled back the eruption waiting in his sack.

Slick tightness wrapped around his shaft. Her wiggling tongue, sucking mouth and sloppy moisture destructive to his self control. He blew a desperate breath between his lips, fist tightening in the soft nest of her hair.

He wouldn't last much longer.

Felt seconds away from blowing his load.

Burgeoning orgasm slowly tightened his abdomen. The twirl and glide of her tongue lashing his spine with shards of bliss. His toes curled in an effort to stave off the explosion gathering in his balls.

Her mouth was devastating.

Her eager suckle igniting a mix of masculine pride and humble appreciation. A combination he had never felt so keenly when making love to a woman.

He loved that she loved sucking his dick.

Loved that the act gave her just as much pleasure as it did him.

He grimaced again, agonized ecstasy clawing at his gut.

He closed his eyes, struggling to hold back the tide. Shutting out the erotic image of his Hyuuga lover.

His brows furrowed as his senses betrayed his effort to regain control.

His ears honed in to the sounds of sloppy, slippery suckling. Amplified the soft moans vibrating her throat. His self imposed darkness shifting his focus to the incredible drag of her wet tongue and the cum inducing vacuum of her mouth. His mind reached for distraction. Anything to thwart his quickly approaching end.

A memory rose unbidden to the forefront.

A replay of his clone fucking Hinata.

His eyes snapped open.

Dispelling the arousing flashback.

His hips surged forward, his slow pump of her throat picking up speed. She gurgled, struggling to catch up to the new clipped place. Her fondling fingers moving frantically over her clit.

He panted, grip tangling in her midnight locks.

Bobbing her head to create the friction he needed.

"So fucking hot, Hinata." growled down at her.

Her dazed gaze and muffled moans his only reply.

Her lips tightened.

Cheeks squeezed.

Teasing fingers found his balls. The whispering touch of her soft fingertips nearly tearing away his tenuous control. Sweat traced the dip of his spine. Breath heaving from his lungs.

He was close.

A telltale rolling of her eyes told him she was too.

Her whimper vibrated along his shaft.

Thundered through his balls and pushed him closer to nirvana.

She twitched.

Thighs widening.

Her shiny fingers rubbing desperately at her clit.

The hot squelching of her saturated pussy joining the deep sucking of his cock.

Her body contracted again.

Titties jiggling.

Her eyes squeezing shut as the storm approached.

"Open your eyes," he commanded harshly, "Look at me while you cum."

Her lids lifted a sliver. Glazed lavender peeking beneath heavy lashes. He panted, soaking in the erotically euphoric expression. Gathering a fistful of silken tresses and tilting her head back so he could watch rapture suffuse her pretty face.

Watch her climax with his dick in her mouth.

She shuddered seconds later.

A gurgled mewl leaving her throat, the vibrating sound of release radiating through his body.

Tension gathered.

Muscles tightening.

He shoved his cock down her throat. Bringing her face flush to his groin as her body quaked with orgasm. He pumped his hips with small, shallow thrusts before letting her up for air.

She gasped, quivering as her fingers rotated slowly over her sensitized clit.

He gripped his cock, panting. Frantically reaching for paradise.

Pumping furiously at his wet cock.

Reaching the promise land seconds later in a hot rush of ejaculate.

A ropy strand stretched across her flushed cheeks and glistening lips.

Another coating the pink tipped mounds bobbing above her costume's bustline.

He stuck his spasming sex back within the confines of her mouth.

Breathing a deep sigh of significant relief as she swallowed down the remainder of his liquid lust.


"What a big man baby," Temari huffed, "You're being overly dramatic. What'd you expect from the Yamanaka duo? You of all people should know Ino likes to tease, hell, she learned most of it from Isako."

Shikamaru indulged in a pouting frown, aiming it in the direction of the dismissive woman strolling down the hall.

He followed.

Grumbling as he trudged through the door of their bedroom.

"Ino and that cousin of hers are a pain in the ass," he complained, "going to a sex shop for a dildo is enough of a drag. Buying one from them is like signing up for the world's biggest headache."

"Vibrator," Temari teasingly corrected, "dildos and vibrators are two different things."

Peeved over the lack of sympathy, he sat heavily on the foot of their bed. Moping while he pulled off his sandals.

"Dildo, vibrator, whatever you wanna call it, wasn't worth the trouble." he grumbled.

"You're the one that made the bet and lost," she pointed out, "you said I could ask for anything and I found myself in need of the latest and greatest in vibrating technology."

He sent her a mock glare devoid of heat before returning his attention to the suddenly fascinating task of freeing his feet.

"Oh come on," Temari laughed, tossing her new toy in the bedside dresser and slamming it shut, "it was for a good cause."

"Well enjoy it because that's the last time I'm taking a hit for your 'good cause'. Next time you want a vibrator," he pronounced with emphasis, "you can get it yourself."

The bed dipped, and a feminine scent he knew quite intimately teased his senses. Arms circled his neck.

A soft nose nuzzled the underside of his jaw.

Gentle mounds molded his spine.

A whisper of arousal flared but the shadow manipulating nin merely tossed aside one sandal and set to work on another.

He was nowhere near ready to relinquish his facade of affront.

"You know," she murmured, press tender kisses to the line of his throat, "We never really try any of the other products at the Blossom."

Her hands moved.

Sliding down his cloth covered chest and back up again.

"We always pick up more of the same."

She shifted, making herself comfortable behind him. Sliding bare legs on either sides of his body. The apex of her thighs cradling his lower back.

His dark eyes traced the smoothness of her naked skin.

His cock stirring beneath his pants.

"Same lube."

Seeking hands found the hem of his shirt. He tossed his shoe away as soft palms traced the hard ridges of his abdomen. His muscles contracted. Tightening beneath her feathering fingers. A lash of pleasure bursting when her petting digits circled his nipples.

"Same old vibrators."

Her exploration turned south. Nimble fingers finding the button of his trousers and pulling it apart with a resounding snap.

"Same old dildos."

He held his breath. Thrumming with anticipation when her hand slipped through the opening.

"So the last time I went to the Blossom, I saw something interesting."

Warm fingers wrapped around his cock.

Her touch was emollient.


Her grip loose and teasing. Coercing his body to life with the leisurely stroke of her hand. He groaned, eyes sliding closed as she toyed with his rapidly hardening sex.

"And decided to pick up a bottle and bring it home."

The soft words, spoken directly in his ear, brought pinpricks of awareness to his skin.

"I haven't had time to try it out, but maybe you do deserve some sort of reward for braving the crass teasing of your pseudo sister and her cousin."

She pressed small kisses to his jaw. Pumping his cock with slow relish.

"Fair is fair. I lost and Ino and her equally irritating cousin was the price." Shikamaru murmured.

A soft thumb circled his mushroom tip. Fingertips sliding down his shaft in a slow caress that stole his breath.

"But far be it from me to turn down a reward." he chuckled when he could breathe again.

The cushy breasts plastered to his spine vibrated, her silent laughter curling his own lips.

"What choice did I have? You came in with such a pathetically long face. I may not always show it, but I do have a heart," she giggled, "How could I let such a handsome face pout all night?"

Her hands fell away, and the low click of a bottle opening reached his ears. He waited. Anticipation sliding over his skin. His dick was fully awake. Standing at attention and longing for the return of the tugging hand.

"Don't feel bad if you don't last long," Temari warned, sliding her hand back through the opening of his pants, "I hear this takes some getting used to. Sort of like building up a tolerance."

Dark brows creased.

"Tolerance?" he echoed, "What the heck did you buy?"

"Just a new cream that's supposed to take handjobs to a new level."

Her slippery hand found his cock.

Cocooning him in a tight fist that was wet, warm and…

"Relax," Temari murmured, pressing her lips to the underside of his jaw, "I love vibrators and dildos, but this will always be my favorite toy. I wouldn't bring home something that would stand in the way of good Nara dick."

Tingles swept his sex.

Lust hit him like a punch to the gut.

His muscles tensed, his balls throbbed and a familiar tension shot through his abdomen.

He was teetering.

Balancing on the edge of orgasm. The speed at which his body was climbing mind blowing.

His thighs twitched.

Breath hitched.

Eyes closing at the incredible pounding in his cock.

He reached out.

Fingers gripping the comforter, a moan of shocked pleasure erupting from his throat.

He could feel…everything with his cock.

The blood rushing through his genital. The delicious slide of liquid leaving his aching tip unbidden. Her slippery grip magnified to his screaming nerve endings.

He felt it.


Deep in the pit of his gut.

"It's a shame you don't want to go back to the Blossom. I hear she makes other creams like these that would knock your socks off. "

Sweat beaded his forehead.

Slipping down his temples as he squirmed.

Searching for the air his lungs desperately needed.

"Of course, these are specially made and exclusively sold in store. And, unfortunately, oly contain enough product for a single use."

Her hand moved.

Sliding a mere inch up his shaft. The permeating friction that reverberated tore through his cock, burning rational thought from his brain.

His hips raised.

His body quivered and the raging beast that was climax gnawed at his insides.

Goosebumps erupted along his flesh as the incredible sensation flared. Swamping his conscious mind. Flooding his shuddering form with a lethal dose of molten bliss. He struggled, hanging on to the bedspread as he thrust again. Helplessly lost to the need for friction.

"Silly me, I forgot to buy more than one for us to try."

Lithe legs wrapped around his own, squeezing.


Limiting the flex of his pelvis. Leaving him to dangle in a tortuously delicious limbo.


"You'd have to go back to the Blossom for another."

That wet fist holding him together shifted. Stoking long and slow in a caress that rolled his eyes to the back of his skull.

Base to tip.

The slide of her hand ringing against every pleasure receptor his body contained. Piercing through his throbbing shaft and ripping away his threadbare control. His shout of release was as shocking as the sudden eruption at his tip. He twisted, latching on to the soft thighs twined with his. Shuddering and thrusting while the once ordinary sensation of his cum leaving his balls tore him apart.

Never had such a familiar function felt so incredible.

He could feel it thundering through his sex.

Bone deep satisfaction following in its wake.

He was panting.

Quaking in the aftermath.

Temari pulled, taking him with her to the mattress. Wrapping her legs around his abdomen and leaving his cock to chill in the bedroom air. His head found comfort on the pillow her bosom created.

"But of course, if you really hate it there," Temari murmured, voice coated in amusement as she continued her train of conversation, "If you just can't take the teasing every once in a while, I won't make you go back."

He swallowed.

Too spent to level a knowing glare at his mix of a fiancee.

Her trap had been simple, but effective.

If he wanted more goodies like this, he'd only have to step back through the doors of the Erotic Blossom.

Suck it up and face his blonde tormentors.

Endure the teasing and prodding.

All for the chance to explore the wide variety of lubricant stimulators he knew the Yamanaka flower shop owner probably had.

He pouted at the ceiling.

Heavy lidded orbs tracing the lightly drawn patterns above.

It'd be a drag to have to go back.

More so considering his interest in something new would likely spark a fresh round of bothersome needling.


For such a mind bending sensation and the possibility of others like it…


Maybe he could tolerate the outrageous innuendos every once in awhile.


May 27, 2011

Hinata fairly floated down the streets of Konoha.

Snowy cheeks dusted pink, lavender eyes dreamy, the soft spoken Hyuuga was brimming with a radiant happiness that was palpable. Garbed in a gentle, sky blue shirt that fluttered just above her naval, lush buttocks encased in pearly white shorts and feet sheathed in pretty tanned sandals, she strolled cosseted beneath the arm of the sole source of her great joy.

Golden locks gleaming beneath the morning sun, tall form dressed in a bright orange hoodie and baggy gray pants, Naruto sauntered with the broad shouldered confidence he'd adorned long before he'd had reason to. It was a familiar stance of silent posturing she had grown to love. One he'd developed back when he'd been nothing more than a small kid with mountain sized dreams. It still felt somewhat surreal that the loud mouth child she'd admire had already surmounted several of those peaks and was even now, preparing to scale several others. More stunning than the past to present comparison was her own place in this new picture. Instead of cheering him on from the comfort of shadows, she stood proudly at his side. Openly, publicly supporting him in every endeavour he undertook and thrilled beyond words that her backing was not only welcome, but enthusiastically requested.

He sought out the comfort of her arms and the wisdom of her thoughts quite often. Was quite comfortable soliciting her input in solving one problem or another and plotting his path to success with the inclusion of her as a person of great importance in that distant future.

He wanted her to stand with him.

To take part in his life.

To weather the difficult path to Hokage and the even more cluttered road to Sasuke's pardon along side him.

She didn't have to hide when he walked by.

Didn't have to sneak around just for a brief, heart stopping glimpse of his whisker cheeked face.

She was an integral component of Naruto Uzumaki and she loved every second of it.

After last night and in the light of day, she was absolutely exuberant with her life. Her heart turned over as she traced his face with soft eyes, and that special emotion his smiling face created flooded her chest. 


Pure, unadulterated love.

She basked in its warmth.

Soaked in the familiar beauty of it.

Noticing her regard, he turned the brilliance of his smile down on her. His arm flexing around her waist while his glinting orbs returned her soft look with one of his own. Bringing exuberance to an already fabulous day.

"Girl's day out again today, baby?" he asked.

Hinata nodded, beaming up at him.

"We're meeting for lunch at Ino's house."

"You're a bit early don't you think?"

She shook her head.

"I…" her flush deepened, "I wanted to talk to Ino…before we meet up with the others."

There were a few questions she had for the experience sex shop owner. Ino Yamanaka was not only a wealth of information, but a great source of comfort as the shy Hyuuga came to terms with the sexual needs of her mind and body.

Blonde brows waggled at her announcement. His foxed face turning sly.

"Hmmm, gonna do some more shopping?" he questioned, voice deepening in a blend of amusement and arousal.

Her eyes dropped to her bumping fingers. Pink blooming to full crimson.

"O-oh, well…I…hadn't planned on- a-and that last time was…"

She stammered into silence. Given the naked gymnastics on the living room floor just hours ago, her embarrassment in the sunshine of day seemed ridiculous even to her.

And yet…

Her heart was hammering against ribcage.

Nerves fluttered in her belly.

The very idea of looking him in the eyes and opening her mouth about shopping at the Erotic Blossom was enough to make her sweat. She did indeed hope to make a new purchase, the last one had worked out well for her, but admitting to such a desire was difficult. Last night, while she basked in the sublime position at his feet, she'd had no choice but to admit to herself that she was a pervert. A woman with sexual proclivities that were explicit.


And down right pornographic.

Completely contrary to her prudish upbringing.

She felt good and somewhat confident in the heat of the moment. Empowered to live her life as raunchy and lascivious as she wanted away from the judgement of prying eyes.

But when it was over, she had a hard time resisting the urge to scuttled back into her shell of modesty.

It was a habit she couldn't shake.

A recurrent battle taking residence inside her mind.

On one side, the decadent, satiation of her sexual needs.

And on the other, the rigid guidelines in which she'd lived under for twenty years.

He chuckled, crooking a finger beneath her chin as he brought them to a halt in the near desolate wood fenced alley between a residential home and an up coming cafe.

He turned her burning visage back to his.

"Don't sweat it, baby. Keep the sticky notes handy. I'm fine with it for now and if you do decide to go shopping, ask Ino to show you the candles."

She blinked.

Shame receding in the face of curiosity.


"Yeah," he grinned, "Didn't Ino tell ya? I supply the essential mineral oils she uses in oil based products like her candles."

She was more than a little surprised. This was certainly the first she'd ever heard about it.

Ino had never even hinted that her boyfriend was involved in the shop's wares.

She shook her head.

"She hasn't mentioned it to me."

"I thought she would have told you after you found out about the shop. When you contract with Blossom, you're not allowed to speak about certain things with people that don't know about it. The Yamanaka are real hush hush about the Blossom, 'ttebayo. That's what makes it so successful. It's real discreet and has a strict policy about privacy. You don't talk, and they won't either." he shrugged.

That was certainly true. The Erotic Blossom had been around for years and she herself was just learning of it.

It sounded more like a guild than an erotic store to her. She didn't know a whole lot about sex shops, but she wasn't sure it was normal for one to be fitted with its own underground code of honor. If Naruto was a contributor to the popular establishment, she was sure there were others. She couldn't help but wonder who else had signed a contract and what they brought to the table.

"A few years ago during one of my visits to Mount Myōboku, Gamakichi mentioned some of the different toad oils they concoct," he explained, stroking her hip with his thumb as he spoke, "Some of 'em smelled really strong and stuck to my clothes. When I came back from Mount Myōboku, I happened to pass by Ino. She liked the smell and asked what it was. I told her about the oils and she had the idea of using it in some of the products the Blossom sells. We went into business after that. "

His grin was mischievous, eyes gleaming with sexual interest.

"If you feel bold again, pick out a few you like. I'll show you how to use 'em the right way."

His hand melted down her back, palm sliding over the curve of her rear end.

She jumped, eyes wide as saucers at the intimate caress. There was a lull in foot traffic, the citizens that had been travelling along side them long gone, but even in the relative emptiness of the alley, she was more than a little alarmed.

She was embarrassed.

Mortified that he was squeezing her buttocks in broad daylight.

Turned on that he'd touch her in such a manner in public.

"N-Naruto-kun," she whispered breathlessly, cheeks burning furiously, "P-People can see…"

"Nobody's around," he murmured huskily, "Besides, it's not as frowned upon as you might think."

She knew that tenor, that deep rumbled in his voice.

He was aroused.

Set aflame by palming her ass so blatantly out in the open, deserted streets aside. And while she was embarrassed, mortified that he'd caress her in plain view beneath a brightly sunny day, she couldn't help the lash of heat that tightened her stomach.

The tingle between her thighs.

She was aroused too.

Struggling, and, to her everlasting shame, failing to keep her panties dry.

He leaned in, tongue whispering over her lips in a wet slide she felt deep in her core. A shiver traced her spine.

"A lot of stuff people only pretend to frown on." he murmured against her mouth as his hand traced the crack between her globes.

Hinata reached for his forearm and paused.



Her inner prude questioning why she hesitated to end the improper exchange. A soft exhalation leaving her as he squeezed one cheek and then the other.

"A lot of people say one thing about right and wrong, then do the opposite when you're not around to see."

He pressed his body to hers, letting her feel his harden cock through his sweats.

Desire twisted her insides. The familiar lash of shame following swiftly after. Her hand tightened, adding pressure to the arm of his fondling hand. Blue orbs met hers.


Waiting to see what she would do next.

He was leaving it up to her.

Stop him.

Or enjoy it.

She wanted both…

He straightened abruptly. Taking the decision from her.

Smoothing his palm up her rear end, around her hip and leaving it to rest in the respectable curve of her hip just as a laughing man and woman exited the nearby cafe and began a leisurely stroll in their direction.


Mortified, Hinata struggled to gather her scattered wits.

Her heart pounded uncomfortably beneath her breast.

Adrenaline crashing through her veins as her pale visage erupted in crimson. She fought the urge to cover her face, settling instead for the anxiety relieving finger bump.

Naruto nuzzled the soft hair at her temple.

"They didn't see anything." he told her softly.

She wasn't so sure.

She shifted.

Fidgeting nervously beneath the heavy weight of his arm as the couple neared. Terrified they'd stop and demand an answer for the lascivious behavior. She turned panicked eyes to the ground when the sound of feet crunching grass reached her ears.

"Oh wow, its Uzumaki-san!" a feminine voice exclaimed.

Hinata peeked through dark lashes at the owner of that voice.

The pretty woman was animated, tugging excitedly on the arm of a confused man at her side.

"The Uzumaki-san?!" he echoed, "Hero of the Leaf Uzumaki-san?!"

The dark haired, brown eyed male swung his gaze to the blonde in question. Instant recognition lighting his curious orbs.

"Those whisker marks," the male pondered aloud, taking a few steps closer, "That golden, spiky hair, you are Uzumaki-san, right? The next Hokage?"

Naruto gave a subdued smile, sliding a hand over the back of his neck in a gesture of discomfort at the recognition.

His transition from horny seducer to somewhat bashful hero smooth as butter.

"That's me." Naruto confirmed with a good natured chuckle.

Face blistering, Hinata made herself as small as she could beneath her beaming boyfriend's arm. Certain her lover's fans could somehow read the carnal hunger in the red staining of her cheeks. She spoke softly and quickly. Giving the vacationing pair a cookie cutter Hyuuga heir greeting when Naruto introduced her as his girlfriend, then returning to the background of the conversation. Sensing her discomfort, Naruto indulged the couple a question or two before ending the friendly exchange.

"It was nice meeting you both, but we really gotta run." the blonde jonin said a few minutes later.

"Oh of course," the woman grinned, "we should be heading back to our hotel anyway. Vacation's over and we need to start heading back to our own village. I'm just happy we finally got to meet the famed hero of the Fourth Shinobi War in the flesh!"

The man sighed glumly.

"We left the camera in the hotel room, and my favorite kunai that I wanted to get autographed is there too."

"Hmph! I told you to bring it, but you didn't want to carry it." the man's girlfriend chided.

"We've been carrying it around for the past week and hadn't even gotten a glimpse of him, what were the odds the we'd finally meet him on the morning we were leaving?" he pouted.

Unsympathetic, she grabbed the dejected male's arm and tugged him down the alley.

"Let's go, dear, we'll have to try again next year."

The woman waved over her shoulder as she carted her partner off.

"Goodbye, Uzumaki-san! It was really nice to meet you!"

Naruto waved back, watching as they disappeared around a corner.

Hinata stood plastered to his oblique in the ensuing quiet. Wondering what he'd do next.

If he'd continue his inappropriate petting now that they were alone again.

Both dreading and, deep down, hoping that he would.

He gave her a teasing look but left his hand in the respectable crook of her hip, disinclined to reignite the earlier fire.

"So when's old man Hyuuga gonna call me to the compound for a stern talking to about Clan pride and reputation?" he questioned instead, steering them back in their original direction.

She kept pace with his easy stride.

"F-father will probably want to see if I've…changed my mind before speaking to you."

Naruto frowned at that.

"Have you?" he asked, "Do you wanna stay at the compound?"

She shook her head.

Not once had the idea passed her mind. Last night and this morning had only strengthened her resolve.

"No," she told him, voice laden with the assurance she felt in her heart, "I want to move in with you."

His concerned frown eased, though the smile she loved hadn't taken its place.

"Then that should be enough for old man Hyuuga, right?"

If only.

She shook her head again, turning her eyes to the concrete sidewalk beneath their feet.

"Father doesn't see it that way and neither will the Clan. He wasn't happy when I told him and he won't be when I tell him I haven't changed my mind."

She would be in for an ear full once he got through talking to Naruto. Her lover was more stubborn than both father and daughter combined. If he thought he could persuade Konoha's number one knuckle head to rescind his invitation of residency, he had another thing coming.

The upcoming confrontations turned her stomach in knots.

She didn't want her father and boyfriend at odds.

Didn't want her Clan and the love of her life in conflict.

Callous fingers gripped her chin, bringing her gaze back to his.

He leaned down, kissing away the worried down turn of her lips.

"Don't worry too much about it. I was just curious and wanted to make sure I didn't miss his visit. My schedule is gonna be pretty hectic soon."

With Sasuke's pardon to tackle and the beginning of his Hokage studies, she was sure her hyperactive partner would be even more so bouncing from one task to another.

"I've never had anyone live with me before so I guess I'm a little excited for it," he grinned, sliding his arms around her, "I know we've pretty much been living together but I just wanna make it official ya know? For it to be our apartment instead of mine."

He pressed his forehead to hers.

"I love waking up next to you every morning. I love brushing out teeth together and sharing breakfast," he murmured, "I love walking around and finding bits and pieces of your things mixed in with mine. When I think about having more of those moments, I feel a little impatient."

Her eyes watered halfway through his heartfelt confession.

"Cut it out," he chuckled, swiping at the moisture, "You know how I feel about you, 'ttebayo and every time I bring it up you get all weepy."

She couldn't help it.

This was the life she'd dreamed of.

The relationship she had waited for the majority of her life, and now that it was here.

Now that it was a reality…

She grappled with the immense feelings that arose from it.

Found herself overwhelmed by the sweetness of it.

Swept away by its perfection.

The intensity of their connection leaving her a step away from bawling with happiness.

"But knowing what those tears mean, I can't help but feel happy to see them every time."

He fixed his mouth to hers. Kissing away her tide of emotion. Replacing her lower lip tremble with a luminous smile.


Naruto waved, lips upturned in a bright grin as Hinata returned the gesture of goodbye. He watched her for several moments, waiting for her curvy form to vanish within the confines of Yamanaka Flower Shop before indulging himself in a frustrated sigh.

He loved that woman.

Inside and out.

She was the essence of pulchritude.

Love incarnate.

A cherubic siren that adored him and had for years. He couldn't recall ever being as happy as he was. Had no words to accurately depict the depth of emotions she invoked.

But this thing with the Clan was a pain in the ass.

He hadn't lied.

He was more than a little eager to have her turn his apartment from 'mine' to 'ours'.

For his modest abode to be the place she too called home.

Sticking his hand in his pocket, he turned. Making his way down an adjacent street. Thoughts turning to the kaleidoscope of emotions churning his gut.

He knew she loved him.

Knew that he loved her too…but he also knew himself.

He longed for a family.

Had ached for someone to call his own since he'd realized he had no one. Sure he'd made friends, amazing friends he loved to death, but family was something…different to him.

Something more, that he himself couldn't put into words.

Something he still wanted badly.

The completion of a family unit.

The love and security he had only ever watched from the sidelines. He wanted to gorge himself on the connection of familiar ties that he had only ever gotten a brief taste of with the brief meeting of his mother and father.

It was that need that was driving his impatience.

That long held desire that left him with a slice of resentment of the sway the Hyuuga Clan exerted over the choices Hinata felt she could make. Their far reaching restrictions bleeding over into the relationship he had with her and had been since she'd told him of her dating curfew nearly a year ago.

There were times when he wanted to tell her to do whatever it was she wanted to do. Screw the Clan if they didn't like it and damn the consequences.

He'd lived the bulk of his youth jumping from one rash decision to another. Rushing headlong into situations and circumstances without much consideration of consequences. He still did at times.

But in this.

He found he couldn't use that bullheaded approach.

Not in these circumstances.

Not if he wanted to protect his girlfriend's feelings and keep the peace.

He ruffled his hair as he passed the lively swath of green that was Konoha Central Park. His ears deaf to the pearls of children's laughter and the low rumble of parental conversation.

He knew he wanted to be with her long into the future, but he wondered how much longer the Hyuuga influence would last.

He sighed.

Probably longer than he wanted to contemplate, but he was resolved to hold his tongue a while longer.

Dismissing the irritating prediction he turned his mind to more pleasant topics. Pacifying himself with images of last night. Lust his gut with the force of a punch. The tepid erection of earlier resurging to the forefront. Cock throbbing beneath his sweats, Naruto add his public petting minutes ago to the vault of eroticism swirling in his mind's eye.

He replayed the heated memories of the dark haired vixen that had bent eagerly to his will last night. Soaking in the dreamy expression on her face when he shoved his cock down her throat. Relishing the dazed look in her eyes while his clone fucked her on the other side of the room.

He swallowed.

Swiping a hand over his mouth.

She was the meekest, gentlest girlfriend he had ever had, and yet the only one that filled him with the animalistic need to mate. To pound his primitive needs into her body any way he could. He wasn't a predominately rough lover, but he could do little to stop the beast of lust that drove him once he got between her thighs.

There was something about her.

Some unseen aura she exuded that stoked the most archaic responses lying dormant in his psyche.

Those doe eyes, soft moans and voluptuous physique ripping away any sense of control he had faster than he could blink.

Her deadly combination of sexy shyness as effective as any drug.

He was becoming addicted.

Intoxicated by the things she made him feel when she knelt at his feet.

Inebriated by the intense sensation of masculinity and overwhelming sense of power he experienced every time she relinquished control to him. She was a bounty for the savage deep inside of him. Feeding the primal beast hiding below his flesh.

A beast that wasn't Kurama.

He wasn't sure if his feelings were okay.

If the aggression he felt was normal.

He turned, strolling down the final sidewalk leading to his destination, making his way up the drive of a modest, clean cut, modern home. Beating back the excitement crashing through his veins as he cleared the perfectly manicured lawn.

There was little he could do about the pounding in his loins.

Hinata was gone, and he had an up coming meeting with the guys to focus on. While Hinata often sought the comfort and council of her girlfriends, he in turn had his buddies to confide in. Many of which were a part of a Clan like Hinata. Maybe they could help him understand and navigate the dos and don't of Clan life. In addition, it would give him an opportunity to put into motion the fruits of his late night thinking while he'd lay cuddled up with his exhausted Hyuuga lover.

He had a plan in mind.

A harebrained one but a plan none the less and if all went well, he'd get some much needed advice and foster some level of understanding between his friends and-


He paused, watching the door of the Uchiha residence warily.

He knew that voice.

Knew that undercurrent of wrath.

Sakura was on a tear and Sasuke was again on the receiving end of her ire.

Naruto sighed, waiting to see if the storm would pass quickly.

This wasn't the first time he'd strolled up the concrete walkway of their home to the booming rumble of an argument in full swing, but the number of these incidents seemed to be increasing and intensifying rather than declining.

Silence reigned behind the door.

Blue orbs watched the door for a single sign that the quarrel was over.

Blonde brows furrowing in concern when he heard her raised voice again.

He was worried about them.

Sakura was never one to shy from a fight but these were different.

There was real hurt below the bellowing and furniture throwing. Injured feelings propelling his spunky pink haired friend towards outbursts. She put on a tough front, but deep down, Sakura was as sensitive as he was. Violence was often the way she hid and dealt with those emotions. Tossing a table or chair a way to distract from the pain she felt.

He frowned.

He wanted to help.

To talk to them both and see if he could find a way to restore peace between the two, but honestly, he wasn't sure what to say.

Sasuke consistently rebuffed his attempts to open a conversation about his increasingly rocky marriage situation, while Sakura usually shot him a withering glare and cracked her knuckles. He hadn't had to deal with her punches in over two years, and wanted that painless trend to continue for many more.

So he kept his questions to himself.

And watched their marital spats from afar.

At the next interval of quiet, Naruto leaned forward and rapped his knuckles on the wooden entryway.

"Every goddamn morning its the same thing, I'm sick of it Sasuke!"

He ran a bandaged hand through his locks, aware his knocks had gotten lost beneath the exasperated bellow.

There was another lull.

A time in which he was sure Sasuke was replying.

He couldn't hear Sasuke's reply but was unsurprised that he couldn't. Sasuke wasn't a shouter. He was the silent prod when the bull was stirred. Striving for emotional control and stone cold rationality, not seeming to understand that person yelling at him craved a more…human response. His calm was usually a conduit rather than a mitigating force in a confrontation. His perceived disinterest and lack of passion infuriating.

"I'm yelling because you won't!!"

Naruto winced at the shrill response.

"I'd rather you shouted back than sit here and talk to me like you're discussing the weather! At least I'd know you gave a damn! You act like you don't even care and don't give me that bullshit spiel about not wanting to fight! You have no problem fighting when its something you care about! You'll fight tooth and nail for Uchiha honor but won't spare even a fraction of that effort for your own wife!"

A brief pause ensued, followed by the crashing of something loud and heavy.

"I'm not being irrational, I'm being fucking angry!!"

Sasuke had done the quiet, unconcerned answering again. Even Naruto had to admit, the times they fought as kids was usually following one of his 'I don't give a fuck' attitudes. He couldn't always blame Sakura for her frustration. Coming up against the Sasuke barrier irritated him too.

He knocked again.

The door whipped open moments later, and moist green eyes met his own.



The glimpse of vulnerability was burned away in an instant. Replaced with sparks of fire he knew all too well.

"Why don't you go talk some sense into your best friend! See if he'll open his mouth for you since he obviously doesn't want to talk to me!" she spat.

She was out the door before he could form a reply. Brushing by him and storming in the direction he had just come from. He watched her clipped pace down the sidewalk before turning his attention to the moving form inside the abandoned home.

Sasuke stood in the hall closet, calmly retrieving his cloak from its confines.

The shiny floor at his feet was littered with glass and shards of splintered wood. A dining table was overturned and shattered further into the house. Plates, coffee mugs and the remnants of a delicious looking breakfast strewn across the floor.

It was a scene he'd seen before, unfortunately.

He waited while his Uchiha friend swung the cloth around his shoulders, swathing his gray, long-sleeved, collared shirt, periwinkle vest, and the old forehead protector hanging from his dark pants in willowy, black fabric. Sharp ceramic and slivers of mahogany snapped beneath his booted feet as he made his way to the door. Walking as though the hallway and dining area wasn't littered with the casualty of his wife's temper. He stepped out into the gleaming sunshine and shut the entryway behind him with the same composure he'd retrieved his cloak.

Naruto fell into step along side him when he passed.

Quickening his step to take lead.

Naruto waited.

They reached the end of the drive when his friend finally spoke.

"I didn't call her irrational," Sasuke murmured, "I said the assertion that the volume of ones voice during an argument denotes love was irrational."

Naruto sighed, interlocking his fingers behind his head as they strolled.

"Probably not the best choice of words, Sasuke. Especially in the middle of an argument. I'm surprised you haven't realize saying that word to an enraged woman is a bad idea. You grew up surrounded by girls falling all over themselves to get your attention. Haven't you learned a thing or two by now?"

"Being surrounded by women doesn't mean I was of a mind to engage with any of them. I was caught up in my own ambitions," the Uchiha reminded him, "There was never any need to learn 'a thing or two'."

Naruto thought back to their youth, confirming the statement with his memories. He remembered the screaming girls, the swooning groupies and in the center of the hopeful devotees, a very uninterested Sasuke.

"You have more experience with women than me, Naruto. Rebuffing Karin daily, then dating and marrying Sakura is the extent of mine."

"And I'm still shocked about that. Growing up, who would have thought I'd be the suave lady's man rather than you."

A small smile curved Sasuke's lips.

"Suave is a strong word."

Naruto pulled a face at the barb, but found his thoughts shifting to the day his two former teammates had gotten married.

Sasuke's lack of enthusiasm had stood out like a sore thumb. The handsome male had stood around more like a politely entertained wedding guest, than a lovesick groom. At the time, Naruto had wondered if the newly returned Uchiha had even wanted to get married at all.

After that argument, he pondered that question even more.

"I'll give you that. Maybe you weren't all that interested in women, I wasn't either I guess, but we both grew up with Sakura-chan. You married her. Shouldn't you know which buttons not push by now?"

"Marriage isn't some magic solution that overrides the normal ups and downs of a relationship."

"Yeah, I get that, but isn't it supposed to be life changing? Something that brings two people closer together?"

"That's never been a guarantee of marriage."

"Maybe not a guarantee, but shouldn't it work a little bit?"

Sasuke shook his head.

"Not always," the composed male glanced over at him, "You'll understand when you get married. You don't just magically wake up with a deeper understand of the person you exchanged vows with."

Naruto frowned thoughtfully.

He wasn't sure he could accept Sasuke's somewhat jaded opinion of marriage, nor did he want to. Wedlock was something he aspired to, and it'd be more than a little depressing if there wasn't some magic that arose from the promise of life long commitment.

"Speaking of wedlock," Sasuke continued, "I would have thought you'd be married before me."

He had hoped to be, once upon a time.

"Nah, I got time. What's the rush?" Naruto murmured, turning his gaze to lazily drifting clouds.

He could feel the intense curiosity of his friend's gaze. Could imagine those dark depths were assessing him with the thoroughness of a high powered microscope.

"Surprising to hear those words come out of your mouth. I thought you wanted a family."

He still did.

So bad he could taste it.


"Not saying I don't want one, just saying I'm not gonna rush into marriage. What's wrong with taking your time?"

"Nothing, except you've never 'taken your time' to do anything you've wanted to. You always jump in full speed ahead. Why second guess now? It's out of character for you."

The last time he'd ventured down the path of contemplating holy matrimony it had ended in hurt, embarrassment and a pervasive fear of bringing it up again.

Three months after his first experience with a woman, he'd been somewhat infatuated. Drunk on the companionship and sense of connection he'd never felt before. Struggling to fill the shoes of a man while holding on to the needs and wants of a child, he had put the cart well before the horse. Pestering his then girlfriend to move in with him, feeling hurt and confused as to why she refused. Growing more and more desperate for her acceptance.

A month later, he'd committed the worst sin.

Half joking, mostly serious, he had brought up the subject of marriage.

Asking how she felt about walking down the aisle. If she ever saw the two of them becoming husband and wife.

Of becoming a family.

Her repudiation had been swift.

An undercurrent of mocking scorn lacing her rejection of a 'clingy, pathetically desperate' boyfriend who pushed for deeper commitment way too early.

They'd broken up three days later.

Her decision, not his.

At the time, he hadn't been able to recall feeling that low in awhile.

Like he was unworthy.

As though there was something wrong with him.

It had taken him back to the days of being left alone on the playground while the other kinds were carted back to a home life he had never had, walking hand and hand with their mothers and fathers. Back to the nights when the echoing loneliness of his single bedroom apartment had driven him to tears.

Years later, the encounter still left him nervous. Petrified to move too fast and be rejected again.

Looking back, he supposed his first girlfriend had been more of a groupie seeking bragging rights about sleeping with the Leaf Hero rather than trying to get to know him, but her words. The scorn in her eyes had left him a little more scarred than he was willing to admit to himself. The real possibility of ending up in that situation a second time broke him out in a cold sweat.

Maybe that was part of the reason he was so irritated with the Hyuuga rules and restrictions.

The woman he'd been smitten with hadn't had any Clan constraining her. She had found him lacking all on her own.

If a woman with no ties could turn him down so scornfully, what made him think Hinata wouldn't when she had the weight of her Clan on her shoulders and their disapproval in her ear? How hard of a choice would it be to choose between him and her real family?

He struggled with that question every time he made a push to deepen their connection.

Despite his hesitation and unvoiced worry, he knew enough to realize what he had with Hinata was special. That the girl from his tender first years of relationships and the woman he loved now were vastly different. Even if she had no desire to marry him should he ask in the future, he knew without a shadow of a doubt she'd never turn him down with such cruelty.

She was everything sweet, kind and gentle…

But there was a steep chasm between what he knew with his heart and what his insecure mind told him.