
The song of war


Armies departed to the battlefield. The reveilles sound could have heard from further. Pouyeh's evil intentions peeped to everyone; even the wiggling worms inside muddy earth were afraid of being smashed by him.

Many of the Parthian soldiers who were still loyal to the previous king after receiving letters from Anahid joined her in Nickbones. To stand against that greedy monster who brought nothing, but pain and bale to their people. 

Still many of them stood beside him due to their fear of the stick's power. They had no idea that this man was just a puppet and there is no stick anymore. To keep these fools beside him Osla made a fake Flash stick. However, some of those beside him were for their own individual avidity just to not left behind this convey after their victory. They did not want to lose the queue of high positions and the gold or silvers, which come with it.