
Story one last part: Another shock

"…A month after the war and a big triumph, king Ordos decided to step down the throne. Believed that ruling the dynasty had made him exhausted.

Then, he chose his son, Farhad, as the King of Parthia. The glorious crowning day ended, but Rimon officials were still burning in the fire of hatred. The newly crowned king and his loyal knight, Soren, were a big threat to them. Rimon people were very noble and peaceful, beautiful and cheerful, being famous as great artists. but their rulers only brought them war and destroyed the efforts of long term hard workings, that they had made during the time and nothing else. But later on, some kings retrieved the others' mistakes and brought peace.

They sent a group of mercenaries to the capital to assassinate King Farhad. He survived for the first time with the help of Soren and Vishka. But the dark day came when Farhad got assassinated for the second time. This time, the number of mercenaries were more.

Soren strode out to save Farhad's life, but one of them was hiding behind columns and shot him by a bow in the back. A thunder flashed down of the sky to his head and turned that killer into ash. The snow was falling and redden the ground. Vishka moved forward to Soren, but he got hit by a sword from the back. Another thunderbolt whipped out and turned the other man to some ash, too.

Hot blood came out of Soren's mouth. The arrow had pointed right to his heart. Raya appeared suddenly in the dark ran to him and hugged his cold body like a glorious death angel. His moaning could shake the earth. Her white dress turned to the color of blood.

Another day, King Ordos was standing on his balcony. His magnificent palace had no example on earth. Gardens and streams even on the last cold day of winter supposed to be heavenly beautiful. He was looking at the newborn blooming flower. It was the sign of spring when he discovered a black shadow behind himself.

He turned back but he could not believe what he saw. A young beautiful lady wearing a black dress of death with eyes filled in grief. He stepped toward her and said, "Who are you, scary stunning lady? Why does your grief frighten me? Are you the angel of death?"

Raya's tears came out of her sad eyes slowly and replied, "You trapped yourself in the curse of a lover which is more suffering than any curses. You took away my beloved from me. My sigh will burn your whole generation. Nobody can get rid of it because you turned my spring into a cold immortal winter till I die. This is no revenge but whispering and reflecting of the cruelty you had done on me."

Spring's breeze had blown and made the silky curtain shiver in front of him then the beautiful lady disappeared. The Ordos was deeply sorry and regretted what he had done. His popularity among people frightened him that may it become a rebel. But Soren already had intended to go where his beloved is. The previous king was afraid of Soren's power and dignity. His fear finally took him down to deeps forever. Heavens stay with lovers to heal the flares of wounded hearts, but woe to those who aim to separate them."

When the story was finished, everybody fell in silence. Sad and their eyes were full of tears trying to find ways rolling down on faces. I could see a deep sorrow in Paya's eyes when he stood up and said, "You gave me a great gift and I'll return your favor with my life one day." Then he was talking like a man of honor and enough reason to shake my heart.

I smiled, but couldn't comprehend what he meant to say; night changed its post with a cold sunny day of winter. We debarked off the ship in the eastern harbor and moved along the Tram Road to get home, but I couldn't follow the others to ride for Persis. I had a mission. To find the crown prince.


A couple of days passed by, I locked myself in my room not knowing what's wrong with me. What I knew was the fact that something mysterious happened to my dark heart the last day I saw that young boy. Mysterious and just like it pushed me to a strange and unexpected world which brings more fear into my soul and there is no definition to explain it.

I'm afraid to not see him again. It's aching my heart. A strong feeling used to order me to go around and find him again. His eyes were familiar exactly like a dream or blind meeting, I can't remember where I met him before.

Even taking revenge is like eating a tough pill for me. I had received a letter from Rabin at that time, which was marked and sealed with a special sign, known between us, a sleeping dragon image. His hawk found me very fast.

Inside the letter had written down this notice: "Lord of justice has been murdered, don't return to Persis under any circumstances, we will meet each other two months later near the entrance of the city of Po..." I burned the letter afterward to be assured our place won't leak out.

It was so hard for me to believe my darling King is a dead man. No longer laid in cold and dark tombs. How is capital's condition at the moment? I was asking myself. My father, uncle… all these people whom I loved. Then I could completely comprehend why he was trying to bring his son back, He had definitely known something was off.

A thought passed through my mind, "what if Shaya has returned to the capital and he is in danger, an attempt for assassination", that way I would have been under a burden with no way to compensate. Even if the sky falls one day and touches the earth I had no way to repay and serve the gone king. It happened all quick and pressed me under pressure. Like I got stuck under a stamp mill.

Sunday is the day of mass release, I'll start with five chapters.

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