
Chapter 1 : El

"Do you really think so?" said a thick deep voice in the dark. A snake replied in that darkness, "Yesss...oh wise one". The initial voice sighed and said "thank you for your Intel, your good deeds will be rewarded in due time". The snake turned its back in readiness to leave, "Thank you Master"; as it smiled and made its way out of the darkness into a world of green pastures, flooding with creatures of different kinds. Dragons, beasts, angels, mermaids, any fictional character you've ever thought stayed in this beautiful world, except one creature...HUMANS. An Angel made its a way to a tower that had a bell up top, and rung the bell 3 times to indicate that he needs their attention.

All the creatures came together to listen to what he had to say.


"Good morning Angels, Behemoths, and Aquas!" said the angel. "Good morning Gabriel" they all responded. "I have come with an important message from the Holy One" said Gabriel; immediately they heard the name they all paid absolute attention. "The Holy One would love all creatures of the realm to come together in his garden tonight. He brings forth something of which I can not say, for I do not know. But his intentions are clear, all beings will come and stay in the Garden of El by sundown!" he said, with a very happy face; and all the beings present were happy and joyful. But the snake heard this and became afraid.

Nightfall came and all beings were gathered in the Garden of El, eating, drinking, dancing and making merry. Then 12 angels, 2 dragons, and 1 Behemoth came from the throneroom which was in front of the entire event, and once they came out, the Holy One also came out. All the beings sang songs for him, clapped for him and praised him. He then stood up and raised his palm for silence.

[Behemoths are monsters who have dead eyes and huge bodies accounting to be up to 70ft tall taking shapes of gigantic animals or humans. The Holy one was on a white robe and had a very bright light that caused people not to see his face]

"Where is the King of the Behemoths?" asked the Holy One. A not too distant voice replied "he is not here, he said he didn't have time for parties" said a grumpy voice. Everyone gasped. The Holy One scoffed and said "just as I expected ", he turned his face down and said "I call you all here not to make merry, but have a moment together, our last moment. Children looked up in disbelief, all creatures paused to understand what they just heard. "For my son, Lucifer, has betrayed me and us plotting with the King of the Behemoths to take my crown away from me. They always forget I'm all knowing ". He stood up and walked towards the crowd who were now trembling. An Angel walked out of a corner and replied "Yes father, I am plotting to take control, and THAT was part of the plan" said Lucifer as Zeus cane from behind to stab him at the neck, but was stopped by another Angel. "How dare you attempt to touch God" the angel said in disgust. Now at this time everyone in the garden was scared. God looked and saw they were scared and said to the Angel "Let him go, Micheal ". The Angel let go of Zeus. "If this was your plot, you are a huge dissapointment". Oh father, that was just to know that Micheal still has your back, the real plot...

*huge marching steps were heard. shaking the realm itself*

"As you can see Father, I have made an army" said Lucifer. Angel Micheal was shocked and so was everyone else as an army of Behemoths, Abnormals, Angels and Aquas were about to wage war against God. "I won't lose" said Lucifer who was smiling. The Holy One was speechless. "Gather yourselves the remaining of you loyals. For today we defend Heaven and the Realm of life from its traitors" said Angel Micheal. Everyone at the party who didn't engage in the war ran away or died trying to. The War was on for 3000 earth years due to the immense stamina amongst the beings. At long last, Lucifer's army prevailed, as he stabbed the heart of Micheal with a spear through the heart to the floor of diamonds. Lucifer then took out the spear and began to walk towards the throneroom of God, and saw his crown. "Bingo" said Lucifer as he smiled and crouched to take the crown. The moment he touched it, God spoke. "So this isn't a prank or a play, you truly do want to take my throne. For this, I banish you, Abstracts, Aquas and all Behemoths to Earth. The planet full of darkness, you may take your contaminated Angels with you too". God then snapped his fingers, then Lucifer and other warriors found themselves on earth before creation. "My crown,...MY CROWNNNN" wailed Lucifer as he realised that he was far from God.

Some very many years later, God decided to make beings in his own image and likeness. "isn't that risky thing to do Father" said Micheal who was standing with God in the new garden.

"No" said the Holy One as he picked up a butterfly and smiled. "I want to see how I will turn out under different probabilities and circumstances ".

"Are they going to exist here?"

"No they won't "

"Where then"

"Earth" he said as he looked up.

Angel Micheal's eyes lit up in awe and worry. "Won't Lucifer kill them Father"

"Then they have to adapt and find a way to kill Lucifer in turn "

"Will you give them your abilities?"

"They will be with nothing but flesh and blood"


Lucifer was walking around Earth in the darkness when all of a sudden there was light. He stood up at once and so did other beings.

"His Grace is here" said a Behemoth. "Let him come" said Lucifer as he looked into the sky.

The Holy One then made a garden and made man. Lucifer sent a snake to see what they looked like and he became jealous and angry. "The fall of man is my new aim, since I can't get God, I will get Man" he said with a smile. "Another war, it will breed a different result" said an Angel who was in a tree listening to Lucifer.

"Tell His Grace, that I'm coming" he said like he knew the Angel was there all time. "I take orders from no one" said the Angel. "We can help each other out Azrael" said Lucifer.

[They look at each other from the tree to the ground]

"This will be fun " said God as he watched them from Nirvana.