
Narika: The Ghost Bride

~Together they created a world of chaos, in search of love~ They are two worlds apart! An unlucky fate. Destiny played an unfair game towards Narika,  by entangling her fate with the dead. She was marked out to be the bride of a restless ghost, and now Narika Singh must endeavor to fight her way out. ADRIK IVANOV!  A ghost driven by nothing, but revenge against the family that ruined his life, and that of the woman he loved. He has only one goal, to ruin the lives of the Singh family but that is until he sees her, Narika Singh. An enemy that he fell so hard and deeply for, or so he thought, because of her uncanny resemblance to his past lover? But would it ever be possible to fall in love with a ghost? After all, love conquers all, right? What would happen when Narika meets Adrik, the ghost groom, and learns of the twisted fate between the both of them? Would she waver in her decision to ban him forever in the underworld?  And Adrik, would he ever let go of the woman given the second chance he got,  or move ahead with his revenge? With Lucifer, king of the hell in the picture,  who would do anything to get Narika to bear him a baby, hell's saving grace. Adrik would have to do more than protect the woman he has fallen in love with, a second time. Warning: Everything in this book is fiction, any resemblance to anyone is all but a mistake. No part of this publication should be published by any external company. ~~ "What do you want from me!"  She shouted, watching from where she sat with her hands bound, leaving her all completely at his mercy. "The right question  should be, what exactly do you and your entire family owe me?" He breathed right at her face, grabbing her jaw in his palm to keep her eyes on him.  He had been keeping watch on her for a while, but now he's come to claim what rightfully belongs to him. Another daughter of the Singhs! This was a means to an end, and Narika would be the compensation for what they had done to him. "We owe you nothing, I have no idea what you are talking  about, let me go!" She cried. "Shh sweetheart, it's okay. " He cooed, patting her hair while giving her those creepy looks of his, that scared the hell out of her. "Let me go!''She shouted, but it was too late for her to see that he was not here to joke with either her or her family. He grabbed her  hair, and pushed her up against the wall of her room, "I will be coming for you soon, and when i come. No one will stand in my way of getting what i want…not including you princess!" "I pray your soul rots in the deepest part of hell where you came  from, I detest you!"She yelled. "The feeling is mutual, I hate and at the same time feel things for you, that i am sure don't make any sense to me." Adrik complained, before covering the space between them. "What have you done to me, Narika?" A/N:My Official story for the WSA competition, your support is massively needed. ~~~  Other books by the same author: *356 days to love*  *A Mommy For Hire:The heiress must get married* *Dangerous Love:Two can play this game* Discord ID:Jayden222#1883  My Discord Server:https//discord.gg/6kxjMKR2 Instagram ID:IrreplacebleSassy 

Jayden222 · Fantasy
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257 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Four: Arrested For Murder.

As much as she tried to enjoy this peaceful sleep, it seems Adrik had gotten bored of haunting, and bullying her for someone else who had his time.

The thoughts of not calling her friend last night bothered the young lady, besides she desperately needed to check up on her mom. Yesterday wasn't a good one, but she knew today would be a good one, hopefully.

Without saying much, Narika took her ass out of the bed, and went for her phone but she couldn't find it, where she normally charges it.

Her laptop was nowhere to be seen either, it wasn't funny anymore. If she could remember, her mother had done her the privilege of helping her charge her phone yesterday.

Whereas, she remembered how she had kept her from making any call yesterday, at first she didn't listen to her guts, that made her suspect that something was up.

But right now, she didn't need anyone to tell her that anymore. Her mother was hiding something from her, and she's going to find out what that is.

"Mom," she called, climbing down the stairs which led to the sitting room, as she knew that she would be in the kitchen preparing dinner.

But the inaudible voices that whispers against each other, had her curiosity until she could make out one particular voice, and that belonged to her father.

Her joy knew no bounds at knowing that he was finally home, her anger towards him was  long gone. All she needed was a warm hug from him, to start her day.

But the closer she got to where the noises were coming from, she could hear some of the words he was saying and heck! His voice didn't sound good.

Stop being paranoid Narika, it's just work stress!

Her subconsciousness warned her, these days she was totally out of herself and what she didn't want was her dad, finding out that something was wrong with her.

Unlike her mother, he's the most insightful one among the two. But, just like she had suspected, she saw her mom cupping her father's face into her palm, and whispering words of comfort to him.

"Dad" she called, making her attention known to the couple, as Mario Singh, father of the young lady turned abruptly to face his kid, while  trying to force a smile on his face.

"Pumpkin," He called, walking towards her as his tears pooled at the corner of his eyes, just like Narika who was on the verge of crying too.

She walked into his outstretched arms, finding solace in her father's embrace while he patted her hair." I have missed you so much my girl, I'm so sorry i couldn't come home early."

"It's okay, I forgive you"She said, looking up to him, while he smiled down at her, gushing at how lucky it was of him to be blessed with someone like her.

His eyes connected briefly with that of his wife, Marya, who was worst at hiding her emotions. He didn't want her scaring their daughter this early morning, and gave her an eye signal to control herself.

"So, how's work father, you aren't leaving any time soon right?" The young lady asked, hoping for a positive answer while she already knew the answer to that.

"I won't, I promise. I have to spend time with my family,"He said, kissing her temple while she flashes him those clean sets of her teeth, she's glad that she brushed last night. She wouldn't want to have a bad breath in the morning.

"Breakfast is ready,"Marya announced, making Narika's focus on her this time around. She walked up to help her with the plates on the dining table.

"How was your night?" She asked, worriedly. Her mother wasn't looking that good, and she's worried as heck.

"Great, yours?" Marya asked, avoiding her daughter's gaze, but Narika held her right hand which made her look up to her instantly." What's wrong?"

"I need it,"Narika demanded, not mentioning what exactly she wanted from her, but she knew that she already understood what she's saying. She would only be tagged a liar if she feigned ignorance.

"Remind me what you are trying to point at you lady..''Marya smiled nervously, looking at her husband. A gesture for him to intervene but stubborn Mario didn't bug.

"My phone, you said you wanted to charge it yesterday and now, my laptop is missing as well,"she complained.

"Narika…"Her father finally talked, but the young lady was quick to understand that he was in this, with her mother too.

"I need my phone now!" This time with her voice raised, scaring the shit out of her mother, who hasn't seen her in this manner before. "What are you hiding from me?"

"I'm just tryi..ng to protect you," Marya stuttered in fear.

"Marya!" Mario called his wife's attention, biting his lower lip in agitation. She wasn't supposed to tell her about this in this sort of manner.

"Protect me from what?" She asked, turning to look from her mother to her father, who approached her carefully.

"Baby, listen to me okay, you didn't do anything wrong."He cooed, but that scared Narika the more, because she started to move away from his touch.

Her parents were scaring her, she didn't know what exactly was going on but from her smartness, she could notice that whatever it was, it had escalated to town which had her mother seize her phone.

"Mario, I can't let them take her, she needs to hide." Marya added, this time she was already crying.

" Mom, What is going on? Why would i hide?" She asked, "someone tell me what's going on right now!!"

"Baby, calm down.." Mario advised, but the  swift opening of the front door and the intervention of Detective Homer, his colleagues, Zoe and her parents had Mario rectifying against not following Marya's initial idea, about Narika running away.

"Zoe, what's going on?" Narika asked, but Zoe tried talking but her mother dragged her away.

"Narika Mary Singh," Detective Homer called, taking a warrant out of his trouser, the sight of that made Narika move away to her mother's embrace.

"No..no," she mumbled.

"You are under arrest for the murder of Morgana Wintergreen, you are to remain silent for anything you say, would be used against you in the court of law. You have a right to a lawyer, and if you don't have one, the state can provide one for you." Detective Homer said, starting to come close to where the mother and daughter were clung to each other.

"No, stay away from my daughter."

Narika heard her mother yelling, but she was transfixed to coordinate what exactly was happening.

It was all still confusing, but what she could make out from the chaos happening inside her house was that Zoe, was watching all these while  and she didn't step up for her.