
Chapter 1

Marinette freezes and Chat quickly called Plagg to transform him back. Marinette felt his transformation occurring and she felt relieved. She looked at Alya as her patients ran out and she attacks Marinette to get out of the bed.

She removed the pillow to find a blushing cat.

Alya starts fangirling, "Omg...Chat Noir!!!"

Nino snapped her out of it quickly, "Alya!! He was sleeping with your best friend!"

"Oh right.." She calms down to give an angry look towards her best friend, "One of you, care to explain what is going on?"

She stared down at the nervous Chat Noir and Marinette who were still in shock at what was happening. Marinette broke the tension to start to give some sort of explanation, "Um, Remember how the puppeteer was technically after me the other day. Well... I.. uh,  help Chat Noir be a diversion. In the process... ."

Chat enters the conversation to try to help her story, "After battling the puppeteer. I offer to bring her home after helping the civilians. I came to thank her and next thing I know I passed out as soon as I touch the bed..."

"He fell asleep on my bed out like a light." Marinette smiles to be convincing.

"Right...." Alya was still not convinced, "With her?"

"You two didn't do anything right?" Nino was still was on the phone watching the whole scene.

"No!" Marinette and Chat Noir shouted at the same time.

"Nino!" Alya shouts at him on the screen

"Hey! I'm just asking. I need to know the facts," Nino shouts in defense.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I fell asleep on your bed Marinette." Chat Noir tried to quickly excuse himself. He got up to go on the balcony in a rush. An explosion was heard outside with screaming. He held out his staff, "Well a hero work is never done. Goodbye and thanks again for the wake-up call, " The staff then expanded upwards as he made his exit to left out, leaving Marinette with Alya and FaceTime Nino.

"You believe it... Right?" Marinette shyly asked as Alya was still looking out the window with a suspicious look.

"Totally!"Alya convinced herself.

"Your kidding right?" Nino asked before Alya muted him.

"You're my best friend now I gotta go I'm going to try and get an interview from Ladybug at the action going on outside for Mylady blog. Don't worry I won't tell your crush." She winked at Marinette being careful not to tell Nino. Again Alya has fallen under the spell of her two favorite heroes that makes her not hang to chat any longer.

Marinette quickly stops Alya from leaving, "Wait what were you going to tell me!"

Alya jumped with excitement remembering her news, "Me and Nino are official!"

Marinette went to her shocked face and look at Nino who was still on the screen and then at Alya. She starts squirming in excitement, "Omg!!!! I'm so happy for you two!"

"Thanks! But I really need to go and catch the action!" Alya hugged Marinette, "But I am coming back to demand more details!" She then unmutes Nino starts talking to him as she left.

As soon as they were gone, Marinette flops down on the bed. Her Kwami zoomed out of her hiding spot, taking a seat on Marinette's soft hair as she slammed her face in her pillow.

"Marinette are you going to let your prince do all the work." She teases.

"Why did I even gave him the offer?!" She whines in her pillow.

Tikki spiral around Marinette's head to get her attention, "You felt sorry, and he was really tired. You didn't do anything wrong."

"Yeah, your right. But I feel like I betrayed Adrien. But worst of all I almost saw Chat' identity," She sat upon her head.

Then another explosion was heard outside, "Marinette! We need to help Chat!"

"Fine..." In seconds she called Tiki to transform herself into Ladybug and help fight the Akuma.