

IT’s medieval Europe and a sickness spreads rampant that it’s turned to an endemic, many call it the Black Death, while a few call it “Nanoric Plague” a sickness caused by parasites called “Nanoir” which seek solace in a human host, once these parasites get in a human, they cause the host to evolve bringing on a new race of humans called Nanoroids. The Nanoir’s give superhuman feats the humans they possess, in exchanges they take a part of the hosts being, the Nanoroids create a civilization for themselves and their goals to be a peak Nanoroid. The story centers on Germini Regalia a prince who stumbles on the Nanoir powers and try’s to maintain the normal life he has always known, Germini comes to terms with his condition and makes the Nanoroids goals his.

Note_The1st · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3--- Triskele’s power.

Gemini took a bite out of the bread he munched on it for some seconds, after the first bite he digged in and took a much bigger bite at the bread, the man identified as Triskele gave out a big laugh.

"Too bad, i don't have another"

Gemini had finished the bread and dressed himself well, at the moment he forgot his situation, he stood and prepared to leave the lake then remembered again, at that minute Triskele spoke.

"So Gemini we have to talk"

The atmosphere changed and Gemini knew things were about to get serious, he immediately spoke to counter Triskele.

"i have nothing to say to you"

Triskele replies him immediately, "in contrast we actually have a lot to talk about, first thing is why am i sensing the energy of my friend from you, adding to that you're a fresh fledgling yet you have quite the aura to you" Gemini didn't understand what was happening, but if one thing was sure it was that Triskele was going to be trouble.

Triskele stood from the sloped and grassy ground where he sat and move towards Gemini and then he spoke with a serious face.

"you're a Nanoroid correct"

Gemini gave out a gasp as he hadn't said anything to Triskele, he looks away from Triskele, he also stood and was about to reply but in the same second he was interrupted by Triskele with a hard push, Gemini flew hard, he notices in the same second that his runes were activated.

By the time he got up he saw Triskele fly pass him as though he were flung, he turns to see what caused it and what he saw marvelled him, he saw what seemed to be a gorilla but unlike the others this one had it's fur replaced with a solid rock shell like that of an armadillo.

Triskele got on his feet unharmed and laughing, he walked right up in front of the gorilla and folded his arms after which he spoke.

"Really, i thought you guys said you'll handle the Armarilla"

After these words voices could be heard coming from deep within the forest.

"Yo' Capt. Paws off my prey"

A white boy, about same height as Gemini said leaping from a tree as high as the palace said.

"Sorry Gram, it was too strong to contain in the forest and so we decided to lead it this way only to find out you were here"

A lady in her mid 20's could be seen also leaping from the same tree, following her were two others a girl and a boy from the looks they were siblings as the girl held the boys hand as they both leaped from the tree.

Triskele stood still in front of the Armarilla looking it in the eye directly trying to intimidate it, the creature stood strong and not swayed, and in a second it throws its big fist at Triskele, unlike the last time Triskele didn't budge and to Gemini the creatures hand stood right before it made contact with Triskele.

"uh...oh, we have a very strong one on our hands"

In that same moment the first guy flies over with a kick, the kick lands but the shell protecting it dispelled the acting, Triskele coughs trying to get the boys attention. He notices and turns to Triskele with a grin on his face.

"Not today Capt."

The boy replies Triskele, he leaps back and places both hands in his pocket, the boy starts taking his steps slowly and then he spoke out.


His legs immediately began to glow, with his hands still in his pocket, he lifts one leg up and he immediately vanishes.

"pffft... show off!"

Triskele said smiling, in the twinkle of an eye he appears at the back of the Armarilla, before the creature could react he dealt it a heavy kick its armour absorbed it but it was pushed back.

In that moment Triskele had a serious face on showing there was a problem the girl in her 20's walks up to Triskele and they start plotting.

"Even this didn't get you, why do you have a absolute defence barrier"

The boy said with frustration all over his face, he kept on vanishing and appearing with kicks hitting the creature repeatedly, but it seemed as though his attack had little to no effect on it, he became tired quickly and coupled with the frustration.

"You've done more than enough macro"

Triskele said, as he stood right in his front shielding him as the girl helps him up. Triskele walks up to the Amarilla and places his palm on the Armarilla's armour, the creature notices him and attempts to strike him but he immediately vanished.

He appeared in front of it smiling.

"this will be a piece of cake"

He turns around and stretches his hand, he then flicks his finger and waves could be seen bolting from his hands to the Amarila, the wave made contact with the Amarilla and in the second its armour could be seen all over the floor with blood all over the place.

"i think i too much"

Triskele said with a grin on his face.