

IT’s medieval Europe and a sickness spreads rampant that it’s turned to an endemic, many call it the Black Death, while a few call it “Nanoric Plague” a sickness caused by parasites called “Nanoir” which seek solace in a human host, once these parasites get in a human, they cause the host to evolve bringing on a new race of humans called Nanoroids. The Nanoir’s give superhuman feats the humans they possess, in exchanges they take a part of the hosts being, the Nanoroids create a civilization for themselves and their goals to be a peak Nanoroid. The story centers on Germini Regalia a prince who stumbles on the Nanoir powers and try’s to maintain the normal life he has always known, Germini comes to terms with his condition and makes the Nanoroids goals his.

Note_The1st · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1— INFECTED

It was a sunny day in Florence, a country in Italy in the medieval era, a young boy could be seen stepping out of what seemed to be a palace.

"My prince!"

A sound could be heard from his rear and following the sound was an almost middle aged man, he seemed to be a butler, with him were two others who were clearly guards when spotted on sight.

"My prince, you can't keep leaving the palace premises without your majordomo" the man turns and calls a name. "Solomon!" Another man is seen rushing out. The middle aged man gives him an order.

"Follow his royal highness, don't let him out of your sight"

Solomon moves towards the prince and then he is halted by the prince.

"That won't be necessary Alfred, I can look after my own hind, I do not need a majordomo" the prince moves on and then the butler identified as Alfred speaks again.

"Okay then my prince, it is clear you are more than capable of self defense seeing as you had the best martial arts teachers, to ease me better of my worries take Solomon along with you" the prince refused, prince Gemini was in the late stages of his adolescence, he had blonde wavy hair and brown eyes, he was also a 6.2.

Alfred agrees and begs the prince to arm himself if he still feel reluctant to take Solomon along. The prince agrees and takes a small pen knife along with himself. Alfred escorts the prince to the palace gates, on their way Alfred reminds the prince of the peril and faces Italy.

"Prince Germini, you are aware of the condition of Italy most importantly Florence, those infected, the Nanoroids as much as the humans inn population and we human are seen as weak to them, this makes us prey, this knife is a treasure of the royal house hold, it's so far the only thing that can harm those monsters" Alfred pauses as they got to the gate and tells the prince.

"If you run into any danger on your way there, my prince just run back, don't fight those mutants"

The prince laughs and tells Alfred he will stay away from trouble, he then storms out of the palace.

The prince was taking a little stroll around the kingdom, on sight he was the well packaged prince, the burden of the crown didn't fall on him and so he lived his life freely, brought smiles to people around, he kept on wandering till he found him self at a lake, he felt the need to lie down, he looked at the birds soaring the sky till he fell asleep.


Words coming from the forest, following those words were clashing of metals and minor explosions, these sound woke Gemini and curiosity drove him into the Forest, he got to the center of the attraction and in front him were two Nanoriods going at each other.

"You can never be the peak Nanoroid thunder!, your weakness for humans will be your undoing"

The one called thunder was a tall caucasian with long ginger hair. Thunder replied.

"Becoming a Nanoroid doesn't mean I'd lose all my humanity, I'm not like you Leon I won't turn completely"

From the looks thunder was the one at a clear advantage was thunder, Leon on the other hand was all battered, Gemini kept watching and as their words became harder to hear he moves in closer and then he steps on a sticks this alerts Leon, he immediately surfs the surrounding in search of the mice, he spots Gemini and smiles.

"Ohh!….. thunder, I have found the loophole I so longed for" Leon became lax and all of a sudden furs can be seen growing from his skin, he also grows a mane, he looked like a lion in the form. Of a man. He concentrates on where Gemini stood and immediately Gemini fell to his feet he felt a sense of intimidation on him, he could feel Leon's thirst for blood, he immediately sticks out his pen knife.

Leon bolts towards Gemini, thunder didn't understand why, he then notices Gemini and in the twinkle of an eye, thunder bolts also, but in terms of speed thunder had the edge over Leon, thunder gets to Gemini first and vanishes with him, Leon fell as though he was holding on to the very last of his strength, he smiles and speaks.

"I escaped today thunder, the next time I'll win for sure"

Meanwhile, thunder and Gemini landed very far from their previous location, there was lightning sparks all over the floor where they appeared, they both were on the floor, thunder stands slowly but falls to his feet.

"You saved my life, why?"

Gemini spoke with tears dripping from his eyes, his hands soaked in blood, he spoke gasping for air.

"I….I….it was a mistake, it w…w…..wasn't meant to be you"

Gemini starts to cry profusely, thunder still on the floor holds his hands.

"Ahhhh, Leon said it, don't, it's not your fault mistakes happen" he tries to lighten the mood but Gemini was already deep in tears, slowly light fades from his eyes, Gemini attempt to help him up but thunder refuses, thunder draws his hand from Gemini,, revealing a sort of tattoo on his hands, the tattoo looked like a thunder bolt.

Life gradually leave his body and in a minute he died. Gemini cried out, the thought of him being responsible was much load for him. I'm that sad moment something strange yet miraculous happens.

Thunders corpse began to vibrate, the tattoo sprung out of his hand and headed towards Gemini, he notices and tries to evade it, in the act he misses his step and fell, being at the mercy of the creature, he looked to thunder whose body laid lifeless and gave up taking it as his faith and punishment.

The creature sprung up and attached itself to his forehead, it became quite and in the same minute Gemini could feel his body changing, it was as though his bones and skin was hardening, his eyes turned white and with veins all over his body to show he was feeling excruciating pain, and in another minute he passed out and all the veins vanished.