
Rogue Assassin

"Let's see, my body's pretty much recovered except for some muscle fatigue." Shiro said while giving her body a stretch.

"I'm surprised how much you've recovered. Even if it's due to the backlash's time limit, your injuries were pretty ghastly you know?" Lyrica chuckled.

"Mn, I suppose so. By the way, has Keomi said anything about the faction? I did accidentally kill quite a few of her subordinates after all." Shiro smiled embarrassingly.

As much as she wanted to save Keomi's subordinates, she wasn't in the situation to pick who her enemies were. Everyone in front of her was an enemy at that point.

"Nah we haven't heard too much from her yet. I'm thinking it has a lot to do with the amount of files she needs to complete in order to round everything off. After all, the casualties for the fight is huge." Lyrica shrugged.