
First City Event

After choosing to travel north in order to find the artifact that will appear in a month's time, Shiro made sure that she increased the training difficulty with the military so that they could use the specialised units.

Right now, roughly 10% of the military was reaching the standard required but they were having some difficulties with the increased difficulty. As for Shiina, Oran and Akhess, they were having the time of their lives seeing the new recruits struggle since that's what they had to experience when they trained with Shiro.

Of course, she didn't forget about helping people along the way but the number of good natured survivors rapidly decreased.

Since it had been a week, it was understandable that those who helped people would get killed first.

During this week trip, they had also come across a few settlements that had huge groups of humans banding together in order to survive but most of them have become criminal dens.

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