
Chen Yu


"I said, who's the father?" Lyrica repeated herself.

"Father? There's no father. Lisandra's Adopted." Shiro replied with a tilt of her head.

"I know about the blonde one but what about her? She looks just like the previous you since you had black hair." Lyrica said, pointing at Yin.

"Mn? You should know about her. It's Yin."


"Yeah. She's the tiny bird from before." Shiro nodded as she gestured for Yin to transform.

"Who are you calling tiny." Yin pouted a little.

"Whatever." Shiro rolled her eyes.

Sighing slightly, Yin transformed herself back to her phoenix form and perched herself on top of Shiro's head. Naturally, she made herself small since she didn't want to crush Shiro under her.

"Eh? How?! And why does she look like you then?" Lyrica asked in confusion.