
Being Bait

"Clearing the dungeon?!" They were shocked as clearing the dungeon with their current party was an insane thought.

"Shiro, you know that this dungeon is basically 15 levels above our average party level right?" Jonas said with a frown.

[Yes I do. But, rather than waiting here and risk being surrounded, I'm more willing to challenge this dungeon and survive.] Shiro replied with a serious face.

Jonas paused seeing how serious Shiro was right now. He knew that it was no time to joke around and that the city was most likely going to wait for their deaths before any rescue came.

[But naturally, we aren't going to challenge the dungeon straight away. No, what we need to do is level everyone up. Primarily Silvia and Madison. And only after that, will we focus on everyone else.]

Jonas agreed since he knew that having a high level tanker and healer would increase their chances of survival.