
Nano System

Marcus_Young_Jr · Fantasy
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Test Project

In the year 2058 the American government started a project for a weapon a living weapon so they kidnapped 3 children and started the experimenting on the the children of the children

The children each had different methods of experimentation, the first was injected with chemicals and died after 296 days and only 29 injections and zero missions. The second was raised to kill and survived 42 missions and died at 38. The third subject had the smallest technology that was possible to fit in his body he survive 57 missions died at 42

In the year 2102 the government tried again but only using options two and three they made a group of seven the results using thier advance technology was much more successful but after this it was deemed not worth the cost and put in the deepest part of the governments files for a later date if they decide to pick up the project.

It was only til the year 3020 when at the brink of destruction that the government found this file through sure luck and started testing. The first test subject was installed with nanotechnology they name it Beta he was installed with a railgun laser blade scanner. during the secondary phase of his organic tissue was replaced with nanotechnology, and during phase threw it heart was replaced with a core and brain by a super computer but was program to be human

Beta died at 98 and 212 missions completed. It was only after the death of beta that they realize that he was a anomaly and the test couldn't be repeated on others so after that they had chosen after trying to find the different people that show sighs of being compatible they gave up in the year 3053