
Nano Machine: The First Demon King

This is the story of Mok-Gyeong-Un, also known as the First Heavenly Demon, Cheon Ma. He is the ancestor of the main character from the popular novel and manhwa, Nano Machine. Set 800 years prior, this narrative serves as the prequel to Nano Machine. This is not MTL these are high quality translations done by me personally. Original Author : Hanjung Wolya.

FlashyImmortal · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 10: The Supernatural Affliction (3)

"This is madness!" Guard Go-chan thought, his face pale with shock. The sight of the severed arm writhing like a fish out of water was disturbing enough, but the reckless actions of this impostor Mok Gyeong-un were beyond comprehension. Even if the master's condition was dire, to unhesitatingly cut off a martial artist's right arm showed an alarming lack of fear or restraint.

Go-chan worried about the consequences if Lady Seok or the other young masters learned of this incident. Regardless of the reasons, this could lead to disaster. He quickly tore a strip of cloth from his own clothing to tightly bind the stump of the master's arm in an attempt to stop the bleeding.

Myosin let out a heavy sigh as he observed the change in the master's complexion. In truth, this approach wasn't entirely wrong. When negative energy becomes overwhelming, concentrating it in a part of the body and then amputating that part was sometimes necessary. What astounded Myosin was that someone with no apparent knowledge of supernatural entities or negative energy had made such a decision.

However, this method was truly a last resort. For influential families or powerful individuals, such extreme measures often led to difficult aftermaths. "It was a foolish act," Myosin muttered, clicking his tongue. He wanted to say more, but dealing with the immediate situation took priority.

Although they had managed to isolate the supernatural entity in the severed arm, the problem wasn't fully resolved yet. Myosin removed the talisman marked "suppress" from the master's forehead and attached it to the writhing severed arm. He then formed a hand seal and chanted an incantation.

The entire arm bulged grotesquely, black veins protruding all over its surface. It was a sight that would turn even strong stomachs. While Go-chan averted his gaze, Mok Gyeong-un watched with apparent fascination.

The talisman quivered, causing the skin beneath it to turn an angry red. The surrounding areas, which had been grotesquely swollen, began to subside. Myosin inwardly clicked his tongue in frustration. Unlike typical supernatural occurrences, this one was intertwined with a curse of death. This meant it wasn't a random incident, but an intentional attack.

Usually, when a curse was involved, there were ways to trace it back to its source. However, with the entity now concentrated in a dead limb, it would be impossible to retaliate against the culprit, let alone identify them. Myosin lamented that all his efforts had been ruined by Mok Gyeong-un's actions.

Just then, Myosin felt something cold and sharp against the right side of his neck. He abruptly stopped his chanting. "What is the meaning of this?" he asked, realizing that Mok Gyeong-un had placed a sword blade against his throat.

"Young master!" Go-chan exclaimed, shocked by this sudden turn of events. Mok Gyeong-un silenced him with a gesture.

"From what I gather, you're a shaman. Was the master's brush with death related to what's happening now?" Mok Gyeong-un inquired calmly.

"Can't you see? Your master was invaded by a supernatural entity," Myosin replied, swallowing hard.

"What exactly is a supernatural entity?" Mok Kyung-un pressed.

Myosin couldn't understand why he was being interrogated when he needed to complete the exorcism urgently. "Young master, I'll explain everything. Just remove the sword. If I don't purify this completely, the master's condition could worsen again."

"Are you certain?" Mok Gyeong-un asked, his eyes narrowing. "How can it affect him again when it's been separated from his body?"

Myosin's eyes flickered at the question. Typically, in such bizarre situations, people trusted the words of an expert like himself. But this young man was openly doubting him.

"Listen," Myosin said, trying to maintain his composure, "I've been paid by Lady Seok to perform this ritual. Why would I lie? The longer we delay, the more danger the master is in-"

Before he could finish, the sword blade pressed deeper into his neck. Myosin panicked, "What are you doing? Are you trying to ruin everything? I don't know who you are, but if the master dies, you'll be held responsible!"

"If the master dies, wouldn't it be your fault for failing to perform the ritual properly despite being paid?" Mok Gyeong-un countered coolly.

Myosin was momentarily speechless. This young man seemed utterly unconcerned about the master's fate, despite Myosin's warnings. A chilling thought crossed his mind - could this person, like Lady Seok, actually be waiting for the master's death rather than his recovery?

"Stop overthinking and just answer my questions," Mok Gyeong-un said, pressing the blade deeper.

Terrified, Myosin blurted out, "If you also wish for the master's death, I can arrange it! Just please spare my life-"

"Also?" Mok Gyeong-un interrupted. "Who else wants the master dead?"

Myosin's expression froze. His desperate gamble had backfired.

"Was it Lady Seok?" Mok Gyeong-un pressed.

Myosin's silence was telling. Go-chan was inwardly shocked, realizing that Mok Gyeong-un had deliberately created this situation to extract information.

Sweating profusely, Myosin finally confessed, "Lady Seok... she instructed me not to save the master, but to find out about a secret martial arts manual and the master's official seal from him before he died."

Mok Gyeong-un turned to Go-chan, "A secret manual and official seal?"

Go-chan found himself in a difficult position. He hadn't expected Lady Seok to make such a bold move. If Mok Gyeong-un hadn't arrived, the first young master might have inherited the position of clan leader before they could intervene.

"What should we do about Lady Seok's orders?" Mok Gyeong-un asked Go-chan.

After a moment of internal struggle, Go-chan replied, "Young master... we must save the clan leader. Otherwise, Lady Seok will target you next for interfering."

Myosin quickly interjected, "Young master, I can save the clan leader! Now that the entity is separated from his body, purifying the severed arm will ensure his safety. I swear I'll save him, so please-"

"I'm more curious about something else," Mok Gyeong-un cut him off. "You said the supernatural entity was threatening the master's life. How were you planning to extract the information Lady Seok wanted?"

Myosin hesitated, realizing he had walked into another trap.

Mok Gyeong-un tightened his grip on Myosin's throat. "I suggest you answer without hesitation. I see no reason to keep alive those who are no longer useful."

Terrified, Myosin quickly confessed, "I was going to control the entity to make the master speak directly."

Mok Gyeong-un smiled coldly. "If you could do that, why all the deception? No, I have a better idea. Why don't you demonstrate this ability right now?"

Myosin and Go-chan's expressions hardened at this unexpected and dangerous request, realizing that the situation had spiraled far beyond their control.