
Nano Machine: The 8th Young Master

What if a morally unhinged ex- gangster gets reincarnated into Nano Machine? Well this is the story that would answer that question. God chose him for his entertainment giving him the opportunity to live inside his favorite Manwha but there is a catch. He must not kill the main character and he must not steal Nano Machine.

Marcus_Adderley · Anime & Comics
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81 Chs

Chapter 48

Chapter 48:

The two supreme masters. Cheon Yujong the Lord of the Sky Demon Order monikered as the South Demon Lord against the enigmatic unarmed master of the Blade God Six Martial clan. Two men at the peak of martial arts.

The two faced each other in a wide plain field, each of the two releasing an aura that flattened the vegetation near the vicinity, a testament that even nature fears their presence.

"What is your purpose?" Asked Cheon Yujong with seriousness. His deep voice reverberated through the entire field and echoed across even though there were no corners.

"Our purpose? Well it's nothing, we just obey the will of the Blade God." The unarmed master said nonchalantly.

Cheon Yujong tried to peer into this matter more but his inquisition was stopped when he felt a presence nearby, Cheon Mujin arrived later on.

"My Lord! Are you alright!?" Cheon Mujin arrived running looking quite worried. He was holding his blade then he pointed that very blade towards the unarmed master and shouted angrily.

"How dare you bare your fist against my Lord!!" Cheon Mujin shouted furiously, his nose fuming with anger as his force qi within his sword roared in destruction rearing for blood.

"My lord let me handle this!" Cheon Mujin, unable to contain his anger, said to Cheon Yujong who replied.

"You cannot handle him alone, he is too powerful." Then he said, "Let's fight him together."

"It would be my honor." Cheon Mujin did a mock bow then he brandished his sword forward towards the unarmed master.

"Oh, how heartwarming. Such father and son bond. I'm quite jealous." Said playfully.

"The only envy you'll have is the envy of swift death I have granted towards your underling." Cheon Mujin said concisely, from his wavy sword an image of one giant green serpent emerged slithering through the empty air as if it was a smooth grass plain.

The unarmed master once again performed the Incomplete Extreme Art of the Blade God creating a deadly yet godly combination of palm and fist movement.

Cheon Mujin however slithered through the gaps between his attack, the mirage of the translucent green serpent created from force qi coiled around his arms and before he could even process it a trail of blood ran down his arms as a trace of spiral-like wound trail around his entire limb.

"Fuck!" He cursed and took a huge step back but he was once again attacked by a malicious blade, this time it came from Cheon Yujong.

Although his arm had been injured, it was only a superficial wound as it didn't reap through his flesh any deeper than his iron-like skin, and so he put it up in a guard in an attempt to defend himself against Cheon Yujong's blade.


A metallic sound reverberated as the two forces collided. The unarmed master was sent back three steps backward, the same number of steps Cheon Yujong took when he was pushed back by the latter.

Seeing the slightly raised lips of Cheon Yujong, it was not a far speculation to guess Cheon Yujong did it on purpose.

'Petty bastard.'

"Don't get distracted yet!" From behind Cheon Mujin once again launched an assault not giving the unarmed master any time to regain his bearing at all.

A translucent green serpent once again emerged from his weird blade, slithering through the air. The green serpent was set on destroying his arms once again as it tried to coiled around the unarmed master's limb.

"Oh no you don't!" He shouted as he poured tremendous amount of force qi over his palm before proceeding to slam it into the ground shaking it making Cheon Mujin's balance a bit off, due to his slight imbalance the trajectory of his blade was slightly altered, from that small gap a small leway appeared which he capitalized off and escape Cheon Mujin's entanglement.

He was about to sigh a fresh breath of relief but suddenly he felt another punctuation of energy near him, and to his surprise he saw a much smaller translucent green serpent of energy near his foot.

He didn't manage to react properly at all as the small snake slithered around his feet striking his achilles heel.

"Guaaaaahhhh!!" He shouted in agony. He tried to move his feet once again but it was rendered useless by Cheon Mujin's attack.

It was devious. Sending in a big prey in order to hide a smaller one that carries the real lethal strike. It was the oldest trick in the book yet he was taken victim to it. He didn't think that Cheon Mujin would bring that low truck in a battle of Supreme Masters. It was just too low.

With Cheon Yujong and Cheon Mujin's combined force, the unarmed master was pushed back. Since he lost his left leg he was hopping on his right, he struggled to balance out his weight due to the greater imbalance on the other side of his body.

Cheon Yujong, seeing the struggling unarmed master, walked in front of him with a slow and confident stride. His victory was certain and now he only gotta need to deal the finishing blow. But that won't suffice, he needs information so he strikes his sword on the latter's leg, then he goes after the other one.

"AAAAARRGHHH!" Screamed by the unarmed master in pain.

"Who are you? And what is your purpose?" His deep and menacing voice pierced through one spine as he inquisitively asked the unarmed master.

"You won't get a word from me!" He shouted trying to be defiant. He'd rather betray himself that his Clan.

Cheon Yujong seeing the defiant facade, the latter was putting up once again to stab his sword to the other's flesh but this time it was on his shoulder.

"Talk now." He continued on stabbing but the latter remained firm. Firm to his conviction to never open his mouth.

"Tsk. Nothing. I guess I'm too untalented in torture." Cheon Yujong clicked. He slashed his sword over his neck and with a thud, a head rolled down the grassy plain field as fountain of blood spurred out from the unarmed master's neck.

Cheon Yujong, with his victory completed, turned around and was about to address Cheon Mujin when suddenly he heard a huge pang behind him. Something warm suddenly surged from his chest, he looked down to see what it was and saw an arm going through it covered in crimson blood; his blood.

"Shhhhh. Shhhhh. Sleep now."

The last word he heard before his death was his son's cold voice. Soon darkness engulfed him and everything turned black.

The 23rd Lord of the Sky Demon Order, South Demon Lord Cheon Yujong died at the hands of his own son. In a treacherous way.

"Kekeke. Now time to put up an act."