
Nano Machine: Stolen Destiny

What is a man’s greatest dream you ask me? Is it beautiful women, true love, money and power? Well if you asked me the answer is all! And I would do anything to achieve those dreams. But amongst all of this one of the things that stands out the most is different from all those listed above. It is every man, women, child and old’s dream and that is to be a character in a movie, novel, anime and manga they love. Sounds childish but it is true! And by mysterious reason I was transported into the novel I loved the most! Nano Machine! A world of martial arts, a place I have always wanted to be on. And finally here I am baby!!

Holy_Chad · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Stealing Someone Destiny

What is a man's greatest dream you ask me? Is it beautiful women, true love, money and power? Well if you asked me the answer is all! And I would do anything to achieve those dreams.

But amongst all of this one of the things that stands out the most is different from all those listed above. It is every man, women, child and old's dream and that is to be a character in a movie, novel, anime and manga they love.

Sounds childish but it is true! And by mysterious reason I was transported into the novel I loved the most! Nano Machine!

A world of martial arts, a place I have always wanted to be on. And finally here I am baby!!

I have been transported into the world of Nano Machine as a child of the Medium Size Clan Clan Leader of the Sky Demon Order or Demonic Cult known as White Thunder Clan. And it has been exactly 15 years since I have been reincarnated here. I have been doing nothing but honing my martial arts in secret doing everything in my power to perfect my martial arts.

I have broken my bones a thousand times, ate poisons as if it was my dinner, tortured myself to the point I shitted blood just for this moment.

Do you remember the first thing I said that I would do anything to achieve my dreams well that also includes stealing someones fate.

"HAHAHAHA Give up Prince Cheon!"

"Are you telling me that I have been dancing in the middle of your palm this entire time."

"You must've had quite a lot of trouble running for an hour to reach here, well done Prince Cheon!"

"Why?… I even gave up on enrolling at the academy —— what more do you want from me?"

"Why are you aiming for my life."

"Even if you gave up enrolling on the academy or even if you have absolutely no talent at martial arts. You should know that something like that doesn't matter right Prince Cheon?"

"As long as you have the right on the throne this is the only way."

"Give up there's no other way out, even if you have peasant blood mixed in you since you are of the bloodline of that person, we'll send you with a painless death." For the entire time Prince Cheon Yeowon the seventh prince of the Demon Cult have been running for his life from the assassins of the Six Clans.

When they insulted his mother the boy finally reached it, he pulled out a knife from his robe and put on a clumsy posture evidence of his lack of martial arts.

"Hoh? Did you learn some martial arts from warrior Jang?"

'Hmm it seems not, his posture is a mess.'

"KILL HIM!!" A shout from the leader of the assissin made the rest jumped on Prince Cheon.

Prince Cheon struggled to defend himself from the assassin but due to his lack of Martial Arts he was quickly subdued.

Amidst this chaos a pair pf eyes hidden beneath the darkness of the night, stared at them with a dangerous glint.

'Yes thats right! Cheon Yeowon struggle as much as you can so that your pain will repay my struggles.'

Cheon Yeowon struggled but he was eventually subdued, one of the assassin's grabbed his neck and lifted him off the ground but suddenly a second knife was in the hands of Cheon Yeowon using the split second of the assassin's carelessness he stabbed it right through the assassin's jaw and penetrated it all the way to his brain.

As it turned out all of Cheon Yeowon's clumsy slashes from the beginning was just a show to make them let their guards down.

'Even without Nano you are still as crafty as ever pity what will happen to you next.'

When one of their comrades died the rest of the assassin's were enraged and they began beating down Cheon Yeowon to the verge of death.

Suddenly one of the assassin's upper body was obliterated by an unknown beam, the assassin's turned around to the direction where the beam came from and they saw a young adult wearing a pants, jacket and all kinds of things only seen on modern times.

'That's it!'

The mysterious new arrival was about to dissapear with a flash using his future tech but suddenly a figure emerged from it's shadows and beheaded it right after.


The assassins was struck with one surprise with another and shock was clearly seen from their face alongside with horror.

"Oh right! I was caught up with the moment that I forgot about you guys." The figure said stopping his maniacal smile then dissapearing again in the shadows beheading them one by one.

"Now to seize my price." He returned to the body of the strange man and took out something from it's pocket.

"Well hello there Nano Machine, you and I will be good partners from this point on." Stabbing it to himself he injected the Nano Machine. The suddenly a voice came out from his head.

[Serial Number: 034-4532-5893, Sky Corporation Seventh Generation Nano Machine Starting activation.]

"That's what I want to hear! Music to my ears!"


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Just search Magnus Ragna.