
Nano Evolution

After an explosion in a secret factory, a mysterious biological nanobot with the ability to duplicate was released into the world. The nanobots infected all the living beings on the planet and gave humans an evolution system.

rr5282 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

the fire

Inside a room full of forging tools, Sid was standing near an empty furnace with a glass ball in his hands.

Inside the glass ball, a tiny wisp of green fire was dancing impatiently as if it could feel that freedom was near.

"settle down, little green; you will be set free soon; I just need a little bit of time upgrading the furnace, or else you would melt it down with your power," Sid said and started buying different materials to upgrade the furnace and got to work.

Liam, his dad, also helped him with some of the work but made sure to let Sid do the essential parts himself.

After a full day of work without even a second of rest, the furnace was finally ready, and everything was set for the fire to come out of the glass ball.

"ok little guy, are you ready?" Sid looked at the fire inside the ball, and he could swear he saw the fire nodding, "ok then, let's begin."

For the glass container to be destroyed, a fire user had to be present and feed the glass with enough fire element mana to shatter it. So, Sid had called Asue to help him with the prosses.

"Step back; I'm going to pour all my mana into the glass container," said Asue.

Then without chanting any spell, a small red dot appeared on the palm of her right hand, and little by little, it started growing in size.

After about fifteen seconds, the res dot had grown to the size of a tennis ball.

"What is that? It's clearly not fire." Sid exclaimed.

"it's not fire; it's elemental mana, fire element to be more specific," said Asue.

There were many ways to pour elemental mana into an object; for example, in case of the fire element, a person could put the object in fire and simply wait. It would take a lot longer, but it would work. Or they could ask a fire elementalist to use a spell and directly guide the fire into the object.

What Asue was doing now, was one of the most powerful and efficient ways of pouring specific mana into an object. Mana injection.

'Sorry Sid, I'm sure you will become a great forger even without this fire.' Asue thought to herself.

She put her right palm on the glass ball and directly injected the fire mana into it.

The glass started cracking, and soon the cracks began to grow and cover all of the ball's surface.

At that point, the ball was so cracked that the fire couldn't be seen, and Sid could only see a green shadow dancing inside it.

"ohhhh, here we goooo, come to papa," Sid shouted in happiness and took the ball out of Asue's hand, ready to take his fire."

Sentient fires didn't burn their masters, so Sid wasn't afraid of getting hurt and started putting pressure on the ball to accelerate its demise.

He had already registered himself as the master of the fire in the system before handing it to Asue.


The ball shattered into thousands of pieces with a loud bang, and a green light enveloped the workshop.

The green light dimmed little by little until there was nothing left but a tiny wisp of fire dancing on Sid's palm.

The fire started mutating, and two little eyes and a mouth opened on it before it started getting bigger and bigger.

When it reached the size of a tennis ball, Sid could see its features clearly and couldn't help but say, "aaaw, it's so cute, I want to …."

Before Sid could complete his sentence, the fire turned wild and opened its mouth wide. Sid could clearly see three rows of sharp shark-like teeth inside its mouth, and before he could do anything, the fire bit his right hand off with one bite.

Sid was so shocked for a second that he didn't notice the pain. If it wasn't for the constant dying at the hands of Alex and Max, he would surely faint on the spot from the pain. But fortunately, all those deaths had helped him cope with the SR's pain more easily.

"what the f****? It bit my hand off. Ooow, it hurts so much….." Sid grabbed the remaining part of his right hand with his left hand and shouted in pain. But to his surprise, the pain wasn't as bad as he expected. It was more like someone biting him than his hand fully decapitated.

The fire then looked at Sid with angry eyes before sticking its tongue out, making a funny face, and running to Asue.

"ow, you little shit," Sid gritted his teeth and shouted, "I will make you pay, just wait until I get my hands on you."

As he was shouting and cursing at the little green fire, he seemed to notice something and looked at Asue with strange eyes, "why isn't it attacking you?????"

"the system says that I'm his master," said Asue, trying her best to act as surprised as possible.

"How is that possible," Sid was shocked to his core; he never thought that the fire would choose a master that wasn't even registered by the system. "What did you do? Give it back; I want my fire back; I know you did something; give it back."

Asue looked offended, but Sid didn't care about her feelings and continued shouting, "give it back; Alex gave that to me, and you stole it."

Asue didn't say anything and just stood there pretending to be sad and helpless; alas, it didn't have any effect on Sid, "I know you did something with that strange red ball in your hand; you stole the legendary fire, I won't forgive you, give it back."

Sid may be a little loose in the IQ department, but even he could tell that something was wrong.

"I-I-I really didn't do anything; I just injected mana into the glass ball…." Asue acted shocked and stuttered while trying to defend herself.

"bullshit, I know you did that on purpose; I will tell Alex and Max."

At the mention of Alex, Asue's face turned angry, and shouted back, "you little shithead, when I say I didn't do it, it means I didn't do it; go tell whomever you want." and then ran out of the workshop, slamming the door behind her.

"where are you going? Give the legendary fire back," Sid ran after her, but when he opened the door, Asue wasn't there.

_ _ _ _ _ _

Inside her room, Asue was sitting alone on her bed with a sad expression and tears falling from her eyes.

She knew Sid very well and had spent a lot of time with him, but she had only seen him this angry only a few times, and all those times, his anger was directed towards his enemies.

She felt like she had betrayed him. Again.


A loud, angry knock on the door almost gave her a heart attack.

"Asue, you steeling as**le. Come out, give me my fire back," Sid shouted from the other side of the door.

Asue didn't know what to do. He never expected that Sid would become this angry.

Asue wiped the tears off her face and walked to the door, "what do you want? The fire chose me; go f** yourself," she shouted back.

"Alex gave the fire to me; you stole it. I want it back,"

"Take it if you can…"

They made so much noise that everyone started to come out of their rooms and suites.

"What is happening here?" said Max, who was talking with Alex in his suite.

"This bi*** stole my fire; I want it back," Sid shouted.

"that's not it; I don't know why either, but the fire chose me instead of him," Asue shouted while tears dropped from her face.

"oh, spare me the crocodile tears…." Sid looked at her and screamed.

At this point, everybody, including Asue 's mother and Sid's dad, who were talking to each other, also came out.

When she saw her baby crying, Asue's mother ran to her and held her tightly before saying to her in sign language, "what happened? Did he hurt you?"

"no, he is just mad at me," said Asue.

As they were talking, Alex went to the shouting Sid and said, "what happened? Why are you shouting?"

"she stole my fire; she took it after I trusted her and asked her for help," Sid started shouting again.

"stop shouting and just start explaining from the beginning," Alex covered her ears and said calmly.

Sid took a deep breath and started explaining everything from the beginning.

After finishing his explanation, Alex was astonished. He looked at Asue and asked, "how did you learn mana injection?"

"I just learned it from a skill book I got before coming here," Asue lied while clearing her tears, "I thought it would help fasten the process of releasing the fire, so I used it."

"bullshit, you knew it would cause the fire to abandon me. you did that on purpose."

"I didn't," Asue started crying again.

At this point, her mother got so angry that she turned to Sid with a mad look on her face and signed, "don't bully my daughter."

Sid never expected to see Asue's mother this mad, so she was taken aback, but the next second he got angry again and signed back while shouting, "she stole from me."

"my daughter would never steal from anybody," she signed, took Asue's hand, and went back into their room and shut the door with a loud bang.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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