

Metolia is a lovely lady, she has been through hell, she is adopted into a loving home but that changes. While growing up taking care of her two brothers ever since she was six years. She doesn't give up easily even after being abused and chased away from home when she was sixteen. She keeps tabs on her baby brothers. She works hard to make sure she can take care of her brothers and protect them from the abuse. She doesn't believe in love nor marriage but she has a weird sense of humor. Romania Antonio Xavier is the CEO of Romania group of companies/ cooperation. He is a widower and a father to two seven years old adorable twins Alexandria and Alexander. After a heartbreak three years ago and his children's abuse he swore never to love again, his children came first then his companies. Things change when he employs his new PA. What will happen to this two souls when Romania's past comes knocking and threaten his children? Read ahead to find out what this two have to go through to find happiness and finally love.

ShaHono · Urban
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20 Chs


We are in the dining room eating our breakfast and the tension is so thick. Lia looks lost in her own world and Ronia is staring at her with worried looks. What happened at that party? "Guys, we need to talk. Let's meet in my room. Excuse me, I need some fresh air." Lia said and stood up. She walked out to the backyard.

I looked at Ronia with a questioning gaze but he just shrugged. The twins are enjoying their food. They don't even notice the awkwardness in the room. So we finished eating and washing the dishes. " What do you think happened to her? I've never seen her like that . I don't even know why she made that face. It's like she was scared and anxious at the same time." Achi said as we entered her room to wait for her.

"Hey boys, we need to talk." Lia says as she enters the room and takes a seat on her bed between us. She holds our hands and smiles at us, " so what's up sis?" Achi asks. " Well, yesterday at the party I met this family, they claimed I was their lost daughter. I have been so confused and scared because I don't know how to love them. Though they are sending someone to come take some samples for a DNA test just to confirm."

Wow, she found her parents. I just hope she won't leave us. " Guys, I want you both to know them if they decide they want to get to know me. I am not leaving you behind, we are a family and we've been through hell together. I also want us to be through brighter days to come together." She says hugging us sideways. We rest our heads on her shoulders and absorb the news.

Achi's pov

I knew something was wrong with her, but her real family was the last thing on my mind. I will do anything for Lia because she is my world and we love her to the moon and back. " So do you have siblings?" " Yes, they have twin boys but I didn't get to know their names. I was so overwhelmed that I ran out and left them at the meeting."Lia says.

"More brothers for us and this time we have twins. Don't worry, sis, we are going to love them so much. We've always wanted to have a happy family where our mother doesn't torture us and our father loves mom to the moon and back." I said with a distant look on my face. I've always wanted that and now we might get it. I am so overwhelmed with all the emotions in the room, so I leave to go get some air.

Romania's pov

The house is gloomy but the twins didn't notice because Lia made them busy with training. She gave them extra work and they are practising. I get a call from Greg that they are coming to visit for two days to get to know Lia. This is all overwhelming for everybody. I don't know how the boys are, because Lechi is in his painting room and Achi is at the basketball court.

They are handling the news differently and Lia is baking muffins. You see when she is anxious she bakes a lot. So I follow the smell of baked goods and I end up in the kitchen, " Hey, the Camerons are coming for a visit. They will be staying for two days. I told them it was okay with me if you are okay." " I am okay with it, the boys need to be introduced too. They have to know them first if they want to know me." She says with a small smile. I nodded, knowing how much the boys meant to her.

"May I help you with anything?" " Yes please, go get the guest rooms ready and I will be right up to help you with the beds. It's quicker that way." She ordered me and I nodded. I love it when she takes charge. Damn, this woman will be the death of me. I go up to start on the rooms, I get the linens and quilts from the closet and place them on the beds. After some time, she comes and tells me the doctor had just left after taking her blood sample.

" I see the love you have for this color," she says, smiling. " Yes, sky blue is my favorite color and it was Noela's too. She used to paint the rooms sky blue and the utensils were the same. Almost everything in the house was sky blue." I finished saying with a sad smile. " Do you ever miss her?" She asks. " I always miss her, she was the love of my life and the mother to our children. Sometimes I even see her in the house checking on the twins." " I am sorry I brought her up." She says sadly.

" Don't worry, I am over her death now. It's just beautiful memories and sometimes panic attacks, but the attacks reduced when you came into our lives. You came and brought light with you, your smile brightens up the room and this house feels like a home again. It's warm and sweet and filled with laughter." I told her everything from the bottom of my heart and I am in love with you, but I didn't say that out loud. I don't want her to run.

Lia's pov

I was shocked by what Ronia just said. I didn't know they'd been through so much already. My heart shares his pain. We finish with the beds and stocking the bathrooms with shampoo and other essentials. I walked out of the last bedroom and found Ronia sitting on the edge of the bed. I went to him and held his hands," Thank you for helping with the rooms, you are a good man and you have a kind heart. That's why I find it really easy to live with you.

I will always be grateful to you for giving me the job and trusting me with the twins. I know it has been hard for all of you. I promise to always put smiles on your faces, because only God knows how much I love those kids. I would give them the world if they wanted. I will always treat them like my own children. I believe Noela is watching over you guys and she is happy with the progress you've made with the twins. I promise I will protect the twins and my brothers with my own life." I tell him, still holding his hands and I see he is in tears.

I wipe them with my thumb and kiss his forehead, "please don't cry because you all deserve all the happiness in this world." He nods and hugs me," Thank you so much Lia, you are a blessing sent to us and I will never let you go, you guys will always be family." Ronia says and he kisses my forehead. We stood in each others arms for a while. We walked down stairs holding hands, it just came natural and it didn't feel weird or awkward. It felt right and really good.

I smile, looking at our joined hands and Ronia laughs a beautiful genuine laugh and I want to hear him again. " Aaaaawww," the boys coo. " Daddy and mommy sitting on a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G," the twins run to us singing I just laugh at their antics and pick Xander up while Ronia picks Xandria and we tickle them to oblivion. The house is full of laughter and jokes as we prepare lunch and some snacks for swimming.

I looked at Ronia and smiled. My heart skips a beat and my body feels warm all of a sudden. I don't know what this feeling is, but I'm happy he is happy.

After eating lunch, we take the snacks and set them near the swimming pool and everybody is ready for our family day out. The door bell brings us out of our happy moment. Ronia and I went to open the door and we found the Camerons standing there. We welcomed them and invited them to the swimming area so that they could meet the rest of the family. I am so nervous but Ronia holds my hand and smiles to reassure me that everything will be alright.

We find the boys and the twins playing ball in the water and we call them over, " Grandma Luna, grandpa Greg you came!" The twins shout happily as they swim towards us with the boys following. " Hello Xander and Xandria we came to visit you and stay for a few days and guess the best part," Luna says. " WHAT!" they say together, again creepy! "We brought you presents!" Greg finish saying and chuckles at their happy dance. We are looking at the twins dancing happily and we laugh.

"Okay, Malech and Zack. These are the Camerons. Guys meet my brothers. We just call them Lechi and Achi." I introduced them. The boys step forward and go to shake their hands but they are pulled into hugs, " Uuum we are kind of wet," Achi tries to say, but Luna cuts him off by saying," we don't mind getting wet. We just want to hug you and love you both." We are all in tears and I just watch as my parents hug my brothers like they were their lost children reunited again. It's like they didn't want to loose them.

We hear growls from beside us and we turn to look at Aiden and Adrian, " Who hurt you guys!" They ask together, wait is this a twin thing because it is now really creepy. Everybody turned to the boys and they were looking at me as if asking for permission and I shook my head, saying no. They nod and move to greet the boys. " We will talk later about all that. We can't tell you when Xander and Xandria are here. They might have nightmares for a long time. I see Ronia nod his head and the Camerons get it.