

Metolia is a lovely lady, she has been through hell, she is adopted into a loving home but that changes. While growing up taking care of her two brothers ever since she was six years. She doesn't give up easily even after being abused and chased away from home when she was sixteen. She keeps tabs on her baby brothers. She works hard to make sure she can take care of her brothers and protect them from the abuse. She doesn't believe in love nor marriage but she has a weird sense of humor. Romania Antonio Xavier is the CEO of Romania group of companies/ cooperation. He is a widower and a father to two seven years old adorable twins Alexandria and Alexander. After a heartbreak three years ago and his children's abuse he swore never to love again, his children came first then his companies. Things change when he employs his new PA. What will happen to this two souls when Romania's past comes knocking and threaten his children? Read ahead to find out what this two have to go through to find happiness and finally love.

ShaHono · Urban
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20 Chs


Third person's pov

Lia has been sleeping a lot due to her pregnancy and the twins have been sleeping with them since she came back home.

Ronia couldn't stop smiling and kissing Lia. He leaves kisses on their foreheads before he goes to prepare breakfast for his family. He plans to take Lia to the hospital for a check-up today. So he would have to feed her first.

After breakfast, the couple is escorted to the hospital. You'd think royalty is visiting with all the security and the men in black. The only difference is that these men are built and they look scary. That will tell you that these people are not your normal rich couple. Ronia escorted Lia to the doctor's room. When they came out, you could see their joy in their eyes. " Who thought this round I would be blessed with three more? I can't wait to know their gender." Ronia says with happiness oozing from him.

The couple went back home to spend some time with their family. Everybody was waiting for them with anxiety, especially the twins. When they saw them approach the house, they couldn't wait any longer so they ran towards them. "Mommy! Daddy! You are back, so tell us how's the baby?" The twins asked, holding on to each of their parents' hands.

" Well, my love, you both are going to be a big sister and a big brother to three little munchkins." Ronia tells them when they reach the living room where everybody is waiting and gasps are heard.

" Three more babies, how can there be so many in your stomach? Won't your stomach burst?" Xandria asked with a worried look written all over her face, her thoughts running wild because of this thought she ran and hide.

Lia panics thinking she had hurt her baby girl and it hurt her so much after she saw her reaction before she ran.

" Excuse me guys, I love you all but my baby girl needs me now." She said and ran in Xandria's direction. Ronia tries to follow but Xander holds his hand, shaking his head negatively, suggesting he should give them time to talk. Xander understands his sister and her worries. He is also scared but he is hiding his emotions quite well, but this didn't pass Luna's eyes.

Luna has been watching this interaction for quite some time now and she is just smiling, she knows her daughter is loved by this family. It's like she is their center and the light in their darkness.

Greg and grandpa Juno were ecstatic they were going to have a lot of grandchildren running around.

" So Jio and Xavi, when will you guys introduce your girlfriends to us?" Grandpa Juno asks with a cheeky grin. Pink tainted their cheeks and ears, these two grown up men were blushing in embarrassment due to their grandpa's bluntness. They awkwardly cough and scratch behind their necks, " soon grandpa, soon." Xavi says.

On the other side of the palace, a mother and daughter were saying," What's wrong my love, tell mommy what's bothering you so that I can make it better." Lia tells Xandria soothingly, she is in tears and her whole face is pink due to crying. " Please promise me that you won't leave us too, we know that our birth mom died after giving birth to us but I never knew why. What if it's because of us? Sometimes Xander and I wonder if we were just one baby, maybe she would still be with us." She says between snobs.

This broke Lia's heart. The twins have been blaming themselves for their mother's death and now they think that will happen to her too. " Come let's get your brother first, I have to tell you something." She holds Xandria's hand and pulls her towards Xander's bedroom.

As they enter, they find him sprawled on his bed with tears in his eyes and Lia rushes towards him. She sits on his bed and they both sit on her laps. She hugs them tightly to her chest.

" Your father told me a lot about your mother and how happy she was when she found out about you guys. She loved you guys so much. Although she had a weak body, she chose you both. She took extra care of her body so that she could give birth to both of you. You guys were and still are her stars because she has been watching over you since you were babies." " Really! She is not mad at us?" Xander asks, "No, she is not mad at you. She loves you both so much.

Listen my loves, you two are my everything, including your dad and I love you all so much. Don't ever forget that. Right now I need you guys to help me through this pregnancy because you are my strength. Do you know that when I was on my mission only the thought of you two gave me a lot of strength." Lia reaches out to her back pocket and pulls out a small picture of the twins," I carry this around with me and every time I feel so alone or scared, I take it out and look at your beautiful smiles. It reminds me that I have something to live for and to fight for.

You both are the reason I fell in love with your dad, you are also the reason why I will forever fight to be with you." Lia tells them as she rubs her hands on their backs, comforting them. The twins were so happy that they were the reason for Lia's happiness. They always thought women only fell for their dad's money and forgot about them, but after what Lia told them, they were so happy that this time they were the reason for their dad's happiness. They are the reason for the love and happiness in their home.

Ronia was listening to this conversation and sat in front of the door in tears. What did he do to deserve such a loving woman? Don't get me wrong, but these were tears of joy not sorrow. His heart was bursting with love for this woman and how she loved the twins genuinely. He couldn't wait to put a ring on her finger and love her for the rest of his life. He will make sure their children will know who this woman really is and how pure her heart is.

After a week, all the Romanias got new identities and they had to use Noela's middle name, Juan. This was decided by the whole family to honor the twin's mother, who was a beautiful soul.

Jiovanni and Xavier finally got the guts to ask their girls out and they said yes after weeks of pursuing them. Their grandmother was saved and her health back to normal. Grandpa Juno was so fond of her and hit it off. The girls accepted Jio and Xavi's proposals and they moved to the Juno palace.

Greg and Luna had to go back to the states to continue taking care of their companies while Aiden and Adrian went to universities of their choice.

Lechi was hit hard by his mother's death, but painting helped him a lot. He decided to travel the world and pursue art and photography.

Achi went back to finish high school and was still living with Lia and Ronia. Since he was not well acquainted with his parents, their deaths didn't affect him much. All he knows is that Lia is his everything.

Douglas took over Romania companies but he still knew who his boss was. The world knew that Romania cop was bought by a business tycoon known as Juan Rodriguez, but nobody had ever seen him.

Ronia and Lia got married on the fifth month of their pregnancy, it was a small celebration, family only.

Four months later, somewhere in Africa, a woman was giving birth to her precious babies. Her husband was outside the theatre pacing around while two pairs of eyes were looking at him worriedly. After two hours of waiting, the theatre lights turned green, signaling the end to their wait. The doctor came out with a big smile on his face, " congratulations Mr. Juan, you are a father again to two girls and a boy. Your wife had some complications but we managed it and she will be fine in a week." The doctor said in one breath, patting Ronia's back.

A proud smile marred his face, "that's my girl! Can we see them please." The doctor nodded and led the father and the twins into their mother's room. The doctor was so envious of this couple, they were a match made in heaven and their babies were the cutest babies he had ever seen. The girls had blue eyes and the boy took his father's green eyes. Ah! very cute!

Two weeks later, this family went back to the states, to their beach house in Miami. This was their new start and the whole family was there to welcome them. Even Lechi came back to see his nieces and nephew, he helped decorate their room so he was hoping the parents would fall in love with the room.

After the long journey, Lia was totally exhausted, so Ronia took her to bed early after he helped her feed the triplets. The twins were so attached to the triplets, they were so overprotective of them and you could see the spark in their eyes when they helped around with them. They decided to name them Luna, Lily and Stefan junior, after their grandparents.