
Nana, a girl with a beautiful soul

Real life story of a beautiful family

Teamah9 · Celebrities
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10 Chs

Her dad's best friend

He didn't say anything when he woke up the following morning, he was just at peace, he called his daughter Nana to be strong and be a big girl. He told her that there is ups and downs in life, she will have to face any situation she found herself and be pleased with herself, he told her that she's facing one challenge in life and this phase shall pass. She thanked her dad for her fatherly love and appreciate all the love and care he had shown towards her since her mum has passed, she said he was the best father ever, he was the best thing that ever happened to her. 

The father loved her to the extent that, if anything happened to Nana he would be the first person to know, either he's around or not, he would have the signs and immediately got to know that something has happened or about to happen to Nana. He would leave whatever he's doing or wherever he was to quickly get to his daughter, Nana appreciated all that, she said she couldn't ask for a better dad, he is the best dad in the whole world. 

At this stage in life God gave Nana the gifts of dream, there's nothing she saw that would not happen, if she had dream about anything, either good or bad, it will eventually happen. Whenever she had dream about anything or to anybody, she would tell her dad first, her dad would pray about it, if it is what they actually want, it will definitely happen but if otherwise they might prevent it with prayers or some will happen. Her dad told her not to be telling anyone about her dream, she should only confide in him. He explained to her how human beinga are so wicked, they could turn something sweet to bad. When he noticed the gifts God grant Nana, he doesn't like staying away from her for so long. He traveled home every weekend to check on her and at the same time he finished building the house he started with his late wife. 

He got to Nana's place one weekend, he went to his site to check what was going on, to his surprise, he met the a mother, father and five children leaving in the house without notifying him he was very furious that what effontry! How could people move to somebody's house without any agreement. He immediately went to his friend's house that is helping him to monitor the house, his friend apologized that he was so sorry, he knew about it. He said those family needed a shelter and since nobody is living there, he thought of giving them for free. He said they will surely move out when the time comes, Nana's father replied his friend that he doesn't need for them to move, he would have to move in tomorrow with his whole family. So, he called his fourth wife that they would move in to his site the next morning, he told his children to start packing there belongings that they are moving to there new place the following morning. They all started packing as instructed, they packed their belongings all night and Nana fell asleep and dreamt about the woman that is living where they were packing to, she fell sick when she woke up the following morning and told her dad about the dream she had, what she saw and how she saw it. Her father prayed for her and told her that no harm will befall her, they moved as planned, on getting there, Nana saw the woman the way she saw her in her dream and saw the environment exactly how it was in her dream. She already saw that the woman was a witch and she was the head of the witchcrafts, the place they used to do there meeting and all that. As those people living in that house were greeting them, she was just looking at them, the woman was aware that she knew the kind of person she was even without anybody telling her, it was known that she actually wanted to show herself to her because she had heard many things about Nana, she wanted to know how powerful she was and the kind of gifts she had that was why she appeared in her dream.

Nana was avoiding her but her dad told her not to be scared of anyone, that the Almighty is always with her. Her father stayed there for one month before he went back to Lagos but Nana avoided the woman all through. The woman was also trying to talk to her but she kept avoiding her, she only greets herin the morning and anytime she comes back from somewhere. This goes on and on, until one day when Nana and the woman's first son has a fight, Nana was very strong as a soldier's daughter, it was very difficult for someone to fight with her and win, she always fight as brave as her dad, she fought the woman's son bravely and injured him but the woman couldn't believe her eyes. By this period, Nana's elder sisters were now living in Lagos except Nana and her immediate elder sister. The woman couldn't believe what she saw and she started beating Nana and abusing her, Nana also abused her by saying out all she saw in her dream. She said she was a witch that kill people, she doesn't have human feelings, all she was after what she gains. This abusive words hurt the woman's feelings and she wanted to beat Nana but she ran away. She dressed up and went Arabic school, but she was down through our that day because the woman abused her dead mother, this also hurts her feelings as well. Her father saw signs that something had happened to his daughter and he traveled down to the town Nana is, he was shouting where his daughter is, immediately he got home but they were all shocked to see him because they were not expecting him. He kept shouting and asking where her daughter was and what happened to her daughter. They all now understood because they have already knew that he would know if anything happened to his daughter but they weren't expecting him to be aware of that little thing. They told him that she has gone to arabic school, he quickly went there to look for her, that was the first time her daughter's instructor saw him for the first time. He had been hearing about him and also knew he doesn't joke with his daughter but he met him that day. He greeted him and led him to his daughter, immediately Nana saw her dad, she jumped up and hugged him, he carried her and started asking so many questions but Nana didn't understand, when he asked who offended her, that was when she understood his father. She answered that it's the witch woman and explained everything that transpired but her dad told her never to insult elders again no matter what. He took permission from the instructor to take her daughter home, when he got home, he told the woman not to lay her hands on her daughter ever again, he said he doesn't joke with his daughter and nobody should scold her. It happened that he didn't even allow teachers and arabic instructor to lay their hands on her because he would feel it, if anybody do anything. 

Nana still hawks bread every morning before going to school, the woman now pleaded with her step mother to allow her immediate sister to be helping her in what she's selling, so they both hawk every morning before theygo to school without their dad noticing, they go to school early whenever their dad is around. Nana was in junior class (i.e JSS3), while her immediate elder sister was in senior class (i.e SS1), in the same school, she only senior Nana with one class because Nana got promotion from primary five to JSS1, and her step-mother's son was in JSS1. Nana wrote her BECE examination and passed with A1 in all her subjects. Her dad was impressed and excited.

When Nana got to senior class, she decided to go to science department because she wanted to become a doctor. Nana dreamt that her father died one day and was so scared, she cried all through her dreams and still cried while she was awake, so she told her step-mother that she doesn't feel like hawking the following morning but the woman told her that she would not eat if she didn't hawk but she replied that, it wasn't a problem. The woman was shocked because she had already collected so many breads, she doesn't saw that coming because Nana has never dosobeyed her, she said she was not feeling fine that she needed rest not even knowing that her dad wasn't actually feeling fine, she prayed that nothing should happen to her dad because he's the only one she got for now. Nana's dad came to check on Nana and she told him what she dreamt about him, her father didn't say anything, he just said nothing of such will happen to him because he also felt it, he just doesn't want to bother her, so he asked his daughter to list all the books she would be needing through out her senior class as a science student.

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