
Naming Technique of the Night

Under the blue and purple sunset on the thick steely sky, at the forefront of the data stream, is the world after a technological revolution. It is also the divide between reality and fantasy. Metal and body, past and present. Here, the Surface World and the Otherworld coexisted. Everything ahead looks like a wall of time before one's eyes. Darkness gradually envelops everything. But you have to understand, my friend, that we cannot deal with darkness using kindness. We have to use fire.

The Speaking Pork Trotter · Urban
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40 Chs


Translator: Lordbluefire

How did one survive in a prison where steel beasts ran amok?


Qing Chen couldn't count on Lu Guangyi who came from unknown origins, as he feared it would expose him as the replacement of the original body.


He couldn't count on the young man who came from the same time-space as him either, because the latter was in a worse situation than he was.


Therefore, Qing Chen calmly made his abilities known to Li Shutong to prove that he was someone useful.


It was without a doubt that Li Shutong's position in this prison was superior. Although it was risky for Qing Chen to do this, it was the best way out.


At this moment, Li Shutong clasped his hands behind his back and left unhurriedly. Ye Wan and the enormous cat were by his side, while there was no sign of where Lin Xiaoxiao with his smiling face had gone.


Before it was even time for lunch to be served, the meal window opened earlier for Li Shutong.


Ye Wan took a serving of food for Li Shutong and another for the enormous cat, which then picked and chose as it ate.


It was at this time that Lin Xiaoxiao reappeared, seemingly out of nowhere. He dumped his shoes and squatted barefooted on the chair at the same table but across from Li Shutong.

The enormous cat shot a glance at him while Ye Wan frowned. "Show some respect in front of boss."


Lin Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes. "Boss didn't even say anything about it. Mother Ye, isn't your scope of control too broad?"


Li Shutong laughed and said, "It seems that you have reaped some harvest, correct?"


"That's right," Lin Xiaoxiao replied excitedly. "The harvest was great. Did you know this Qing Chen fella's record was sparkling clean? There wasn't a trace of unusual lead, but it was exactly this point that intrigued me."


"Because it's too clean?" Li Shutong asked.


"That's right, precisely because it's way too clean. His information showed that he was a high school student in City No. 18. Both his parents died from a car accident and he received some inheritance. Moreover, he did not have any previous convictions, no criminal records, and no relatives." Lin Xiaoxiao explained.


"What's his offense?" Li Shutong asked.


"Theft. In his dossier, they stated he stole an LCD phone, which was just enough to get him a sentence." Lin Xiaoxiao added, "You know this too. More than half of the prisoners at No.18 Prison Fort are repeat offenders. Usually, only those with either a stream of previous convictions or caught by the taxation would transfer here. But he's a mere thief; he shouldn't have appeared here in the first place."


In just a short period of work, Lin Xiaoxiao had read through Qing Chen's entire dossier. In the eyes of a regular person, he was probably regarded as someone good at currying favors with the higher authorities.


Lin Xiaoxiao continued, "Also, I asked someone on the outside, and his case was controversial. It seems that he claimed to have purchased the LCD phone through regular means and paid for it. However, the salesperson didn't have a record of the sales in their accounts for some reason. The security camera was suddenly faulty too and couldn't prove his innocence. Hence, once the salesperson changes their stance and serves as a witness for him, or if the footage of him paying for the phone surfaces, then he will be let out immediately. You see what a familiar tactic this is. Most of the prisoners who came in here to 'carry out their tasks' used such a method."


Li Shutong looked pensive. "How long was he sentenced to?"


"They sentenced him to six months," Lin Xiaoxiao replied. "This might be the shortest sentence in the history of No.18 Prison Fort. Boss, don't you find this very suspicious? Moreover, his surname is Qing!"


The surname Qing was too distinctive in this era. Within the top five companies that practically monopolized the economy, there was one family surnamed Qing.


And Qing was a rare surname. If a person unexpectedly bumped into someone with Qing as a surname, any of them would feel apprehensive about whether this person belonged to the Qing Clan.


"Continue," Li Shutong said.


"You knew that the Qing Clan Corporation arranged for Lu Guangyi to be sent here previously," Lin Xiaoxiao said. "It was easy to check on things like this, but what puzzled me at that time was, why did they arrange for such a small fry to come in here? What did they want to achieve?"


"I remember that Lu Guangyi," Ye Wan said from the side. "He has been roping manpower in."


"That's right." Lin Xiaoxiao grinned as he continued, "From the moment Lu Guangyi came in here, he wielded his superior mechanical limbs all the way and beat down the prison's indigenous powers. Within a month, he forcibly confronted the other two sects and formed some sort of tripartite power. It bewilders me then. Did the Qing Clan send him in here to unify No.18 Prison Fort?"


"The Qing Clan knows that boss is here." The meaning behind Ye Wan's words was that no one could unify the place if Li Shutong was here.


Lin Xiaoxiao squinted his eyes, itching to scratch his own feet since they had reached such an exciting point. "That's why I was wondering if the Qing Clan had gone mad to send a shrimp into No.18 Prison Fort to stir up trouble. It was only until today that I understood. Lu Guangyi was here to pave the way for that young fellow, Qing Chen. Regardless of what the Qing Clan is planning, Qing Chen is the central figure, and Lu Guangyi was just a runner."


At this moment, Lin Xiaoxiao wondered again. "But what's their motive for coming into No.18 Prison Fort? If the youngster, Qing Chen, really is the direct descendant of the Qing Clan, why is he willing to be sent here?"


Li Shutong spoke suddenly, "The Qing Clan may be choosing the next generation of Shadow."


This sentence startled Ye Wan and Lin Xiaoxiao at the same time. "The next generation of Shadow? And Qing Chen is one of the candidates? So, he came in here with a mission."

In a big financial group, there must be prestige and also substance.


The head of the Qing Clan was the prestige, while the Shadow was the substance.


The Shadow specialized in the dirty work and had a significant amount of authority in their hands, being the master of Qing Clan Corporation's underworld. Apart from the head of the clan, no one else had control over them.


It was just that the selection process for each generation's Shadow was abnormally cruel, like preparing the legendary poison, Gu.*


"It seems that the Qing Clan is going to disturb everyone's peace again," Li Shutong lamented.

In the middle of their conversation, a prisoner inadvertently walked over their way. When the prisoner was about five meters away, Ye Wan abruptly turned to face him.


Seeing the gaze that intimidated his core, the prisoner couldn't help but turn to walk in another direction.


After that, neither of the three continued with their discussion on the topic. Hence, Lin Xiaoxiao turned and asked, "Boss, even if he's a candidate, there's no need for him to clean up his identity and background to such an extent, making it appear like he has nothing to do with the Qing Clan."


Everyone was certain that Qing Chen was part of the Qing Clan at this point.


At their level, coincidence was something they believed least in.


"Unless there's an even bigger secret that lies in Qing Chen's past," Li Shutong replied.


"Boss, what are you guessing?" Lin Xiaoxiao asked curiously.


Li Shutong shook his head. "It's just that after hearing what you said, I suddenly think he holds some resemblance to someone."


"Foe? Or a friend? Have Mother Ye and I seen them before?" Lin Xiaoxiao was curious.


Li Shutong answered, "Neither of you has seen him before, but it is only a matter of time. Xiaoxiao, it'd be great if we could simply categorize the relationships in this world into friends or foes."


As they were talking, Li Shutong cradled the gray cat on the table in his arms, stroking the cat's chin.


Feeling comfortable, the enormous cat closed its eyes and rested lazily on Li Shutong's arms.


After that, Li Shutong said to Lin Xiaoxiao, "I'm even more interested in this Qing Chen now. Go and test his character."


Lin Xiaoxiao was shocked. "Boss, you're fond of him? But he's from the Qing Clan!"


"I'm just asking you to get a feel for his character. It's not like I'm doing anything." Li Shutong laughed. "Besides, wouldn't it be even more interesting to snatch someone off the Qing Clan's hands?"


"Even then, I feel like he's not on the same path as us." Lin Xiaoxiao stared at his feet as he muttered softly.


Li Shutong laughed. "An organization needs different people: a tiger that can suppress a mountain, an eagle with foresight, a wolf that battles well, a nimble panther, and a loyal dog. They all have their responsibilities."


Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up. "Boss, what am I in the organization?"


Li Shutong thought about it for a moment. "A skiving* fish."


Ye Wan added calmly, "An annoying piece of shit."


Lin Xiaoxiao: "???"