

If only your soulmate came with your nametag

Reign03_18 · Urban
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19 Chs

Chapter 16

The next morning we woke up very early.

Prepared everything, we all had breakfast and went to campus.

We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.

I got to my lecture room and waited on the door as l was 20 minutes early.

10 minutes of waiting a man in his early 40's came to open the doors.

"Eager to learn are we." He says with a very bright smile that showed all his perfect white teeth.

I nodded smiling brightly as well.

I got in and found myself a front sit.

I was really going to enjoy it here, l felt like l was meant to be here. I took out my laptop, notepad and my lucky pen.

A couple of minutes the lecture room was filled with students of different races, cultures and heights. Most boys sat at the back and some in the middle, almost all girls sat in the front.

I still had no one on either sides of the seat that l had taken.

"Is this seat taken?" A male voice spoke and l turned to see who it was.

"Uh, no it's not." I say to a British boy clad in a red tank top and a pair of black joggers.

"I am Jonathan, you can call me John." He says as he takes his seat.

"Hanna." I say smiling.

"Australia is it?" He asks.


"Accent." He says and l nod giggling.

"Of course the accent gave it away." I say and he smiles.

We continue chit chatting.

After a couple of minutes l see John looking at the door hand signaling someone to come in.

"Come sit here," he whispers.

"No let's go sit at the back." The person he is talking to answers back.

"We said no sitting at the back."

"Ughhh, fine."

A moment later someone sits on my other side.

"Hey." He says as he sits.

And l know who that is.


Of all the people here l had to sit with someone who knows Ocean.

"Hey." I say turning to him, and he freezes.

The Lecturer walks in.

"A good morning to every one of you here, l am Professor Egan and l hope we all work together well." He says as he sets his projector.

Three more 2 hour lectures and it was already 3pm. We had no lunch so l was already starving.

"That will be all for today." Mr Devon said dismissing us.

His lecture was the last we had for the day.