

NOTE: This novel, it's respective characters and the world's included belong to ME, ShadowDrev (Aka CarlosDrevna). I got locked out of my other account. This will also be posted on RoyalRoad, Wattpad, and Fanfic.Net. If you see it, it's mine. _-_-_-_-_-_-_ A young man sets out to build the strongest guild in existence, crimson blade held close to hip. Scars littered his body, each one telling its own story as he walked forward alone, rejecting companionship, desiring only strength. Weighed down by his past and unable to move on, this is the story of how a single man led a wave that toppled the very world. //A chapter a day guaranteed. 2k+ words each. I'll try to avoid info dumps, but it's a BIG world so it's hard to avoid since there's a LOT to unpack. All donations are appreciated. The aim is for me to do this full time as well as make this the top novel on this app. More donations to Patre0n equals better content such as funding for the upcoming Manga adaptation and physical copy of Volume 1. Help me reach my goal. Patre0n.com Goal: $11.90/$2000 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/kBR243rUB2

Shadow_Drev_2750 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Setting Out

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Currently over 30 chapters ahead of the most recent chapter.


Goal: $11.90/$2000


The following days after Jaks visit to the Golden Tavern, where he subsequently spent a few hours chatting up Hugoh and the occupants within, were completely busy. Every minute he could spare the redhead was hard at work, scrounging together whatever he could on the events surrounding the deaths of the Elemental Rookies. Though mainly turning up empty-handed, it ate up the vast majority of the youths' time, the rest of the time being spent training within the Old Stomping Grounds. Occasionally, the youth would skim through some Information Orbs Mako would bring to him, spheres containing knowledge on 'Ard Araml and its inhabitants, though Jak admittedly didn't take the task very seriously.

According to the mission, the Mapel Subjugation would merely track down the rogue noble and capture him. Once that was done, they would leave the planet and clean up their mess, as if they had never even been there. Jak didn't really feel like he needed to delve into the culture and ways of those that resided in its immense deserts.

As the time to depart to Ornera rolled around and Jak, Mako, and the Water Wolves Guild were all set to head to 'Ard Araml's portal, Jak couldn't help but feel he had forgotten something important. It was a fleeting feeling, though, as Jak readjusted his cape and tightened his katana, making sure it wasn't too loose. It seemed like he had only just returned to his hometown of Intok, and he was already heading off into a world he was unfamiliar with.

He wasn't too bothered, however, having gotten used to being on the move during his three year travels.

During those years, he had very rarely stayed in one place for more than a day.

Walking out of his room, Jak took a quick look back, gazing at the picture he had laid facedown on his dresser. After a few seconds, he let out a breath and closed the door.

"Just hold on a bit longer, Dante," the young Rookie muttered. "I promise I'll set things right."

Mako was waiting for the fiery haired adolescent by the Manors entrance.

"Well, if isn't the tomato brained Rookie himself," Mako held out his arms. "What took you so long to get here? My Guild has been waiting by the WGC building for the last hour."

"I had some last-minute things to attend to," Jak responded, walking past the blue haired Rookie.



"You couldn't have trained AFTER the mission?"

"Consistency matters."

"My foot in your face also mat-"

Jak turned back to look at Mako, stopping in his tracks. Mako, who had been following closely behind him, also paused, blue hues locking onto his friends' crimson ones.

"What?" Mako asked, somewhat cautiously.

"Nothing." Jak stared for a second longer before turning back around, showing his back to Mako. "It's just good to have you around again. Idiot."

Walking away, the blue haired Rookie stayed in place for a moment before breaking out into a smile. Rushing to catch up, Mako fell in step with Jak as they set a course for WGC Branch #257.

"Right back at you, bonehead. It's good to have you back."


The portal to 'Ard Araml wasn't particularly close to Intok's Capital, sitting a good 250km from the cities edge, right in the middle of the border separating the Capital from Pontigal, its first major town. Due to this distance, rather than heading straight to the Rift, Mako and his Guild had agreed to meet up at the same WGC Branch that had reinstated Jak. It was far easier to go as an entire group rather than individually and do a head count later. According to Mako, it also would help introduce the fiery redhead to the Water Wolves and get them acquainted with one another.

It was a necessity since Jak would be working with them on that entire mission.

"And so the prodigal son lives. We were wondering where you were."

"Yeah. We were quite sure you had died somewhere along the way."

The dual Rookies were met with peals of laughter as they approached the WGC Building, a small squad of six individuals watching as they approached. Each one of the individuals looked rather bland in comparison to Mako, but they seemed to have good vibes. At least, that was Jak's first impression when they finally stood in front of them. They all wore outfits similar to Mako, a picture of an Azure wolf sitting on the left chest with blue and white seeming to be their signature colors.

This was the Water Wolves Guild, the one Mako had built up and put together over the last four years.

"Yeah, yeah. You can put all the blame on this bonehead." The blue Rookie tapped the side of Jaks head with his finger. "Apparently, he lost track of time somewhere along the way."

"This is him? The Crimson Swordsman?" One of the squad members asked, an expression of wonder on his visage. "The same one who wandered the Rifts no one else dared to? Defeated monsters deemed unbeatable?"

"That's the one with the symbol on the back of his cape, right?" Another one asked, a larger fellow with a battle axe strapped to his back. "The bright haired guy?"

"How do we know it's him? Could just be someone similar."

"You said his name is Jak, right? Jak Yanda? Is he really Elemental Rookie level strong?"

"Okay, everyone, calm down." Mako waved his hand downwards, bringing his Guildmates under control. "This is Jak Yanda, my brother and childhood friend. Though an idiot he may be, he'll be accompanying us on this Subjugation Of the famous House Mapel."

"Gonna be taking down a relative of yours, I suppose?" A young man with black hair laughed, slapping Mako on the shoulder.

"Something like that, Ganja." Mako replied. "Different branch, same lineage."

"Well then, what are we waiting for?" The battle axe wielder smacked a fist into his palm. "Let's go and show this noble the power of the Water Wolves Guild!!"

"Yeah!! Let's steamroll them!!" Ganja raised a spear into the air.

"Is Jak really necessary, though?"

Everyone quieted down, heads turning to the guy farthest from the group, the person resting at the very edge. Out of all of the members within Mako's Guild, this new speaker stood out the most, sporting a head of bright blonde and pale eyes. He had a look of doubt on his face and a midnight colored naginata with a blue blade stuck to his back, giving him a look of someone who was stern and distrusting. Unlike the others who had readily greeted Mako upon his arrival, this one hadn't said a word since Jak had made his appearance.

"Kungo. Nows not the time, man." Ganja walked over and put his hand on the blonde teens' shoulders. "We're all a team and -"

"WE'RE a team," Kungo spouted, cutting his squadmate off midsentence. "HE'S an extra that got thrown on at the last minute. We've all heard what happened and how it happened. Why should we pretend like it's okay? Because he's an old friend of the Captain?"

Jak said nothing, merely watching as the individual gestured towards him, staring as Kungo whipped the naginata from his back.

"I call bullshit!! We have strategies formed around our guild and trust in each other's abilities." Kungo's pale hues flicked from the Water Wolves to Jak himself, brows narrowed in frustration. "We built everything from the ground up for years and have always done things without the help from simple outsiders, strengthening our teamwork and bonds. Now we're expected to trust someone we don't even know, just because they happen to be Mako's friend from four years ago?! We don't even know if he can keep up with us, let alone survive in a world as treacherous as 'Ard Araml!!"

Not a single one of Mako's comrades spoke up after Kungo's lengthy outburst, not even Ganja whom had tried to take the diplomatic route in the beginning. It seemed to Jak that even though they had all been kind intially, or some semblance thereof, Kungo's thoughts were shared amongst the lot of them, enough to cause them to fall silent and merely watch the unfolding interactions. It didn't take a genius to see that they were unsure of how to go about the topic without it looking like some kind of mutiny against their Guild Leader.

"You raise a fair point, Kungo." Mako smiled. "So how about this. Would you like to spar with Jak? Get a feel for his abilities?"

Kungo slammed his naginata onto the ground, the butt of the staff slamming into the cement, leaving cracks. "Of course, but if I win, then he'll go by himself. We don't need an extra who only serves to drag us down!!"

Mako glanced over to Jak, a questioning look. Without a word, Jak nodded. Sidestepping Mako, the fiery redhead calmly walked over to the blonde adventurer, crimson hues slightly aglow.

"Instead of just you though, how about you all join in?"

"Wha-" Kungo queried, not sure if he heard right.

"The entire guild," Jaks gaze bore into Kungo's, unblinking. "I'll take all of you on."


Flames as bright as the young Rookies hair sparked into existence, curling around Jak as he stared his opponent down, an invisible pressure expanding rapidly through the area. Kungo didn't say anything as the heat engulfed him, too enraptured by the Elemental Rookies crimson gaze. It was only after moments had passed that the naginata wielder finally turned his head, hues ripping away from his opponents.

"It's fine. I have no more objections."

"Good. Don't slow me down." Jak turned around and walked back towards Mako. "Get in my way, and I'll cut you."

"Right!! Are there any more objections?" Mako clapped his hands together, a wide smile on his face. "Any more complaints about Jak? Or maybe the mission we're going on?"

No one said a word.

"No? Excellent!!" The Guild leader smiled. "Perfect!! Then let's head out. We're already late enough as it is!!"

Jak and Mako lead the way, departing the area swiftly with the Water Wolves Guild closely in tow. Little were they aware that those who happened to be passing by had taken notice of the lot of them, having felt the massive amount of magical pressure the redhead had released. Within these individuals was a rather unique entity with small horn stubbles and bright white hair, hair that seemed to glow under the sunlight. With a small chuckle, this individual turned around and disappeared from the spot, as if he had teleported. No one else even took notice of it, though, as everyone continued about their day in and out of the WGC.