
Nameless Wanderer Paradox

Ace thought that his life would end that night—a night of cold air and a star-filled sky. He had accepted that his life would end there, and he bid the world his final goodbye.   But fate, or some other entity, decided to play with him. He woke up in the body of a "Character" named Castileo, and this guy was not some simple, frail, and weak young master, no!   Without his knowledge, schemes and plots were going on behind the scenes. As he acted as Castileo, he became tangled with these events that he had no idea of: mysterious connections, complicated family affairs, and even Gods!   But Ace didn't have the time for that! As he looked through the notification in front of him, he instantly knew his days were counted—he had approximately 150 left before "Fading" out of existence!   With steeled resolve, he ventured deeper into this "Story" he was in. But the simple name /Nameless/ isn't just a decorative name for flashiness.   As Ace dug deeper into the mysteries of this "Story" and the "Character" he was possessing, he discovered this name isn't as simple as it appears.... *** TAGS #MYSTERY #R18 #ACTION #GODS #Magic #Transmigration #System WARNING +Parental Guidance is Adviced +Rookie Author +En is not my first language +May contain grammar mistakes From the Author Hello! I'm a rookie Author and this is my very first book. I would like to say that this novel is far from perfect and probably is below average, (Atleast from my humble opinion) I would really appreciate it if you read this story and provide some feedback (Positive and Negative are welcome) so I can improve my writing. Happy reading.

Razed · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter 21: Judgement to Heathens

Inside the factory, at a particular room. Priestess Mala stood sternly while gazing at the flesh and blood scattered throughout the room.

"Your judgement has come, Actruo of Hermeveth." Mala gazed coldy at the bloody man.

The bloody was obviously Draon Actrou, the Factory owner. He is in a state of disbelief of what had transpired. It had happened so suddenly that he did not have time to react at all. All he knew was the moment his servants ran into the room with haste, the Priestess pulled out something.

After that, it rained blood and echoed in screams. Looking at the Woman, whose robe had been covered in blood, his face wrapped from disbelief to seething anger. He was not angered by the deaths of his servants, but rather to the woman he raised.

"YOU B*TCH!" Out of nowhere, Draon's arms glowed golden and lunged towards the Priestess in speed.

Mala squinted and flicked the whip she held in her hand. The whip looked more like a silver sword with vicious edges, now bloody.


Draon was thrown to the side, crashing on the wall. Coupled with his weight, the wall gave in and he went through. But he did not have the time to groan in pain as he saw the whip blade descending towards him.

He rolled to the side, and avoided the whip by hairsbreadth. He aimed his glowing hands and it fired a beam of golf towards the priest.

Mala leaped to the side gracefully and retracted the whip. It became a sword, but she when she slashed horizontally, the sword became a whip and hurdled towards Draon.

Seeing the attack, Draon conjured a golden sphere around himself. When the whip made contact, he was thrown aside.

Knowing the attack failed, Mala removed her robe for better mobility; revealing her white armour. She launched towards the golden and aimed a kick.


The sphere was thrown in the air, and Mala waved her whip—wrapping around the sphere. She held the handle of the whip and exerted force on her arms. She slammed the sphere towards the hard floor.


The tiles broke, and the floor gave in. Without hesitation, she leaped above the sphere and delivered a kick, sending the sphere further down with speed.

Inside the sphere, Draon coughed up blood as he used his magic to defend himself. His mana was not unlimited, and his barrier was continuously being hammered and slashed making him exhaust his mana to fix it. He was certain this was her aim.


"Ahh!" "Help!!" "GHARGH! Help!"

The golden sphere landed on the next floor, and people screamed in fright. But their screams of fright became terror and the golden object changed in shape and became golden sharp tentacles. It hurdled towards them.



The tentacles were cut off and fell to the ground, then melted. All the tentacles were disconnected from the sphere and became puddles. A whip danced around the sphere, neatly cutting them. A woman in white armor landed beside the sphere.

"Go outside, NOW!" Mala warned the people. They wore gray clothes that covered most of their bodies, but their faces were filled with soot and dirt. Only a minority were neatly dressed. But none of them dared to stay a second longer and began dashing out of the room.

The sphere dispelled and revealed the bloody man. Draon now had golden veins in the face, while the arms glowed brightly.

"You bitch of a woman! Is this how you pay me back from all those times!?" He slashed, and sent golden blades to Mala.

With a smile, Mala gracefully avoided the attacks while deflecting some with her whip. She eyed the man and laughed softly.

"Those times when you forced my mother to work under you till she died in exhaustion? Those times you whipped me till I broke?" She chuckled, but her eyes were deadly cold.

Draon frowned at the statement. He did not expect his former slave to actually think of seeking revenge after all those tortures he did to them to make them subservient.

There are two types of Slaves: The ones that gave away their Freedom under the watch of God, and those who became slave based on mortal regulations.

The former would bind the slave for eternity and make them do whatever the master desire, while latter will still have some degree of freedom and could resist. This was why Draon resorted to torture to make them obey him.

"So you came to seek revenge!?" He asked in fury while dashing towards Mala.

"Revenge? Maybe... But no."


Draon's punch was blocked by Mala's blade. He suddenly felt seething pain on the stomach as he was sent flying backwards.


He was smashed on the floor, while coughing blood. He gritted his teeth and looked at his bloated stomach, there he saw a bloody mark. He then glimpsed at the heel of Mala, blood covered the back.

"Draon Actrou of Hermeveth, the Slaver, and a believer of Seven Paragon, you shall be punished by the Holy Flames of Mother." She whipped towards the man.

"No Chance!" He leaped and blocked the whip with an arm. The collision made him staggered, but he immediately conjured deadly slashes.

Looking at the nimbly dodging woman, Draon could not help but frown. 'How did they know!? To think my secret was revealed this early!'

He was a believer of Seven Paragon, and his position was Demon Priest. He was tasked to infiltrate the Armorial Kingdom and slowly corrupt it from the inside. He did not expect the Church of this measly little town to actually find out about him.


The shouts of vehement men echoed throughout the whole building. Hearing this, Draon paled while Mala smiled.

Above the Factory building, the sky glowed white. This attracted the attention of all inhabitants of the area, and even those outside of it.

White lines suddenly appeared, forming a massive array shadowing the whole Factory and the area close to it. The Paladins circled the Factory with eight priest held a staff, they aimed at the sky.

"PURGE THY HEATHEN!" With the final shout, the staves glowed and beams fired towards the array. When it collided, the octagon line in the array illuminated and a thin white blanket slowly descended.

'THEY ARE SEALING ME!' Draon cried in alarm.

He tried to jump using the window, but he was stopped by the vicious whip assaulting him. He was nearly decapitated if he actually continued the jump.

Glaring at Mala, he fired golden beams in anger while slowly stepping back. He wanted to get away and escape before this place was completely sealed, but he could not if the woman was still alive and preventing him. He had to get away somehow or kill the woman.

He chose the former. He conjured a massive ball of gold and aimed at Mala. When it launched, he immediately sprinted towards the nearest exit he could think of: the balcony.

BOOM! An explosion sounded from behind him.

He jumped out the building while golden wings formed at his back. When he was going to triumph, he felt a tug on the leg. Behind him, Mala held the whip and jumped from the balcony!

"YOU B*TCH!!!" He growled as he felt himself descending towards the ground. Due to his weight, flying was already hard plus his mana had almost depleted. Now, he was being pulled downwards!

Mala smirked and pressed something on the whip, it suddenly shortened and she was dragged upwards. Surprised, Draon tried to dodge but it had been too late as Mala was already above him, with a slam kick aimed at his back.


Draon shielded himself with his mana left, but that did not prevent his rapid plummeting.


He crashed to the ground with so much force that it formed a crater. But before he could get up, he was slammed again by Mala that landed on top of his sphere.

"NOW!" Mala shouted.

All Paladins and priest that heard all came forward with weapons drawn. Without hesitation, they charged at the sphere to break it.


At the other part of town, inside the Cathedral, the bishop glimpsed at the white light shining through the paned window.

"It has begun." He muttered in joy. He then looked below the altar and towards a man donning black hair, green irises, and pale white skin. The man wore a suit littered with cuts, and had several bruises on the face. The man was shackled in chains with white thorns.

"Vile Necromancer, today you shall face the judgement of Holy Mother." The bishop muttered. There was no other people in the massive room, so his voice reverberated throughout.

The man gritted his teeth and stared menacingly at Lancaster. The man was unable to open his mouth due to the chains wrapped around his face, and he also could not move an inch. So all he could do was glare and attempt to struggle free.

Bishop Lancaster raised a hand and white light condensed, forming a floating sword. He aimed at the struggling Necromancer.

"May you be judged."


The sword impaled the Necromancer on the neck, blood gushed out. But after the blood, white flames sparked out from the cut. The flames spread and after a while, it had completely enveloped the man's body.

Gazing the chains and dust at the floor, the bishop sighed. He did not like killing evil servants in such a way that does not set an example to the people, but he had no choice. They had to use a scapegoat for them to achieve their goal.

He turned around and knelt on the floor in front of the massive marble statue of Holy Mother. "Mala, May Holy Mother embrace you." He prayed with sincerity.


"You awake?" Casim softly slapped Denny on the cheek. The young man had fallen unconscious long ago, but did not seem to get up despite being physically fine.

Still no response, Casim sighed and leaned against a wooden wall. He looked at his side and saw his cat sitting there. He patted the cat and closed his eyes.

Today was very hectic for him, and he was tired from carrying his stuff and Denny while running at full speed, and avoiding the eyes of people. Luckily, after a while, he reached the area he preserved as a hiding spot. So after the long tiresome journey, he longed for a quick rest.